The story of the creation of the novel "Oblomov". Oblomov Characteristic

Goncharov’s novel Oblomov is a significant work of Russian classical literature of the second half of the 19th century. This is the book that you come to the true understanding of already in adulthood, gradually understanding its meaning and the characters of the heroes. The protagonist of the work is the young landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Some call Oblomov a thoughtful poet, others - a philosopher, others - just a lazy person. However, there is no single view on the image of Oblomov, which would fully and integrally characterize him as a person. Every reader who knows how to think and think will make up his own individual opinion of him.

The story of the creation of the novel "Oblomov"

Ivan Goncharov created Oblomov under the influence of special impressions and thoughts. The novel did not appear suddenly, not suddenly, but became a response to the author’s own views. The story of the creation of the novel Oblomov undoubtedly leaves a significant imprint on the general atmosphere of the work, against which the course of the narrative takes place. The idea was born gradually, as the bricks of a large house add up. Shortly before Oblomov, Goncharov wrote the novel Dashing Sick, which served as the basis for the creation of the novel.

the story of the creation of the bummer novel

The creation of the novel Oblomov coincides with the socio-political crisis in Russia. For that time, the image of an apathetic landowner who could not independently answer for his own life, make responsible decisions turned out to be very relevant. The main idea of ​​the work was influenced by the views of the critic Belinsky, who was strongly impressed by Goncharov’s first novel, Ordinary History. Belinsky noted that in Russian literature the image of an “extra man” has already emerged, which cannot adapt to the reality surrounding it, is useless for society. This man is a freethinker, subtly sensitive dreamer, poet and philosopher. Romanticism in its nature is associated with extreme inaction, laziness and apathy. So, the story of the novel "Oblomov" is connected with the political situation and reflects the life of the nobility of the second half of the XIX century.

Ideological compositional component

The novel consists of four parts, each of which fully reveals the state of the protagonist and reflects the changes taking place in his soul: weak-willed, lazy existence; transformation of the heart, spiritual, moral struggle and, finally, dying. Physical death is the result that Ilya Ilyich comes to. The story of the creation of the novel "Oblomov" emphasizes the inability of the hero to go beyond his indecision and unwillingness to any activity.

The situation in the house of Oblomov

As soon as I entered the room where Ilya Ilyich was lying on the sofa, one could find in the interior, by the arrangement of things, an incredible resemblance to the owner himself: everywhere there was dust, uncleared plates after dinner. The role of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" is characteristic, defining. She provides an example of an existence that leads to spiritual death.

the role of Oblomov in the novel of Oblomov

Oblomov is not adapted to life, his whole appearance and habits express a desire to hide, to hide from oppressive reality: his shoes were wide and stood next to the sofa, so that "he always immediately got into them"; the robe was so wide and loose that "and Oblomov could wrap it in it twice." The servant Zakhar is like his master: once again, getting up from the couch for him is a feat, removing the rooms is an unimaginable worry and fuss. Zakhar is immersed in his thoughts, knows the "master" from infancy, which is why he sometimes allows himself to argue with him.

What is the main character?

The characteristic of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" is shown to the reader literally from the first pages. Ilya Ilyich is a sensitive person, apathetic, emotional, but disgusting to any activity. The movement was a difficult task for him, he did not want and did not seek to change anything in his life. Lying with him was a normal, familiar state, and in order to lift Oblomov off the couch, it was necessary to happen out of the ordinary for an outgoing event. The need to fill out business papers tired him, thoughts of the need to move out of the apartment worried and made him sad. However, instead of exerting his will, mind and doing what is required of him, he continues to remain inactive.

“Why am I like that?”

Oblomov’s characterization in the novel “Oblomov” reflects the main idea of ​​the work - the collapse of the moral ideals of the hero and the gradual dying. Oblomov’s dream shows the reader the origins of Ilya Ilyich’s limp character. In a dream, the hero sees himself small, his native village of Oblomovka, in which he was born and raised. In childhood, they tried to protect him in every possible way from real life: they did not allow him to leave the house in cold and frost, climb the fences, he studied only in those days when there were no holidays, and they happened so often that "it was not worth the trip." The food was a cult, they loved the holidays and laid large tables.

Oblomov's characteristic in the novel of Oblomov

Oblomov absorbed the convictions of his native village, became part of the existence that led its inhabitants. “Oblomovism” is a consequence of such a worldview: to go with the flow, only occasionally waking up from an anxious, restless sleep. The role of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" great and significant: to identify the problem of spiritual oblivion of the personality, its dissolution in everyday details and unwillingness to live.

Oblomov and Stolz

The closest and only friend of Ilya Ilyich throughout his life was and was Andrei Ivanovich Shtolts. Despite the difference in characters, they were connected by strong friendship from childhood. Stolz is active, energetic, constantly in business, traveling. He cannot sit in one place for a minute: movement is the essence of his nature. He achieved a lot in life thanks to external efforts, but deep poetic experiences are inaccessible to him. Stolz prefers not to dream but to act.

the main characters of the novel bummer

Oblomov is apathetic, he does not even have enough energy to read the book he has begun (often it lay on the table for several weeks). Poets excited his imagination, awakened in his soul the movement of thoughts and feelings, but he never went beyond these thoughts and feelings. Thinking in thoughts was his nature, but he did nothing to develop them further. By their opposite of characters, these two people complemented each other, made up a single harmonious whole.

Love test

The main characters of the novel have a significant impact on the state of Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov was inspired by a great feeling for Olga Ilyinskaya, forced him to leave his comfortable world for a while and go into an external life full of colors and sounds. Despite the fact that Olga often laughed at Oblomov, considered him too lazy and apathetic, this man was dear and close to her.

heroes of the novel of bummer

Their beautiful and painfully touching love story shakes, gives rise to a feeling of regret, indelible bitterness in the soul. Oblomov considers himself unworthy of love, which is why Olga writes a painful and at the same time exciting letter. It can be assumed that he anticipates their imminent breakup, but this circumstance rather indicates the unwillingness of Ilya Ilyich to accept feelings about himself, doubts that he is worthy of the love of a young lady. The hero is afraid to be rejected and for a long time hesitates to make an offer to Olga. In a letter he writes that her love is a preparation for a future feeling, but not love itself. As a result, the hero will be right: later, Olga confesses to him that she loved “the future Oblomov” in him, cherished the possibility of a new love in him.

Why didn't love for Olga Ilyinskaya save Oblomov?

With the advent of Olga and Oblomov, it seems, he got up from the sofa, but only for a while, in order to be able to express the young lady her admiration for her beauty and youth. His feelings are sincere and strong, but they lack dynamics, determination.

the story of the bummer novel

Instead of resolving pressing issues related to the apartment and preparations for the wedding, Oblomov continues to close himself from life. In the afternoon, he sleeps or reads books, rarely visits his bride, puts the responsibility for his happiness on outsiders: he asks others to take care of the apartment, to solve the problems with rent in Oblomovka.

Why is this book relevant today?

The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov" is closely connected with the historical events of the 50-60s and is an excellent monument to the noble society of the 19th century. The book may be of interest to modern readers with issues that are eternal. This is the choice of a life direction, a love line, philosophical views and thoughts. The heroes of the novel "Oblomov" are different, but they are all living people with individual character traits. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses, its own beliefs, world views. For example, Andrei Shtolts is ambitious enough, demanding of himself and others, Olga Ilyinskaya is a romantic person who is not alien to poetry and music, Zakhar is absent-minded and lazy.

characteristic of the novel Oblomov

The reader to the understanding of simple truth leads characteristic of the novel. Oblomov was not killed by the blow from which his earthly existence was interrupted, but by an inactive, apathetic attitude to life, to himself. It is important not to oversleep life, not to waste in vain, but to realize your essence through its various manifestations, such as activity, culture, art, personal happiness.


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