Practical do-it-yourself cloth napkins

Making cloth napkins with your own hands is quite simple, if you know a few secrets. It is necessary to choose the right fabric, properly process it and think over the original, but functional design.

What fabric should be used for making napkins

The fashion of modern serving involves the use of not only tablecloths, but also textile napkins. The easiest option is to buy such products. But itโ€™s much more original to independently prepare an item for table setting, taking into account personal needs and preferences.

Do-it-yourself tissue napkins cannot be made from any material. Textiles, from which tablecloths are usually sewn, are ideal:

  • Mati.
  • The Crane.
  • Teflon materials.
  • Cotton.
  • Linen.
  • Satin
  • Mahra (suitable for everyday use).
fringe edges

It is important that the textile does not have a pile, which will remain on the dishes and hands. The fabric should not fade or absorb moisture poorly.

What shape and design can be table napkins

Serving napkins do not have to be made uniform or universal in use. Products can be thematic in nature and used for a particular holiday. For the elements, a variety of forms are also suitable.

Design options:

  • Napkins in the form of a square, rectangle, circle, oval, triangle.
  • DIY napkins made of fabric: with New Year's symbols, for Easter, copies for the birthday of a boy or girl, and more.
  • A variety of colors and ornaments on the selected fabric is an opportunity to emphasize the design of the product.
the principle of decorating napkins with embroidery

The canvas itself is usually not decorated, as this can impair or aggravate the functionality of the napkin. The only option is embroidery in one of the corners. The size of the decor should not exceed 1/10 of the area of โ€‹โ€‹the napkin itself. So, if the product has the shape of a square with sides of 50 cm, then embroidery should occupy a square of 5 ร— 5 cm.

Which decor is suitable

Special accessories can act as an additional decoration. These options will become the most optimal and simple for do-it-yourself tissue napkins:

  1. Rings. You need to pass the napkin through the ring and place the composition on a plate.
  2. To pick up a product with an accordion and fix with a special clip.
  3. If you do not want to spend money on accessories of this kind, then they can be replaced with a regular satin ribbon.

It would be nice to supplement each accessory with decorative elements: flowers, mini-wreaths or mini-bouquets, pebbles. Additional decor on the devices for holding napkins will help emphasize the theme of the event.

Features of the job of sewing napkins

Before proceeding directly to work, it is worth deciding on the stages of implementation and preparing tools and materials:

  • Fabric for making napkins.
  • Ruler, chalk and pencil for textiles.
  • Iron.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Sewing thread, which in color will correspond to the selected textile.
  • Sewing machine.

Do-it-yourself cloth napkins can be made if you follow this instruction:

  1. First you need to determine the size and shape of the product. The standard is a square with the parameters of the sides 50 cm. In the process of forming the blank, you need to prepare a square measuring 58 by 58 cm.
  2. Then you need to choose the type of fabric and its color.
  3. The next stage is cutting. With the help of chalk and a ruler, it is worthwhile to make preparatory markings on the fabric. In accordance with them, cut the textiles.
  4. It is necessary to bend all sides by 1.5 cm from the edge and iron the fabric. Then do the same, but the second fold will already be 2.5 cm.
  5. Now all the folds are deployed, and markup is made to form the corners of the product. Using a pencil for textiles, perpendiculars are drawn from the point of intersection of the folds to the diagonal of the napkin.
  6. The formed corner must be cut, then tucked 1.5 cm and ironed.
  7. Next, you need to sew bends of 1.5 cm. Unscrew the corners and fold the second fold 2.5 cm. Sew again.
the principle of sewing napkins

To make cloth do-it-yourself wipes look neat and aesthetically pleasing in life and in the photo, they should be washed and starched.

The principle of processing the edges of the napkin

If you do not take into account the classic options for processing the edges of the napkin for table setting, then you can pay attention to such methods:

  • For a product made of linen or cotton, the edges will easily turn into fringe: for this it is enough to tear them with a needle.
  • The classic version is wrapping the bent edges of the product.
  • Less practical and durable is the way to glue the edges with textile glue or web tape.
  • Depending on the type of material, the edges are sometimes trimmed without turning . For this, decorative types of stitching are used.
option for processing the edges of the napkin

Making do-it-yourself napkins on a table from a fabric is quite simple if you use any of the presented methods for processing edges. The main thing is to do the work carefully.


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