Description of the Lenin monument in Gomel and Zaporozhye

Often, students turn to parents to help write an essay. “Description of the Lenin monument” is one of the topics that many have difficulties with. This article provides facts about several monuments that can be used in the presentation. This is information about the location, history and features of these architectural forms. For clarity, the article provides an approximate artistic description of the Lenin monument in some cities, as well as simple but useful tips for children and their parents. When writing an essay, one can take into account the fact that in many settlements the monuments are very similar, differing only in small details in their clothes, or even completely identical. Therefore, some of the phrases or expressions used below can be easily applied in different situations.

Description of the Lenin monument in Gomel in figures and facts

In the second largest city of Belarus, Gomel, many monuments of the Soviet era have been preserved. Opposite the Gomel Drama Theater on the eponymous square, the main regional monument to V.I. Lenin takes its place of honor. The height of the pedestal, lined with pink marble, is three meters. The height of the figure of the leader, made of bronze, is about six meters. The monument was erected in 1958, and its grand opening was timed to coincide with the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. The project was prepared by the architect I. Spirin, and a monument was created by the sculptor Sh. Mikatadze. Not so long ago, the monument was given the status of historical and cultural value, and now any encroachment on it will be punished strictly according to the law. This is evidenced by a special plate attached to the back of the pedestal.

Description of the Lenin Monument

An approximate artistic description of the Lenin monument in Gomel

The figure on the monument to V.I. Lenin, installed on the central square of the Belarusian city of Gomel, is made to its full height. His right leg stands firmly on the pedestal, and his left one steps back a little, which visually creates a feeling of movement. The leader seems to take a step towards the people, or even decisively defies his enemy. In his right hand, Lenin holds his cap, as if shot in a fit of fiery speech, and holds his coat with his left hand. This is a trademark, to use the modern language, a “trick” of the leader. Ilyich’s face at the same time expresses determination, confidence, and concern over the fate of millions of ordinary people. Clothing V.I. Classical Lenin, characteristic of the time in which he lived. He is wearing a formal business three-piece suit and coat. The tie is neatly tied and tucked in for the vest. The leader of the people looks neat, businesslike, strict and, at the same time, somehow his own, simple and understandable.

Making a description of the Lenin monument in Gomel, one cannot but emphasize that the entire image presented on the monument speaks of the strength of character, courage and greatness of the leader of the world proletariat. This is what he looked like in the eyes of the people and is so remembered by millions of working people.

Description of the Lenin monument in Gomel

Lenin over the Dnieper: figures and facts

The description of the Lenin monument in Zaporozhye, in Ukraine, should begin with the fact that it is one of the 15 highest monuments to Ilyich installed in the vast expanses of the former Soviet Union. The total height of the entire composition is almost 20 meters. A monument was erected on Lenin Square, which is located between the end of one of the longest avenues in Europe and the entrance to the Dnieper. This monument was erected in 1964. The architect Priymak B.I. worked on its creation. and sculptors Lysenko V.G., Boroday V.Z., Sukhodolov N.M. All figures are made of bronze, and the pedestal is covered with pink granite, popular at that time. On the lower steps of the pedestal are figures of a worker, a peasant woman, a scientist, and a metallurgist. The inscription in the Ukrainian language reads: "Communism is the Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country." After the collapse of the USSR, proposals were repeatedly made to demolish all the monuments to the leaders of the communist era, considering this time difficult for the entire Ukrainian people, including the monument to V.I. Lenin in Zaporozhye. After the Revolution of Dignity, which took place in 2013-2014 in Ukraine, such a decision was made at the legislative level and until 2017 this grandiose architectural composition will be dismantled.

composition description of the monument to Lenin

Description of Zaporizhzhya Lenin in the literary language

The sculpture of V.I. Lenin, presented at the monument in the city of Zaporozhye in Ukraine, is made in full growth. The right leg of the figure is slightly set back, making the monument “alive”, giving the impression of movement. The leader's gaze is fixed on the people, and his right hand points to the Dnieper hydroelectric dam. This large-scale construction is now of great importance both for the city and for the whole country, and at that time it was a grandiose embodiment of scientific achievements and inhuman labor exploits. It is this giant, as the embodiment of a brighter future, that is indicated by the hand of V.I. Lenin. The appearance of the leader is classic: a coat, suit, tie and cap in his left hand. The leader of the peoples is serious and strict, collected and fit. The figures of the collective farmers, builder, steelworker and scientist, mounted on a pedestal, symbolize the unity of the common people, the unification of Leninist ideas. The whole composition is literally saturated with greatness and bright hopes of that time.

description of the monument to Lenin composition 8th grade

After the well-known revolutionary events in Ukraine in 2013-2014, activists periodically dress V.I. Lenin, sometimes in an “embroidered shirt” or in the form of a national team, which slightly changes its appearance, but the essence of the composition remains unchanged.

Description of the Lenin monument in Zaporizhia

Some tips for students

Description of the Lenin monument is not so complicated, if you approach the issue with imagination. If there are no ideas about what to write, you need to close your eyes and imagine the subject being described right in front of you. For convenience, you can turn on the recorder on the phone or other gadget and say aloud everything that comes to mind and is associated, in this case, with the monument to Lenin. After listening to the recording from the recorder, it will become much easier to form your thoughts into sentences, and sentences into an essay.

If the image of the monument doesn’t want to emerge with both eyes closed and open, then you should rummage around the World Wide Web and find photos or videos of the described object, and then do the same with the recorder, as described above.

Do not write off the work “letter by letter” from the pages of the Internet - teachers also use the network, and very quickly learn such tricks.

A few tips for parents

In the lower grades, as a rule, they do not give a description of the monument to Lenin at home. An essay of grade 8 and older is usually written after visiting the monument itself, so parents, before setting out their vision, should ask the child about his impressions and combine them with the available facts. This will result in an interesting teamwork that gives both knowledge and communication.

If the child has never seen the lively attraction that the essay writes about , it is better to begin the description of the Lenin monument with a demonstration of photos or even a video. Thoughts voiced by the child when viewing, it is better to fix and use in the work, then the text will turn out to be alive and real.

And the most important and main advice - never write essays entirely from yourself, without using a single thought of your child. Firstly, this fact will be obvious to the teacher. Secondly, it will be a “bear service” for the child, since writing essays in schools is asked in order to teach children to express their thoughts. If this is not done, then the result can be very unpleasant to surprise.


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