The scariest shark. Types of sharks: description and photo

It is believed that sharks are the most ferocious and dangerous predators of all that exist. In fact this is not true. For example, hippos and elephants annually kill more people than all sharks combined. And a person has no equal at all in the extermination of neighbors on the planet.

And yet among these marine inhabitants there are truly formidable and dangerous. Some species pose a mortal threat to careless surfers, scuba divers and divers. Our article will tell about the most dangerous species of sharks, description and photos will help to make the most complete picture of these predatory inhabitants of the deep sea.

Bull shark

This name is mentioned by many scientists, answering the question of which shark is the most dangerous for humans. A bull or blunt shark is not the largest of all known to science, but it is incredibly bloodthirsty.

bull shark

It belongs to the carcharina. It lives in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. A bull shark is undemanding in terms of salinity, due to which it can also enter rivers.

This species is most terrifying on the coast of the Bahamas. It was there that the maximum number of attacks on tourists happened. Attacking, this large fish first hits the victim with its head, than stuns and disorientates it. This is followed by a deadly jaw grab. Low pain threshold and increased aggressiveness contribute to the notoriety of the underwater killer.

Great Tiger Shark

Sea tiger - so many biologists call this fish. This is the largest predator among the entire shark family. Note that the representatives of this species have tiger stripes only in childhood and adolescence; over time, the color becomes uniform.

Almost 5.5 meters - this is the length of the largest sample that people have managed to measure.

Sea tigers live in the subtropics of all oceans (except the Arctic), and their favorite place is the islands of the central part of the Pacific Ocean. The indigenous population of some coastal countries considers this fish sacred and does not prey on it. But for others, it is the object of fishing (valued liver, fins, fat).

Tiger shark

The superpower of a tiger shark lies in the ability to twist the stomach and rinse out all the excess. I must say, this skill is very useful: a voracious predator rushes at everything, including car tires and rusty anchors.

Long-winged shark

The silhouette of this fish is more like a small plane. The oceanic long-shark shark owes its specific name to huge pectoral fins. In length, an adult can reach 4 meters.

This species does not like to stagger along the coast, preferring the open ocean. Surfers and bathers should not be afraid. But this is the worst shark for those who survived the disaster: the crash of an airplane or the death of a ship in the open ocean.

Jacques Cousteau himself wrote that this species has absolutely no fear of man. They are not afraid of either the divers themselves or their equipment.

In 1942, a tragic event occurred that allows us to imagine how dangerous this species is. Steamboat Nova Scotia crashed off the coast of Africa, about 1000 people were in the water. Rescuers arrived quickly, but there was almost no one to save: less than 200 people remained alive. A flock of long-winged predators dealt with the rest.

Hammerhead shark

There are 9 closely related species united by this name. Looking at the photo, it is easy to understand why the hammerhead shark is called that way.

It is only in appearance that the fish seems absurd and awkward. In fact, the structure of the head in the form of a hammer gives a huge advantage: the shark sees almost 360 degrees.

hammerhead shark

The record measured specimen struck the researchers with a seven-meter length. Representatives of all types are characterized by excellent maneuverability and the ability to develop high speed.

For residents of Florida, Hawaii and California, the hammer is the worst of sharks. In those parts, most vacationers suffer from it. This is explained by the fact that the fish takes offspring near crowded beaches, and the period of caring for newborns is special for it - aggressiveness increases significantly. If it seems to a shark that someone is a danger to her children, it will attack without hesitation. Here is a paradox: one of the most fierce predators of the Earth is a caring mother, who is driven by a desire to protect offspring.

The indigenous inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands, by the way, do not share the opinion of their brothers from the mainland. They believe that the hammerhead shark is not a bloodthirsty demon, but a deity, the patron saint of all fishermen and, in general, all those who live by the sea.

White shark

You can meet this predator in any of the oceans, except for the Arctic. But it’s better not to do it! No wonder scientists call it the most terrible shark in the world of all existing. Sea eater is another nickname for her.

The size of the white shark allows it to compete even with large marine predators (in length it can reach 4.6-4.8 meters). But her killer is the killer whale, which, as a rule, emerges victorious in the battle. White sharks themselves do not attack these large mammals. But since they have to divide territories and hunt the same game, battles are not uncommon.

Representatives of this species are magnificent hunters. They know how to approach the victim truly silently, despite their gigantic dimensions. They swim very fast, and unlike many terrestrial sprinter predators (for example, cheetahs and jaguars), they are persistent and endurance. The pursuit of the victim can continue for a very long time, until the deadly jaw closes.

According to official statistics, in 2012 alone, white sharks attacked 11 people. Three unfortunate escape failed.

Lemon shark

Looking at the photo of a lemon shark, it is difficult to understand what the name is due to, because it does not look like a lemon at all, and the skin color is rather gray. In fact, her body is light yellow, which is clearly visible under certain lighting conditions.

lemon shark

These predators live in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, near the Bahamas, in the Caribbean. When hunting, they swim in shallow water to bays, mangroves and even mainland rivers. People are attacked suddenly, regarding them as potential prey.

Looking at the photo of a lemon shark, you can see that her teeth are not very large, but sharp and thin, and they grow at an angle, deviating to the side of the oral cavity. To get out of this deadly "trap" is almost impossible. In length, adults reach an average of 3.4 m.

Mackerel shark

Frankly, man is more dangerous for this fish, otherwise called mako, than it is for him. These sharks are caught on an industrial scale for meat, fat, fins and entrails.

The largest of all ever caught makos in length exceeded 4.5 meters and had a weight of half a ton.

What special skills did nature endow with this fish? First of all, we note an unprecedented jumping ability - Mako is able to jump out of the water to a height of 6 meters, which greatly exceeds the length of her body! In addition, she does not mind visiting the beach: a hungry mackerel predator emerges ashore in search of food, and then easily turns around and goes back into the water.

mako shark

It is worth noting that even large marine mammals are incapable of such recklessness: if a dolphin, killer whale or narwhal are thrown ashore, the animal is likely to die from respiratory compression disease. But since the shark does not breathe with the help of the lungs, it does not threaten it.

Dangerous predators mako more than once approached the beaches. They are not afraid of the noise of jet skis and the fuss of people in shallow water. Surfers on the boards can also suffer from mako, because their silhouette is shaped like a fish when viewed from the water. Mako and take the board for prey, when they decide to attack.

Common sand

This species is well adapted to captivity, so you can meet its representatives in many aquariums. But meetings with them on the high seas should be avoided with all our might!

sand shark

They are found almost everywhere in the subtropics, tropics and equatorial waters, a small population lives in the Mediterranean Sea. But the largest number of attacks on people was recorded off the coast of South Africa.

Sandy - one of the most terrible sharks for humans. It can respond to the diver’s increased interest in aggression, or it can attack for no apparent reason. It reaches 4.5 meters in length, which ranks it not only on the list of the most dangerous, but also on the list of the largest.

Blue shark

This is a relatively small creature (adult weight does not exceed 400 kg). A blue shark is found only in the open ocean, it does not approach the shores.

This fish is color-blind, it hardly distinguishes colors. But nature gave her a striking flair and ability to navigate. The blue shark is not dangerous for vacationers on the beaches, but those who find themselves in the water far from the coast may not be greeted. These predators carried out a series of attacks both on wrecked sailors and on explorers plunging into water in remote corners of the ocean.

Reef shark

This predator lives in the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Reef sharks are also found in the waters of the Pacific. The name is not accidental, they really love coral thickets.

In fairness, we note that even though these predators are included in the list of the most terrible sharks, not a single fact is known when they would be the first to attack divers. All their attacks were provoked by people.

Coral reefs attract not only marine predators, but also divers who drag noisy equipment, flash equipment and powerful searchlights to the depths. Wanting to make a spectacular shot or shoot a video that will later gain a bunch of views, people sometimes forget about security. But the reef shark does not seem intimidating, especially to those who have seen its larger relatives: the fish barely exceeds 2 meters in length, and its characteristic distinguishing feature is a thin elongated body. The desire to cuddle with a slender marine inhabitant more than once turned into bitten limbs.

reef shark

We must not forget: the reef is the territory of fish. The man there is only a guest.

Prehistoric ancestors

But no matter how terrible modern sharks may seem, their ancestors were much worse. Megalodon, for example, could reach a length of 18 meters. Helicoprio had a truly monstrous mouth: young teeth grew, pushing the old ones out, because of which the edge of his lower jaw twisted into a spiral. Today you can see these sea monsters only on video and in pictures created on the basis of paleontological finds.


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