Pushkin: "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands." History of creation, analysis of artistic identity

The creativity of A. S. Pushkin in the last years of his life is extremely diverse: artistic and historical prose, poetic works on various subjects. Among his last works include the poem "I have erected a monument to myself without hands."

The background of the "Monument" and the perception of contemporaries

Theories about the history of writing the poem "I have erected a monument to myself" are a bit ambiguous.

Pushkin composed it in response to the poem Two Alexander, written in high school by his friend Delvig. Such a backstory of creation was called by the literary historian, Pushkinist Vladislav Felitsianovich Khodasevich.

Other Pushkin literary scholars identify several more theories that affect the origins of the poem, "I Have Made a Miracle-Made Monument."

Pushkin imitated the previously existing works of writers: G. Derzhavin, A. Vostokov, M. Lomonosov, V. Kapnist.

The second theory originates in ancient Rome and touches on the creative path of Horace, the author of the ode Exegi monumentum.

The poem was perceived by contemporaries and descendants ambiguously.

Pushkin I erected a monument to myself miraculous

Belief in the speedy recognition of his works, recognition of future love and recognition from his descendants - the topics covered in the poem were taken coldly by contemporaries of the poet. Since self-praise of personal literary talents was not held in high esteem. And it is precisely this, in their opinion, that Pushkin did in the work.

“I erected a miraculous monument to myself” by the fans of the author’s creativity was perceived as a hymn to poetry and hope for the triumph of the spiritual over the physical.

"Monument" and the fate of the poet

A draft of the work was discovered in a pile of papers after the death of the poet. Vasily Zhukovsky helped the poem appear in the posthumous collected works of the playwright (1841).

Pushkin wrote, “I erected a monument to myself without hands” literally five months before the fateful duel that caused his death: the poem is dated August 21, 1836. The work became a fateful prediction of impending death.

I erected a monument to myself Pushkin

At the New Year's ball, Alexander Sergeyevich personally read his “Monument”.

Pushkin wrote a poem that comprehends the fate of the poet in the prism of human history: the critics rebelled against him, tsarist censorship fiercely forbade the publication of most works, secular society discussed gossip about him and his wife, and family life cracked. Maybe it was this atmosphere that influenced the deep look that made it possible to objectively evaluate the playwright’s personal creative contribution to literature.

Self-irony and the epigram?

Persons close to Alexander Sergeyevich were of the opinion that the work was filled with notes of self-irony. They called the "Monument" an epigram, the object of which was Pushkin himself.

Confirmation of this theory is the orientation of the poem: addressed to the poet, whose work is not respected among his fellow tribesmen, although it should have been admired by them.

monument Pushkin poem

The memoirist Pyotr Vyazemsky adhered to the theory of “irony” of the poem “I have erected a monument to myself”. Pushkin and Vyazemsky were friends, so the literary critic insisted on the fans misreading the work. He stated that it was not a question of a spiritual and literary heritage, but of recognition by society of himself. After all, it is known that contemporaries, in whose circles the poet was spinning, openly did not like him as a person. But at the same time, they recognized the great creative potential that Pushkin possessed.

“I erected a monument to myself not made by hands” also had a “mystical” side.

Foreboding death

Proponents of the "mystical" version were of the opinion that the poem is a prediction of the coming death of the poet, about which he knew in advance. Starting from this position and discarding Vyazemsky’s version of the irony of the work, we can say that the “Monument” became Pushkin’s spiritual testament.

The prophetic vision affected not only the poet's life, but also his work. The prose writer and playwright knew that future generations would not only praise and honor him, but would also consider them worthy of imitation.

There is also a legend that, long before the tragic outcome of his life's journey, Alexander Sergeyevich knew on what specific day and what time of day death awaits him. It says that a fortuneteller predicted the death at the hands of a famous blond.

monument miraculous Pushkin

Anticipating the impending demise and wishing to summarize his life, Pushkin turned to the most accessible source for himself - the pen - and wrote “Monument”.

Pushkin. The poem "I have erected a monument to myself miraculous." Brief analysis

A lyrical hero can be called Alexander Sergeevich himself. The plot is the fate of the author, considered in the context of human history, as well as the subsequent contribution to literature.

The poet is wondering about what place is assigned to him in this world, what kind of relationship he has with society and readers. He hopes that life spent in creative pursuits and impulses was not in vain and will benefit posterity. He hopes that after death they will remember him: "No, I won’t die all."

Also in the poem raised the problem of the poet and poetry, poetic fame and poetic heritage. Pushkin writes that the poet will overcome death thanks to his creative heritage and recognition by descendants.

Each line of the Monument is riddled with pride because the poetry of the poet was free and moral: "I glorified freedom and called mercy to the fallen."

The poem with the epigraph Exegi monumentum (in the lane “I erected a monument”), on the one hand, is filled with bright and joyful colors that embody the eternal life of art, but, on the other hand, it is a little gloomy and sad, because this is the poet’s swan song, which failed the result of the creative activity that Pushkin himself compiled.

"I have erected a miraculous monument to myself." Art reading

The poem according to the rhythm of sound can be called slow, it is this slow pace that gives it a majestic rhythm. This effect is achieved due to the single size of the verse (iambic with a chorea), the ideal cross-rhyme for quatrains (quatrains), and the alternation of female and male rhymes.

Numerous artistic means also contributed to the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the work. Among them, one can name: anaphora (singleton lines), inversion (reverse word order), rows of homogeneous members.

The majestic tone of the work was achieved thanks to the epithets: “a monument not made by hands”, metaphors: “my soul will survive and flee corruption”, personifications: “muse ... received praise and slander indifferently And do not dispute the fool”, metonyms: “rumors about me will pass throughout Russia great. " The lexical means include the frequent use of Slavism (Dokol, Pita, head, erected).

I erected a monument to the miraculous Pushkin

Based on the artistic, lexical richness of the poem, it is logical to conclude that, as Alexander Sergeyevich predicted, he created for the descendants with his work a “monument not made by hands”. Pushkin lived, lives and will live thanks to the written works.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22047/

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