Dolphinariums of Crimea - amazing places

Which dolphinarium is better in the Crimea? This question is often asked by those who came to rest on the peninsula. To understand this issue, you need to list all such institutions.

dolphinarium in crimea

Let's start with the quantity. Now there are eight dolphinariums operating on the peninsula. All these establishments are usually located near settlements, so they are easily accessible by any form of public transport.


This is the most modern and best dolphinarium in the Crimea. It is located in Alushta. Located under the dome (transparent). The hall seats seven hundred people.

This dolphinarium has two animal pools. One is for demonstration, and that is where the action unfolds. The second one is quarantine, where marine inhabitants like to relax and undergo rehabilitation.

The water in the pools is sea, but it is being treated.

The performance is attended by fur seals, bottlenose dolphins. Also for children with disabilities conduct dolphin therapy sessions.

The facility is open on weekends and weekdays. This dolphinarium is located 250 meters from the sea coast and 50 meters from a bus stop.

In Partenit

In Partenit is another dolphinarium. It is located in the hall with an indoor pool of the sanatorium "Crimea".

Performances are held year-round. And since 2003, dolphin therapy courses have also been held here (their duration is ten days)

Institution in Yevpatoriya

Describing the dolphinariums of Crimea, you should pay attention to the institution, which is located in Yevpatoria. It is located in a former hydropathic building. This dolphinarium is designed for 250 visitors. In the summer (May to October), marine animals perform four times a day every day. In winter (December to April) dolphins can be seen only on weekends.

The duration of the presentation is forty minutes. It involves Jan, Gamma and Igmas (three dolphins). These clever animals perform various difficult tricks, dance a lambada, play with people and even sing and draw.

Dolphinarium in Koktebel

which dolphinarium is better in crimea

If you like to visit the dolphinariums of Crimea, then pay attention to the Koktebel institution. It is located on Morskaya street, 77, near the water park. Dolphinarium is located forty meters from the water edge. The construction of this institution began back in 2006. A year later it was completed. Its discovery occurred in 2008.

Designed a dolphinarium according to international standards. Contain marine animals in accordance with all approved requirements.

What is this dolphinarium? This is a single complex with stands, an outdoor pool and utility rooms. In winter, the pool closes with a dome.

Performances take place from May to October. Artists are seals and dolphins. Reviews from numerous viewers say that such performances will not leave anyone indifferent.

In the art bay

Considering the dolphinariums of Crimea, one can not help but recall the institution, which is located in the Art Bay. This is a business card of Sevastopol.

The participants of the show are graceful and smart Black Sea bottlenose dolphins, as well as northern fur seals. Anyone who wants to can swim or take pictures with these animals. Naturally, not for free.

The dolphinarium is open almost daily (in addition to Tuesday and Monday) from May to September. Performances begin at 2 p.m.

dolphinariums of crimea

In Cossack Bay

What else is a dolphinarium in the Crimea? One that is located in Cossack Bay. By the way, this dolphinarium is one of the largest in Europe.

Dolphin therapy sessions are held on site. Such courses are useful for children and adults with various mental illnesses (migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, etc.).


• infectious, skin diseases;

• oncological diseases;

• epileptic disease in the acute stage.

The duration of therapy: from 14 to 16 hours. Classes are held daily, except Sunday.

Note that this dolphinarium does not practice entertaining performances.


Where else is there a dolphinarium in Crimea? For example, in Karadag. It is located near the village. Resort (this is between Feodosia and Sudak), in the territory of the Kara-Dag reserve.

At first, this dolphinarium was organized to study the possibilities of using dolphins for military purposes. Various scientific studies were carried out here. Over time, it was necessary to arrange rides with dolphins to ensure funding.

the best dolphinarium in crimea

By the way, the views here are very interesting. The tricks of fur seals and dolphins are an exciting sight that will not leave anyone indifferent. Here sea animals do somersaults, sing, dance, draw. Dolphins jump through the rings, play with the ball. Drawings that were created by mammals can be purchased at auction. Sometimes such masterpieces are sold even for several hundred dollars.

After the performance, you can take a picture with the artist who is most remembered.

Note that next to the dolphinarium is an aquarium. There you can see almost all the fish that live in the Black Sea.

"Water area"

In Yalta there is a theater of marine animals. Mammals are here on a par with humans. They perform sports tricks, demonstrate vocal abilities.

where is the dolphinarium in crimea

The theater is in the open. Therefore, during evening programs, you can see a salute, a fire show and fireworks.


In our article we have listed the popular dolphinariums of Crimea. As you can see, there are many similar establishments on the peninsula. Each of them has its own characteristics.


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