Plant Protection: Some Aspects and Facts

Much depends on the presence or absence of plants on planet Earth. A person can do without food for up to forty days, without water - up to three days, but without air - only a few minutes. But it is plants that supply such an indispensable component as oxygen. Without the participation of plants, there would be no existing atmosphere in the form in which it is now. And, consequently, many living organisms breathing air would not exist. Including a person.

plant protection

Reasons for extinction

Scientists warn that in the very near future at least forty thousand species of tropical plants and about eight thousand species from temperate regions may disappear from the face of the Earth. The numbers impress (or should impress) each of us. That's why plant protection is needed!

The main causes of plant extinction have long been known. This is deforestation in the tropics, grazing of large livestock, the use of chemicals that affect the ecosystem, the destruction of natural pollinating insects, the over-harvesting of medicinal herbs on an industrial scale. And if to summarize all of the above, then the destructive and thoughtless sometimes activities of man as a species living on the planet.

Ethical issue

The necessary plant protection carries mainly an ethical and moral aspect. After all, there is still no serious scientific justification for this problem. So far, biologists have no answer to the questions about what will happen if certain types of plants die out, how the general gene pool of nature depends on it, what are the consequences and rates of such a “payback for evolution”.

Only a few scientists (for example, Vernadsky) substantiated not only the interdependence of man and nature, but also combined them into one whole - the noosphere, for example. And all these issues (among which, in particular, plant protection) require us to be resolved in the coming years, while the overall biosystem is still close to its natural norm.

plant and animal protection

What does this mean?

Plant protection primarily means supporting the natural processes that occur in nature. It is necessary to help restore disturbed balance and eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of man, his unreasonable interference in the activities of our common ecosystem.

Is it a joke: over the past several decades, one plant has disappeared from the face of the earth, and one animal a year. The genocide of nature, terrifying in its cynicism! Therefore, the protection of plants and animals that are disappearing from the face of the earth should be the first priority of humanity in the near future.

surrounding world plant protection

Red Book

Of course, it cannot be said that nothing is being done in this regard. From state-level documents protecting endangered species of plants and animals, we can recall the Red Book. For example, over four hundred species of flowering plants, about twenty species of algae, more than thirty species of mushrooms, about ten species of gymnosperms and ferns are already included in it from plants, for example.

Among the endangered are the famous Pitsunda pine, ordinary snowdrop, Crimean peony, Lessing feather grass, Schrenk tulip and many others. These plants are under state protection. For their illegal cutting, destruction and use of liability is provided (according to law).

protected plants

Protection of rare plants: key measures

Of these, the most relevant in the modern world is the isolation and protection of habitats. Actively (but not to the extent that we would like), nature reserves, national parks, and nature reserves are created and developed to ensure the continued existence of endangered plant species (and animals). In many civilized countries, programs have been developed and are in place for the comprehensive protection of the environment, the wise use of natural resources by humanity. Indeed, if we do not take the necessary measures on time, many plants will disappear completely from the face of the earth, and it will be impossible to fill these gaps.

plant protection

Botanical Gardens

A huge role in maintaining plant populations, studying and preserving endangered species is played by botanic gardens and experimental stations. They contain certain necessary collections of living plants - representatives of local and exotic flora, contribute to the study and cultivation of plants, the creation of new, more productive forms and species. Of the promising developments - research on plant acclimatization, adaptation to new living conditions in other natural zones. Botanical gardens also carry out educational tasks, promote the achievements of the science of botany.

rare plant protection

The role of plants in human life

Only in recent decades, humanity has fully realized the role of plants in human life. Although the fact that no existing species can be allowed to disappear from the face of the Earth, some scientists and enlighteners have long spoken.

With the extermination of greenery, people will lose a lot of what the surrounding world contains. Plant protection, in turn, should prevent this. After all, this part is not only a necessary source of health, but also an aesthetic component of the art world, which inspired and inspires many artists and writers to create masterpieces of art.

But the most important masterpiece is our common homeland, whose name is the planet Earth! And so it is necessary, especially recently, for all of us to take care of its green population, so that our descendants can enjoy the variety of plant life species.


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