How to properly heat the stove with wood: a step-by-step description, recommendations and reviews

Despite the spread of stove structures designed to operate on liquid and new biological fuels, the demand for wood-burning units remains. The traditional concept of heating on solid propellant material has a lot of advantages, but also requires compliance with special rules. Taking into account the nuances of the operation of the furnace will not only increase the safety of the structure, but will also make the heating process more efficient. How to properly heat the furnace is a controversial issue and, depending on the type of construction used, provides for different approaches.

how to heat the stove

Preparing the furnace for heating

In classic kiln constructions, in preparation, one has to deal with three main components. It is directly a combustion chamber, an ash pan and a chimney exhaust system with a blower. The furnace chamber must be thoroughly cleaned so that the remnants of the previous session do not interfere with the ignition process. In addition, excess ash will interfere with the ventilation necessary for oxygen access. The ashman himself is also cleared. As a rule, this is a small compartment, which is preferably serviced immediately after the completion of the process. In the question of how to properly heat the furnace, special attention is paid to smoke exhaust systems and blowers. Initially, both channels must be open so that the very possibility remains of providing the chamber with oxygen necessary for combustion. As for the smoke exhaust channel, it is necessary to slightly open the shaft shutter, which goes from the combustion chamber to the outlet through the roof.


to properly heat a metal furnace

By the time the preparatory operations are completed, the full estimated volume of firewood should be prepared, which will be used throughout the entire heating process. At the very least, you need to responsibly approach the preparation of the primary kindling mass. It usually amounts to of the ability to fully load the camera. But it’s important not only to calculate the volume of the initial bookmark for ignition, but the quality of the wood itself. Often, questions about how to properly heat the furnace are caused by the difficulties of the first ignition. Its quality is influenced by many factors - from the function of the blower to the effectiveness of the kindling fire. But the most important thing is the presence in the bookmark of flammable materials, which can be both paper and birch bark with thin branches. The main thing is that the ignition base is dry. There is another nuance. Even in the event of a successful ignition, the dry part of the bookmark can quickly be consumed, eventually not starting a confident combustion process. Thin splints, turning into full-bodied logs, will avoid this. That is, the first tab should contain the whole range of wood material of different sizes.

Traction check

how to heat the stove with wood

The mechanism of operation of the smoke channel and the blower, as a rule, remains hidden from the eyes, so its effectiveness is sometimes ignored. Moreover, even in the case of opening the channel, there is no guarantee that it fully meets the needs of the focus in oxygen. This system is clearly visible in cast iron and steel structures. The question of how to properly heat a metal furnace from the point of view of adequate supply of air masses comes down to assessing the brightness of the flame. An experienced stoker determines the sufficiency of oxygen supply by the color of the fire. So, the white color indicates that the channel is open excessively, and the valve should be slightly covered. Conversely, a bright yellow hue indicates that the focus receives a normal flow of oxygen.

What should be observed during the combustion process?

how to properly heat a bath with a metal stove

When the ignition was successful, you should take care of preparing the next batch of firewood, but now completely consisting of whole logs. At the same time, firewood that is too large in diameter should not be placed in small-sized chambers, hoping that the fire will cope with them. For more efficient burning, it is recommended to split them in half. Now you need to answer the question of how to properly heat the stove so that the maximum heat energy leaves the room. The fact is that just large logs leave large coals that smolder for a long time. At the very height of the heating process, there is little sense in such pieces, since their heat will be hidden by the incoming cold air. Therefore, whenever possible, they should be carefully removed and stored for subsequent sessions. Also, in the process of servicing the furnace, it is important to turn over slightly burning logs in a timely manner. In such operations, it is important to achieve uniform distribution of fire throughout the entire chamber.

Furnace completion

Responsibility for the uniform distribution of the flame over the burning material increases as the process is completed. It is advisable that a maximum of heat be squeezed out of the embers. Coal upheavals can be made more frequent for this - this will not only facilitate the transition of fire to new areas not affected by it, but also provide a greater flow of oxygen. When the blue faint flame changes to white, you can close the chimney duct.

How to heat a stove in a bath?

how to heat a brick stove

The main feature of many bath stoves is the presence of a direct chimney. The fact is that the curved and complicated channels in residential buildings contribute to the long-term preservation of heat due to the larger contact area of ​​warm gases with the surrounding material. So, bath structures are often performed with direct-flow bends, which contributes to increased safety. This is especially true for metal structures. Therefore, in search of an answer to the question of how to properly heat a bath with a metal stove, you need to rely on the nuances of working with a direct chimney. What does this mean in practice? Firstly, you should be prepared for the quick burning of bookmarks. A plentiful flow of air in this case is inevitable, therefore, the smoldering processes will be fleeting. Secondly, it is important to more effectively perform the overturning of the pledged and burning mass, so that large unburned coals are not obtained at the output.

Features of the furnace in metal furnaces

The use of metal structures is common not only in baths, but also in ordinary houses. Such units are compact in size, so they can be installed even in the living room with a fence of a small area. Accordingly, another question arises: "How to properly heat a metal furnace, if it is installed in the house?" General rules fully apply to cast iron and metal models, but there are some restrictions when firing up. Experts do not recommend the use of flammable liquid mixtures to stimulate the primary flame. Many homeowners abuse such tools, which is detrimental to the environment. Even with an actively working chimney, it will not be possible to completely eliminate harmful fumes from the room, so you should refuse to water the bookmarks with kerosene or gasoline. Alternatively, you can use special alcohol tablets. They burn easily and for a long time, which will allow you to easily ignite - this option is especially valuable when it comes to raw firewood.

How to heat a brick oven?

how to properly heat the stove in the bath

Brick, stone and concrete structures are impressive in size and, accordingly, require great effort from the stoker. The firing mass must be larger and more thorough, so that a thorough heating process of the entire structure starts. It will take longer to ignite - about 1 hour. Further, for each full bookmark it can take about 2 hours. Fireplace designs require even more resources. When deciding on how to properly heat a fireplace stove, it is important to take into account the special function of this building. Such designs are distinguished by the fact that, in addition to heating, they also provide for the possibility of demonstrating an open flame. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out operations for laying and changing logs with special care. If a closed conventional stove allows the stoker to be distracted for some time, then it is advisable to stay with the fireplace throughout the entire furnace session.

How to heat a long burning furnace?

To understand the features of servicing units operating on the principle of long burning, you should familiarize yourself with the effect of a divided combustion chamber. In such structures, not only the combustion of firewood occurs, but also of the gas that comes out as a result of their decay. But there is another important difference. Such furnaces require the supply of oxygen in smaller volumes, which leads to a long combustion process. For the source, this means that the firewood will need to be laid not every 2-2.5 hours, but at intervals of 4 hours. Otherwise, the rules for leaving are the same, but with a more careful approach to regulating the chimney duct.

Reviews on choosing firewood for heating

how to heat a fireplace stove

Even the right approach to servicing the furnace structure does not guarantee the achievement of the maximum possible heat transfer if the wood material itself does not meet the basic requirements. Therefore, when answering the question of how to properly heat the stove with wood, many indicate the importance of choosing the right fuel feed. Experienced stokers recommend immediately abandoning the boards, rotten cuttings of logs, too large and raw logs. Of course, you should not use firewood that has been saturated with chemicals - the results of their burning will not have the best effect on the ecology of the house. Many homeowners prefer deciduous species, such as alder, oak, birch, etc. In turn, lovers of bath procedures, choose conifers that already have specific functions like spreading a beneficial and simply pleasant aroma.


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