How long do British pregnant cats walk: dates, stages and features by week

Pregnancy of a pet is a reason for serious unrest of its owners. How will the birth take place, how long will the pregnancy last, what conditions must be met for the kittens to be born healthy? Today we look at this topic in more detail using the example of British cats. This breed has recently become more and more popular, and veterinarians began to note that visitors are interested in how much British pregnant cats walk. In fact, the development of kittens occurs in the same way as in representatives of other breeds, so the duration of pregnancy does not change from whether you have a British or Siamese cat.

how long do british pregnant cats walk

First signs

Upon learning about her pregnancy, every woman will hurry to register, so that an experienced doctor observes her condition and development of the baby. After the cat is mated, it is also necessary to consult a veterinarian to get a card and monitor the course of pregnancy. How to understand if a cat is really going to become a mother? To do this, it is enough to watch her after knitting. Your pet will become affectionate and calm, will ask you in your arms as often as possible. Appetite begins to grow about two weeks after mating. Make sure that the food is as varied and high-quality as possible, because the development of the kids and their subsequent health largely depends on it. Below we will tell you how much British pregnant cats walk, and you can get yourself a calendar to track the approach of a long-awaited day.

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First stage

The development of the embryo goes through several stages in any living thing. In particular, 5 main stages are distinguished in cats, which must be successfully completed so that healthy kittens are born. Surely you will immediately want to know how much British pregnant cats walk. Very soon we will get to this. In the meantime, your favorite does not stand out among his relatives. Remember a woman in early pregnancy, and you will realize that the differences between them are quite small. All the same drowsiness and moodiness, mood swings, the need for warmth and affection.

The first stage is 20-25 days. By the end of this period, pinkish nipples are already clearly visible, but an increase in the abdomen is not yet obvious. On average, the volume of the abdomen increases by only one and a half centimeters, it becomes plastic to the touch. In this case, the appetite is growing day by day. In order to prepare in time for the upcoming birth, you need to know how much British pregnant cats walk. In total, the period of gestation takes 64-67 days. The more kittens your cat wears, the faster the pregnancy will end.

Second phase

Considering how much British pregnant cats walk , one cannot help but stop at the need to register with a veterinarian on time. Of course, usually cats do fine without outside interference, but in the case of this gentle breed, especially if your pet is preparing to become a mother for the first time, help may be required. The second stage lasts 6-11 days, that is, approximately until the 30-31th day. At this time, the stomach becomes slightly noticeable. Kittens reach a length of 3-3.5 cm, now you can assign you the first ultrasound to assess the condition of the uterus and suggest options for obstetric care.

how long do british cats run

Third stage

Pregnancy is developing rapidly. Now your pet is becoming more independent, the period of the requirement of affection and attention has passed. About 10 days falls on the third period. You already know how much pregnant British cats walk, and you should regularly note in the diary everything that happens to your pet. If you are concerned about any symptoms (the cat is urinating in the wrong places, there is discharge with an unpleasant odor), you should immediately consult a doctor. During this period, pregnancy becomes apparent to everyone around. Embryos are already descending into the abdominal cavity of the cat, the stomach is becoming tight, kittens are moving.

how long do british fold cats walk pregnant cats

Fourth stage

We continue the conversation about how much time pregnant British cats walk . This is the time from the 42nd to the 50th day of pregnancy. Childbirth is approaching every day. Now embryos begin to grow and develop very quickly. Now the little kittens have already reached the size of 5-8 centimeters. Now the kids begin to grow wool. Mom cat gradually begins to lose her appetite, you can already give her a cozy place for lambing so that she does not worry with the onset of childbirth. It is time to visit the veterinarian again to check the condition of the cat, the size of the abdomen, weight gain, and adjust the date of the upcoming birth. Often this becomes possible to do according to the results of ultrasound, this examination allows you to determine the number of embryos. The more of them, the longer the pregnancy of the British cat will last. By weeks, we have almost laid out the deadline, it remains only to describe the last stage, that is, the birth of babies.

how many days does a pregnant british cat walk

Fifth stage

Starting on the 50th day, you can prepare for the birth. Now the final stage begins, the movement of the embryos is not just felt, it is noticeable even visually. How many days a pregnant British cat walks, you can check with your veterinarian, he will more accurately determine the estimated date of birth, based on his observations. Now your pet becomes very restless, she rushes from corner to corner, looking for a place for herself, hiding in a closet or other dark place. Finally, she begins to meow loudly, this indicates that childbirth is already very close.

Home birth

By prior arrangement with your veterinarian, you can call him as soon as you notice the approach of childbirth. Ideally, he will only need to be present, but if problems arise, his help may be indispensable. In addition, you will need to prepare a delivery box, absorbent diapers or cotton towels. You will need scissors and alcohol, a lot of clean cloth, it is advisable to pre-purchase oil vitamins such as "Gamavita". In addition, stock up with liquid paraffin and warm water, as well as a heating pad for newborns.

The room for childbirth must be clean and dry, otherwise the kittens may die from dampness and cold. The temperature should be at least 29 degrees. There is a heating pad in the nest for this, but a cooler place is left for the cat so that it can crawl away. Knowing how much pregnant cats walk (British, fold), you will prepare in advance for this event and collect everything that you may need.

british cat pregnancy by week

The appearance of kittens

Childbirth begins with the fact that gray-red water leaves . It is time to urgently call a doctor if you want him to be present at the birth with you. The cervix and the birth canal open. During this period, a cat usually begins to try, it breathes faster. If within 12 hours with the appearance of these symptoms the kitten has not been born, it is time to sound the alarm and save the cat's life. However, caesarean section is not often resorted to. Typically, a cat does an excellent job on its own. The muscles contract and push the fetus into the vagina. If a cat gives birth for the first time, she can be very scared, so it is important to be around, talk to her, pet. This will help her calm down, and delivery will be much faster.

how long do british cats go pregnant

Birth assistance

Now you know how much British cats walk pregnant. The terms described in this article will allow you to prepare for the birth of babies and more effectively help the cat, if necessary. Most often, kittens appear head first. This is a normal position that provides a normal passage through the birth canal. After the head comes out, the body also slips out quickly. After that, the mother breaks off the amniotic membranes and licks the baby's face to release it from the mucus. After that, the kitten takes its first breath, and its lungs are straightened. However, there is a mother who is greatly alarmed and frightened; you should tear the mucous membrane yourself from the mouth to the tail, and then suck the mucus out of his mouth with a pear or pipette. As soon as the baby beeps, it means he is breathing.

Postpartum Cat Examination

After the birth of the last kitten, the afterbirths depart. Based on how many days a pregnant British cat walks, you should have already roughly known how much babies to expect. The same amount should be followed. If the cat wants, she can eat one or several, the most important thing is to count whether everyone has left. If at least one remains in the uterine cavity, this will turn into a serious complication. Now you can be congratulated, you are the owner of a large family of British cats.

Despite the fact that we can’t say for sure how many days a pregnant British cat walks (all individually), we have given you guidelines that will help you better understand what is happening with your darling at the moment.


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