Red shirt: how to choose?

The shirt in the men's wardrobe takes pride of place among the main elements of clothing. This is not surprising, because the shirt can be worn every day, combined with a strict suit for any celebration, etc. Today, the trend is shirts of bright colors, which allows you not to merge with the crowd, look extravagant and elegant.

Recently, the red shirt, which most attracts the gaze of others, was separately noted by stylists. She is considered the brightest and most spectacular, so every representative of the stronger sex should have such a shocking piece of clothing in his closet.

Who can be worn?

It is generally accepted that a red shirt is more suitable for young people who are eager to somehow get out of the mass daily and draw attention to themselves. But, as practice shows, older men also do not mind choosing a bright color shirt.

Red shirt

You just need to choose the right shade of red, and this is not a very easy matter. The color of the skin, eyes and hair should be taken into account, as well as preferences. For example, men with pale skin and light eyes can safely wear scarlet, coral and other bright models of shirts. And dark-skinned faces are more suitable for such deep tones as: burgundy, ruby, “wine”, etc.

How to choose the right one?

Quite often, fashion experts when choosing a thing are advised to consider the color of the hair. The red shirt in this case is no exception. So, if a guy or an adult man has blonde hair, then they should better consider some gentle shade, including pink. And if the future owner of the shirt is brown-haired or brunet, then the product of a plain bright red or crimson color will suit him .

It is also worth paying attention to the complexion, since the red color is slightly fuller. It is not recommended to be worn by those who are overweight. And if you buy red things, then it is better to opt for very dark shades.

What to combine with?

Men's red shirt is combined with many things, but nevertheless, you should carefully select the kit so as not to look too colorful. Often a red shirt is worn on informal events and used as an evening outfit. It can be combined with classic strict costumes of both black, brown, and dark gray tones. And do not forget that red in all this "combination" should play a major role.

men's red shirt

In addition to the above, a red item can be worn with white, beige or cream trousers. In these options, a contrasting combination of top and bottom will bring a good result.

According to fashion standards, a red shirt goes well with green trousers, although previously such a set would have been considered the top of bad taste. But they do not recommend combining with blue. The combination of red and white remains a classic.

Fashion on the cage

A less aggressive version of a bright shirt is a red check shirt. With a successful combination, such an element of clothing can be worn at a club party, evening walk. And if you choose a beautiful jacket, then you will not be ashamed to go to an official meeting.

The fitted version of the shirt looks good with jeans of a free cut. The only condition is that the bottom is better to take a lighter shade. For a solemn event, it is necessary to supplement the outfit with a tie of white, saturated blue or black.

red plaid shirt

It should be noted that not only can the shade of red color be different , but the cell can be of different types. A red and black check shirt is considered one of the most popular casual styles. It is also called the “lumberjack cage” in a different way, since it was just such a checkered version that appeared one of the first. Of course, in addition to this element of the wardrobe, jeans are ideal - the easiest way to wear and the most faithful.

Sometimes a plaid shirt is worn over a plain t-shirt, but the sleeves are rolled up. It is also a win-win option for casual wear.


If a red shirt for men has already been selected for the outfit, then you should carefully select accessories for it. The first and most noticeable of them is a tie, which can be picked up in two ways. The first way is to look for a product that is also red, but a few tones darker than the shirt. And the second is to focus on the contrast in the image and choose a tie of a completely different color. But in the latter case, one should also dwell on a darker shade. The best combination would be a red shirt plus a black red striped tie.

What does the red color of a shirt mean?

Psychologists note that things of bright colors are chosen by people who are confident. The red element of the robe can be described as a charismatic, energetic person, always in control of the situation.

red and black checked shirt

In addition, red color is associated with love, wealth and triumph. Therefore, on romantic dates, men are recommended to wear just such shirts in order to make an indelible impression on the ladies of the heart.


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