Dismantling is a great way to save building materials.

Currently, one often hears that the dismantling of building structures is taking place. What does this mean and what is the specificity of this process? Let's get it right.

dismantling it
Dismantling is the dismantling into components of any structures, individual parts of machines, pavement, railroad tracks and much more. This is the removal of objects and structures from the installation site for further replacement, processing, restoration or disposal.

Dismantling is one of the most common reconstruction methods in construction. Often make the dismantling of buildings that have expired.

Why do builders not break the building, but dismantle it? Not always the structure must be turned into scrap. Dismantling is also a way to get a lot of building material, which can be reused for the construction or maintenance of houses.

Roof dismantling

dismantling of the roof
Dismantling the roof is a responsible job, and it should only be done by properly trained roofers. You can’t do without auxiliary equipment: safety belts, carbines, a strong rope, shoes with thick soles. Strict adherence to safety regulations is especially important. Dismantling of wooden and metal structures at a height should only be carried out by qualified rigging specialists and carpenters.

First of all, the upper casing is removed from the roof, after which they begin to dismantle the crate, which must be disconnected from the walls. This is a complex and rather painstaking process that requires certain skills and dexterity. The next stage of work will be the dismantling of the internal flooring, beams, rafters, formwork. After cleaning the remains of construction debris, you can proceed with the installation of a new roof.

Dismantling of capital facilities

house demolition
House demolition is a large-scale work requiring an integrated approach. The dismantling of buildings is a painstaking, lengthy, multi-stage activity, which includes the dismantling of all constituent structures. Structures begin to dismantle from the roof, gradually following to the foundation.

If it is required to carry out a reconstruction of the load-bearing wall, it is necessary to substitute the supports as they are disassembled and it is necessary to leave part of it in order for the ceiling to receive the load and transfer it to the foundation. Basically, they do not dismantle the bearing walls, they only cost openings for doors and windows. All other dismantling works are also carried out in stages by specialists of different directions.

Nowadays, the complete dismantling of structures is carried out using special equipment. This method is economical and safe. High-rise buildings are well destroyed by a crawler excavator, while hydraulic shears, hydraulic hammers and many other specialized equipment are used. Special equipment, which is operated on the dismantling of buildings, must have all permits for the work, and the work itself must be carried out under the supervision of responsible persons.

Dismantling is a state-regulated activity. The organization performing the dismantling works is required to have a license for the right to perform dismantling works issued by authorized bodies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2206/

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