Strawberry garden. Useful properties and cultivation

It is difficult to imagine a summer without strawberries - delicious, juicy and fragrant. Its berries, red with pink flesh, have an amazing taste and, in addition, have a valuable nutrient composition.

garden strawberry beneficial properties
Due to its delicious taste and medicinal properties, this culture is grown in many regions of Russia, even in the north of the country. What nutrients and microelements are garden strawberries endowed with? Useful properties of this plant we will highlight in our article. This bright and juicy berry really is a real storehouse of biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals.

Garden Strawberry: Early, Middle, and Late Varieties

garden strawberry varieties
There is a wide variety of varieties of this beautiful berry. Early strawberry garden strawberries are represented by such species as Alpha, Chisinau early, Beauty Zagorye, Biryulevskaya early. The most famous varieties of medium ripening are considered Vityaz, Lakomaia, Beauty and Festivalnaya. From late strawberries, one can note such popular species as Saxon, Bogotรก, Zenit, etc.

Strawberry garden. Useful properties and healing powers of this fragrant berry

The composition of strawberries includes vitamins (C, K, B, B5, B6, E, PP), folic, salicylic, malic, citric, omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc, calcium, manganese, silicon, copper. It contains a large amount of iron (more than in grapes), so it is used for blood diseases: anemia and anemia, as well as for fragility of blood vessels. Berries contain antioxidants that stimulate the activity of brain cells. Strawberries help improve mental ability and memory.

strawberry garden photo
The constant use of these juicy berries allows you to normalize the metabolism and intestinal function. This product also has an antimicrobial effect - it fights the flu virus and intestinal infections. Strawberries are also used in diabetes as a hypoglycemic. A decoction of berries and leaves of this culture is used for blood pressure disorders. Strawberries can also be used as a means to combat insomnia. In order to sleep soundly and well all night, you should regularly eat some sweet tasty berries in the evenings. Thanks to such an extensive list of valuable trace elements, strawberries have a restorative and healing effect on the human body. It is considered a low-calorie product, as it contains only 30 kcal per 100 g. It removes excess fluid from the body and is often used as a main dish during fasting days. The main thing is to remember, despite all the valuable nutritional properties of these berries, that people with gastritis and peptic ulcer should be used with caution. In addition, many diets were invented, the basis of which is strawberry garden. The beneficial properties of the berry not only help get rid of unnecessary kilograms, but also cleanse the whole body. Fiber contained in strawberries removes accumulated toxins and waste. Use these valuable berries in cosmetology.

Strawberry garden. Useful properties, especially planting and growing

In order for strawberries to please you with delicious sweet berries, a place for it must be allocated sunny. It is advisable not to plant a plant in the vicinity of tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and eggplant. Do not place strawberries next to garden trees. Their root system will interfere with the development of the plant. Strawberries are planted in early spring. The site is prepared in advance - fertilized with humus and compost. Plant a plant in the evening. Before this, it is necessary to cut off the excess leaves, leaving only three, and pinch the longest root. So the strawberry is planted. The photo shows the beds of this plant.

garden strawberry beneficial properties 1
Caring for this crop requires regular and adequate watering. In hot periods, you must perform this procedure at least twice a week, or even more often. During flowering, watering is minimized or even stopped (if weather permits). As for top dressing, organic fertilizer is applied once a season - horse or cow manure. Periodically, shoots and mustaches should be removed, as well as weed beds. If you follow these simple agricultural rules, your strawberry will be healthy and abundantly fruitful.


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