False mushrooms: a description of where they grow. What is the difference between false mushrooms and edible

Of course, everything that is written here is not for an experienced mushroomer. He knows exactly where the false mushroom is, and where the usual, edible. But if this is your first time going on a silent hunt, read the text of this article carefully. This will save you from mistakes that can ruin your well-being.

When picking mushrooms, it is very easy to make a mistake and pick up false mushrooms in a basket. This is all the more easy to do, because they grow in the same place as edible ones - along old stumps or directly on tree trunks. In the description of false and ordinary mushrooms, there is much in common, and they sometimes grow intermittently.

Insidious mushrooms mushrooms - which are false and which are ordinary? False mushrooms are mushrooms that look like edible mushrooms, among them there are several poisonous varieties, and there are not poisonous ones, but they also do not differ in any culinary value.

But before giving a description of false mushrooms, for a better orientation in the subject of conversation, let's talk about ordinary mushrooms - summer and autumn mushrooms.


On ravines, near marshes, in damp forest thickets and on stumps, one can often meet growing groups of honey agarics. These mushrooms are especially popular among Russian mushroom pickers.

They do not exceed 15 cm in height; they grow mainly on stumps. The diameter of the hat of an adult mushroom is no more than 10 cm, the shape of the hat is from a hemisphere to a flat umbrella (in adult specimens). The hats are varied in color and can vary from beige to reddish yellow.

With age, the color of the legs darkens. On the leg, the honey agaric has a ring in the form of a skirt. In adults, honey agarics, the skirt has tears and, as it were, hangs in shreds.

Autumn honey agaric

Honey mushrooms love moist places and easily collect moisture, so mucus may appear on the cap and on the body of the fungus. By breaking the mushroom, you will see that the flesh of the mushroom is light, with a yellowish or cream tint, you will smell a pleasant smell of fresh wood.

Honey mushrooms are tasty and healthy: their flesh is rich in amino acids, vegetable proteins and fiber.

There are summer, spring, autumn and even winter varieties of honey agarics. The honey mushroom grows best in the wet season - in spring and autumn. Especially popular among mushroom pickers is the autumn honey agaric, which is also called the “real honey agaric”, “autumn carrot”, and the “assumption open air”.

In the coniferous forest in the highlands you will meet a summer honey agaric. This is because the forests near the mountains are more humid, and this mushroom, as mentioned above, loves moisture.

As for deciduous forests, especially if they are humid forests, honey mushrooms will be found there more often, and of all kinds.

Honey agaric - a parasite mushroom. It settles not only on decaying stumps, but also on living diseased, trees with damaged wood, for example, birch and linden. Occasionally, it can be found on oaks with aspen.

As for the general description of false mushrooms, it does not exist. They, as already indicated, have several similar species.

What is the difference between honey mushrooms and false honey mushrooms?

Firstly, the main thing that you need to pay attention to when collecting mushrooms is the presence of an open ring with a skirt located under the hat. False mushrooms do not have such rings, or there is only a certain strip on the leg.

Secondly, it is believed that the color of such a fungus is less bright than the color of an ordinary one. The plates under the false head cap are painted yellow, greenish or dirty brown. When cut off, they quickly darken. But the plates of honey mushrooms, which are considered edible, cream or light brown in color.

Thirdly, if you still brought the dubious openings home and already threw them in the pan to boil, put the onion in the same place. Onion in mushroom broth darkened? This is another way to identify a false mushroom. In a broth of edible mushrooms, onions will not change color.

Finally, if during the tasting you feel bitterness, give up the whole dish. It is very possible that an inedible or even poisonous specimen got into the basket.

It should be borne in mind that among autumn mushrooms, false mushrooms are more common.

False Foam Sulfur Yellow

Sulfur Yellow False Foam is the most famous of the false mushrooms. These mushrooms are found in large groups on rotten stumps, on the ground near them, at the roots of deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as on clearings.

The diameter of the hat is within 6-7 cm. The hat is in shape from bell-shaped to flat, in color from yellowish to red-brown. It has no scales.

The color of the plates on the hat can be yellow, gray or even black with an olive tint.

False Foam Sulfur Yellow

At the break, the mushroom is indefinitely yellowish. The color of the spore powder is dark brown.

The pulp is bitter in taste, has an unpleasant odor.

The leg is hollow, straight or curved, light yellow, about 10 cm long, more than half a centimeter thick.

The question of whether poisonous mushrooms are poisonous or not should be answered in the affirmative with regard to false foam of sulfur yellow.

Symptoms of poisonous poisoning with sulfur yellow

In the period from an hour to six people who ate these mushrooms will feel lethargy, nausea, and vomiting. Diarrhea and abdominal pain are also called as symptoms of poisoning with a sulfur-yellowpenium. The victim may lose consciousness.

Poisoning with this fungus is likely to adversely affect the work of the liver and stomach, kidneys, and even the cardiovascular system. Of course, first of all, elderly people and children under 3 years old are at risk. But everyone who, through negligence, got into the food a false mushroom sulfur-yellow, should immediately seek medical help.

Galerina edged

Summer mushroom, which is tasty both in fried and marinated form, and as a filling for the pie, can be easily confused with its poisonous counterpart - galley bordered. This mushroom is considered especially dangerous - because it contains the same toxins as pale grebe.

As you know, the amatoxins that are contained in these fungi are involved in most cases of human poisoning with fungal poison.

It is rather difficult to distinguish between a gallery and edible mushroom - although the gallery is smaller, it even has a small ring on the leg (which, however, is found only in young specimens).

In diameter, the hat, marked in the center by a small bulge, is from 3 to 5 cm.

The color of the hat changes depending on the humidity, in the center of the hat it can be reddish-red or reddish-brown, paler towards the edges. With a decrease in the concentration of moisture in the air, the color of the fungus becomes more dull.

Galerina edged

The flesh is brownish to white, almost odorless, resembles flour to taste.

This mushroom is found all summer and autumn - if it is warm, then until November. This honey agaric double can grow not only "families", sometimes galleries live alone.

More often galerin grows near conifers, but can also be found on deciduous. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect summer mushrooms in coniferous forests - the risk is too high to pick up a poisonous mushroom by mistake. Or ask an experienced mushroom picker to accompany you.

Bordered galleria poisoning

When eating galerine bordered in raw form, liver dysfunctions are possible, which, if urgent measures are not taken, can be accompanied by the above symptoms, up to death.

Moreover, this fungus contains slow-acting toxins, so the poisoning is “prolonged”, as it were — its symptoms appear only on the second day after ingestion of the fungus. By the end of the third day, the condition will improve slightly, but then it will symptomatically approach jaundice.

The risk of bringing a gallery from the forest is quite high - today it is even more common than pale grebe.


The scales are dotted with scales, on which they are easy to distinguish from honey mushrooms. By the way, some of the honey mushrooms may also have scales, but only young specimens. On the surface of the legs of the scales there is a ring not characteristic for honey agarics, which is why these mushrooms are still confused with honey mushrooms.

Most importantly, the scales are not toxic. However, the nutritional value and edibility of most of them is in question.

Below in the photo is a golden flake, which is also called a royal open air. These are the mushrooms closest to taste to honey mushrooms, although not all mushroom pickers collect them.

Golden scale

In appearance, if this is a mushroom, then its larger option. The diameter of the cap is at least 20 cm, the height of the whole mushroom as a whole is the same.

These flakes of golden color are covered with flakes a shade darker, closer to brown.

They grow on stumps, trunks of living trees and deadwood one at a time, rarely in groups. These are mainly inhabitants of deciduous forests. In many appear before the cold snap.

Coal-burning (cinder) flake is another of the twins of an ordinary mushroom.

This mushroom does not contain toxins, but it is not considered edible, since it is not particularly nutritious. It is used as the so-called conditionally edible for pickling and in the second courses.

Scale burner

You can distinguish a carbon-rich flake by the color of the hat - it is bright yellow or orange, there are red plates under it.

This flake grows, as a rule, in solitary specimens in mixed forests both in summer and autumn.

Another kind of flake - fiery - has a red-rusty color of a hat. On the surface of the fungus are bright yellow scales. The diameter of the cap can reach seven centimeters.

It lives on stumps of conifers both singly and in groups.

It is not poisonous, but the taste is bitter, the pulp is hard, which is why it can only be considered as an edible mushroom conditionally.

Flakes are low-calorie, contain some vitamins, calcium and phosphorus compounds, dietary fiber.

Bitterness can be eliminated by pre-treatment. It is enough to boil a golden flake for 15-20 minutes, others need to be soaked in cold water for at least 24 hours.

Ryadnovka yellow-red

However, if you meet a group of mushrooms with only red or reddish hats, then this is most likely not a honey agaric, but a yellow-red rowan (it is also called a red honey agaric).

Ryadnovka yellow-red

Ryadnovka lives in pine forests. It is considered conditionally edible, since bitter tastes and requires preliminary boiling.


It should be noted that during the cooking process, false honey mushrooms will not lose their poisonous properties, their poisons will not be destroyed, and when preserved and stored, even an increase in toxicity will occur. Therefore, if you have doubts about the edibility of certain mushrooms, it is better to get rid of them, and not experiment on your health.

In addition, it is worth noting that ordinary mushrooms, like most agaric mushrooms, easily absorb toxic substances around them. So, if the edible mushroom grows surrounded by poisonous mushrooms (for example, sulfur yellow mushrooms or galerinas), the mushroom itself is better not to eat. In the same way, you should not pick mushrooms near industrial facilities, on the outskirts of big cities, near power lines.

And if it is a mushroom from the category of conditionally edible, it must be subjected to heat treatment.

Mushroom picking

Of the tips that experienced mushroom pickers give, most often you can hear the following: become an adherent of one forest. Or find a specific place in the forest where honey agarics live in families. With accurate, without damage to the mycelium, picking mushrooms, you can regularly return home with the harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22062/

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