"Candide" Voltaire: analysis of the work, the main idea and idea. Candide, or Optimism: A Summary

Voltaire's Candide is a philosophical satirical novel that was created in the mid-eighteenth century, but was banned for some time due to a considerable number of obscene scenes. The work deals with optimism and pessimism, human vices and faith in the best qualities of man.

Voltaire's candid

Writing history

Voltaire is a French writer of the Enlightenment. He created a number of philosophical works of art, not devoid of sharp revealing satire. Voltaire really did not like the power of the church, about which he spoke more than once. He was an ardent fighter against idealism and religion and relied solely on scientific achievements in his philosophical treatises.

As for such an abstract concept as “happiness”, in order to state his position on this difficult issue, Voltaire wrote an adventure story about the optimist Candide, who, despite all the blows of fate, did not lose faith in goodness, sincerity and honesty. The basis of this work was the real event - the earthquake in Lisbon. It is a terrible natural phenomenon that occupies a central place in one of the most famous stories written by Voltaire.

"Candide, or Optimism" is a work that the author several times refused, claiming that it allegedly does not belong to his pen. Nevertheless, in the story there is a satire characteristic of Voltaire. Candide is one of the best works of the French enlightener. What did Voltaire tell readers about in this story? Candide, an analysis of which will be presented below, is a story that at first glance may seem nothing more than fun and entertaining. And only upon a detailed examination can one discover a deep philosophical thought that Voltaire sought to convey to his contemporaries.

Voltaire candid or optimism

Candide: Summary

The main character of this story is a clean and unspoiled young man. He owes his optimistic outlook on life to a teacher who, from childhood, convinced him of the inevitability of happiness. Pangloss, and that was the name of this spiritual philosopher, was sure that he lived in the best of the worlds. There is no reason to grieve.

But once Candida was expelled from her native castle. The fault was the beautiful Kunigund, the daughter of the baron, to whom he was by no means indifferent. And the hero began to wander around the world, dreaming of only one thing - to reunite with his beloved and know real happiness. That it still exists, Candide did not doubt for a minute, despite all the adversities and hardships.

The adventures of the hero a certain fairy tale gave Voltaire. Candide, saving Kunigunda, was killing someone every now and then. He did this quite naturally. As if killing is the most typical activity for an optimist. But Candida's victims magically came to life.

Candide learned a lot. He knew a lot of grief. He managed to reunite with Kunigunda, however, only after the girl lost all her former attractiveness. Candide found a home and friends. But what happiness was, he was still unknown. Until then, until one day the truth was revealed to him by an unknown sage. “Happiness is daily work,” said the wandering philosopher. Candid had no choice but to believe and start cultivating his small garden.

Voltaire candid


As already mentioned, Voltaire was inspired to write this story after the famous Lisbon earthquake. Candide, or Optimism, is a work in which a historical event serves as a starting point. In the composition, it occupies a central place. It is in the image of the earthquake that the events in the story culminate.

After being expelled from the castle and before a natural disaster, Candide wanders around the world aimlessly. An earthquake activates its forces. Candide Voltaire becomes a noble hero, ready for anything in order to rescue the lady of the heart. But Kunigunda, meanwhile, possessing an unearthly feminine beauty, causes not the best thoughts in men. Bulgarian Jew abducts her and makes her a concubine. The Grand Inquisitor also does not stand aside. But suddenly Candide appears and destroys both the first and second. Subsequently, the hero gets rid of his beloved brother. The pompous baron is allegedly not satisfied with the origin of the liberator of the beautiful Kunigunda.

Candide Voltaire resembles the knight of Cervantes nobleness, purity of thoughts. But the philosophical idea of ​​the work of the French writer has little in common with the position of the great Spaniard.

Voltaire candid short

El Dorado

Political background is also not without the book "Candide." Voltaire sends his wanderer to roam the world. He becomes a witness to important historical events. Candide visits European cities, South America, the Middle East. He observes the military actions of the Spaniards against the Jesuits, the brutal manners of contemporaries of Voltaire. And he gradually begins to realize that the optimistic teacher has not taught him a single worthwhile lesson. All his ranting about the beauty of this world is not worth a penny ...

But still, Voltaire does not deprive his hero of his last hope. Candide now and then hears stories about a beautiful land in which people do not know grief and sorrow, have everything they need, are not angry, do not envy, and even less kill.

Candide Voltaire, by the way, bears a symbolic name. It means simple-minded. Candide finds himself in a mythical state in which all the inhabitants are happy. They do not ask the Supreme for material wealth. They only thank him for what they already have. This fabulous land Voltaire in his philosophical tale contrasts with the real world. People whom Candide meets throughout the story, regardless of their social status, do not know what happiness is. It is not easy for ordinary people and noble people to live.

Once in a mythical country, Candide decides to return to his joyless world. After all, he must once again save Kunigunda.


Candid’s optimism is opposed by the pessimism of his companion. Marten only believes that people are mired in vices, and nothing can change them for the better. What philosophical idea is based on the work that Voltaire wrote? Candide, the contents of which are only briefly described above, can convince us that this world is actually ugly. Belief in goodness can only destroy a person. Candide, being a sincere person, trusts scammers and crooks, as a result of which his position is getting sadder every day. He is deceived by a merchant. Noble deeds in society are not appreciated, and Candida faces a prison.

candida voltaire book


What did Voltaire seek to say in the philosophical novel? Candide, a summary of which is presented in this article, is a story that can happen in modern society. The hero of Voltaire goes to Venice in the hope of finding his beloved there. But in an independent republic, he becomes a witness to human cruelty. Here he meets a servant from the castle, in which he spent his childhood. The woman was forced to take an extreme step: she earns a living by prostitution.

Voltaire candid content

Cheerful Venetian

Candide helped the woman. But the money he gave her did not bring happiness. The hero nevertheless leaves no hope of finding happiness, or at least meeting a person who has known him. And therefore, fate brings him to the Venetian aristocrat, who, according to rumors, is always in a cheerful mood and does not know sorrow. But here, Candida lies in wait for disappointment. The Venetian rejects beauty and finds happiness only in dissatisfaction with others.

Farm life

It is worth saying that Candide is gradually disappointed in the philosophy of absolute optimism, but does not become a pessimist. The story sets out two opposing points of view. One belongs to teacher Pangloss. The other is Marten.

Candida managed to redeem Kunigunda from slavery, and to purchase a small farm for the remaining money. Here, at the end of their misadventures, they settled, but did not immediately achieve spiritual harmony. The idle talk and philosophical ranting became a constant occupation of the inhabitants of the farm. Until one day, Candida was visited by a happy old man.

voltaire candid summary

"It is necessary to cultivate the garden"

Leibniz generated the philosophical idea of ​​universal harmony. The French writer was impressed by the worldview of the German thinker. However, after the earthquake, Voltaire published a poem in which he completely rejected the doctrine of the balance of good and evil. The educator was able to completely debunk Leibniz's theory in the story of the adventures of Candida.

“It is necessary to cultivate the garden” - this is the idea with the help of one of the characters that Voltaire sets out in the last chapter. Candide, or Optimism, the brief content of which gives only a general idea of ​​the philosophical idea of ​​the author, is a work that should be read, if not in the original, then at least in full, from cover to cover. After all, the mental torment of the Voltaire hero is also known to modern man. Happiness is a steady and constant work. Thinking and reasoning about the meaning of life can only lead to despair. Contemplation must certainly be replaced by action.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22064/

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