Zamioculcas - flowers that bring happiness

Zamioculcas is a flower that was recently introduced to Russia. He appeared in the country in the 1990s and immediately became popular with lovers of indoor plants. It's all about its spectacular appearance and unpretentiousness. It can be grown both in residential premises and in the office, where caring for plants is not so thorough.

zamioculcas flowers
Zamioculcas - flowers that bring wealth and good fortune to the house. This is evidenced by the teachings of Feng Shui. This plant comes from Mexico and is therefore quite photophilous. However, if you put it at some distance from the window, it will also feel pretty good. But you should know that with good lighting, zamioculcas grows much faster. It is also undemanding to the microclimate in the room itself - dry air transfers pretty well.

If you want to grow this wonderful plant at home, you need to take into account the fact that zamioculcas are flowers that absolutely can not tolerate stagnation of water in the ground. In this case, their roots instantly rot. Therefore, it is imperative to arrange drainage in the pot. Watering the flower also needs to be done correctly. In the summer, it is worth doing this more often, but take a small amount of water. It is best to use soft and warm. In winter, watering should be reduced. Moisturize the soil under the plant only after the top layer has dried.

female happiness flower zamioculcas
Zamioculcas - flowers that can grow well without the use of fertilizers. However, in order to make the plant look better and develop faster, it is worthwhile feeding it with compositions for indoor flowers in the warm period. It is best to take mixtures intended for cacti or succulents. The frequency of fertilizer application is once every two weeks.

The young flower Zamiokulkas, the care of which also consists in the change of pots that have become cramped, should be reloaded annually into a larger container. This means that the plant just needs to be carefully transferred to a new pot along with an old lump of earth, filling up the missing soil. Real transplants are carried out no more than once every two to four years and only in relation to already grown plants. In this case, the soil mixture is completely changed. It is best to take in equal proportions garden and turf land.

Zamioculcas flower care
It is possible to propagate a houseplant by dividing the rhizome or by leaf plates. In the latter case, planting material will need to be rooted in a mixture of sand and peat. The pot must be put in a warm shaded place, and the sheet itself should be closed with polyethylene. After some time, a special tuberoid formation will appear on the petiole underground. With the root method, it is necessary to divide the uterine plant in such a way that at least one growth point remains on each daughter.

The hostess of the house does not have to make much effort to get a spectacular decoration for the room. Apparently, therefore, the plant has another name - "female happiness." Zamioculcas flower is also considered a "dollar tree". Perhaps this is due to its rounded leaves. And maybe with the value attached to it by the teachings of Feng Shui, mentioned at the beginning of the article.

As you can see, Zamioculcas - flowers in the care are not too complicated. Although, of course, some efforts, as with the cultivation of any other domestic plants, still have to make. This wonderful indoor flower responds perfectly to care and will certainly become an excellent decoration of the interior.


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