Rubber paint: composition, characteristics, features, pros and cons

The modern market of finishing and building materials is large and diverse. In addition to the already well-known commoner products, a variety of new products are constantly appearing that far surpass the characteristics and operational properties of their predecessors or combine the properties of several of them. Rubber paint is one of these products, it is already widely known among professional builders, but not among ordinary people. This article will talk about the basic properties and characteristics of such paint products.

The composition of the product

this is roller staining

Rubber paint is an acrylic emulsion made on a water-dispersed basis with the addition of acrylate latex. The composition of the product includes the following components:

  • water;
  • acrylate latex;
  • antifreeze;
  • coalescent;
  • preservatives;
  • color.

The water in the composition is a solvent and makes up 5% of the total volume. Acrylate latex is a synthetic material that increases strength and elasticity, is resistant to temperature changes, has excellent water-repellent properties. Antifreeze is added to give frost resistance and control the speed of solidification. For a coalescent, the main task is plasticization and film formation. Preservatives protect rubber from mold and mildew. Kohler - for color formation, and the remaining fillers in very small quantities are needed to improve properties. The price of rubber paint (300-500 rubles / kg) is slightly higher than other paints and varnishes, however, the characteristics also surpass them.

Main characteristics

Here is a list of them:

  • Resistance to temperature difference +/- 50 and atmospheric conditions.
  • Excellent water repellent.
  • Provides good grip on the work surface.
  • Even application on any surface (concrete, wood, metal and others).
  • Easy to apply and dries quickly.
  • Safe, without pungent odor.
  • Long service life and good wear resistance.
  • The finished coating does not slip, which is very important when used on floors and roofs.
  • Fireproof.
  • Good elasticity of the material prevents the appearance of cracks during sudden temperature fluctuations.
  • Vapor permeable.

Application area

this is a playground

Professionals in construction leave positive reviews about rubber paint in various forums. Due to its high performance indicators, its scope is quite wide:

  • Repair of the roof and facade of the building. Rubber paint evens the work surface, filling all mechanical damage, restores the aesthetic appearance of the building.
  • It is used as a waterproofing material in the construction of swimming pools and artificial reservoirs.
  • Painting of playgrounds, gyms, stadiums and courts.
  • Painting fences and fences from various materials.

Preparation of wooden surfaces

To extend the service life, as well as to meet the declared characteristics, the treated surface must be carefully prepared. To do this, it is cleaned of dust and dirt, the exfoliated old material is removed and a primer is applied. Rubber paint and wood are a great tandem. Before starting work, the wooden surface is pre-treated with an antiseptic to prevent the formation of mold and fungi. To increase fire safety, it is better to additionally treat with a flame retardant. To save time and money, you can use the universal tool.

stripping old paint

Preparation of metal and other types of surfaces

Rubber paint for wood or for metal is characterized by an increase or decrease in the content of a particular component. Before starting work on metal, the surface should also be treated. In addition to dirt and dust, one should get rid of rust and carry out anti-corrosion treatment, this will slow down the process of its formation. If there is a layer of old paint on the surface, you must remove it with sandpaper or a metal brush. You can use synthetic solvents. Gel washings are especially recommended, after 20-30 minutes after application, the old enamel will begin to swell, it can easily be removed with a spatula. After cleaning, the metal surface must be primed. The remaining types of surfaces are prepared according to the same principle, concrete and other porous surfaces are treated with a primer twice for deeper penetration.


application of rubber paint

When staining, you can use any paint tool: brush, spray gun or roller. Before starting the main work, test coloring is done, if necessary, the paint is diluted. Rubber paint is diluted with water no more than 10% and only for applying the first layer. Next, the paint is applied in several thin layers, after drying each layer. For a guaranteed result, it is necessary to observe weather and temperature conditions. Coloring is recommended at a temperature of +5 to +25 degrees, with a relative humidity of not more than 70%, in the days when there is no bright sun and precipitation, as well as a strong dusty wind. All painted surfaces can only be started to operate a week after the work is done, it is during this period that the paint dries completely and acquires all its properties.

Car coloring

car painting result

Recently, the matte finish of car body elements has become very popular. Rubber paint for cars has already been tested and appreciated by many motorists. She has a number of advantages:

  • The elastic coating perfectly hides all the bumps on the body parts.
  • Rubber paint does not crack and does not peel off with minor damage.
  • Resistant to abrasion.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Low cost.

The treated surface is less susceptible to corrosion.

it's rubber paint

Pros and cons

One of the popular brands of domestic manufacturers is the rubber Super Decor. This paint is very popular among professionals for its excellent properties and ease of use, as well as for strength and durability. Almost all rubber paints produced by different manufacturers have similar characteristics. They differ slightly mainly in drying time and surface pretreatment. By studying forums and reviews about rubber paint, you can highlight the pros and cons of this paintwork.


  • The paint is universal, suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Good adhesion properties.
  • Warranty period of service - 10 years, a strong and durable coating that does not crack and does not wear.
  • High elasticity. The hardened rubber paint can stretch up to 400%, this is very important with a sharp temperature difference. The rubber base prevents cracks on the painted surface.
  • Withstands significant deformations, gradually returning to its original form.
  • The paint is hydrophobic and perfectly protects the treated surface from moisture.
  • The paint does not interfere with the air exchange of painted surfaces due to its vapor permeability.
  • Rubber paint is absolutely safe, it lacks toxic and poisonous substances.
  • Easy to use.
  • Affordable for the price.
  • Retains color when exposed to ultraviolet light.
  • It dries quickly.
  • Matte, anti-slip surface.
  • Not afraid of alkaline solutions, can be washed with household cleaners.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • Mandatory compliance with the rules of application. Temperature conditions and humidity indoors, and during outdoor work there are restrictions for atmospheric phenomena (rain, dusty wind, bright sun).
  • Not recommended for flooring. Rubber paint has restrictions on certain surfaces, such as floors, doors and furniture. However, the instruction is rather advisory in nature. Many craftsmen bypass this limitation and use rubber paint for the floor.
rubber paint on the floor

Rubber paints and varnishes have already won the trust of consumers, their range is constantly expanding, and technical specifications are improving. With proper application and use, all painted surfaces will delight for a long time with a flawless appearance.

Consumption, storage and specifications

All rubber paints are manufactured according to GOST and TU 2316-001-18032093-2012 standards. Below are the main features.



Drying time

On sticking - up to 60 minutes, until solid - up to 3 hours (time may vary and depends on temperature and humidity)


1.1 kg = 1 l


Matte, semi-matt


Any colors for water-based paints


Painted or primed surface - up to 150 g / m 2

Putty surface, drywall, wallpaper - up to 190 g / m 2

Plaster, concrete - from 250 g / m 2

Resistance to washing



Shelf life - 2 years from the date of production in closed, undamaged containers. Do not freeze

We examined the main characteristics of rubber paint.


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