Vsevolozhskaya railway station

The first narrow gauge railway appeared in Russia in the vicinity of the northern capital in the nineteenth century. Built by Baron P.L. Korfom. The road connected the capital with the estate of the baron in the village of Irinovka.

By the name of the village, this road was named Irinovskaya. It was a narrow gauge railway. From this station peat briquettes were imported into the capital, intended for heating the city and the surrounding area.

In those days, when the Irinovskaya narrow gauge railway was opened and started to be used, the Vsevolozhskaya station was not built. This station appeared, three years after the opening of the road, on Vsevolozhsky Avenue. But a year passed, and the station building made of wood burned down.

A new two-story station building was rebuilt on the other side of the railway. A two-story building was demolished in 2007. From historical sources it is known that the train from St. Petersburg to Vsevolozhskaya station ran for forty minutes. For summer residents trains were launched at intervals of twenty minutes.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Irinovskaya narrow gauge railway was slightly expanded. The Vsevolozhsk platform was moved five hundred meters to the south, due to which this railway section became more direct.

Station in the present

Now Vsevolozhskaya railway station has two landing platforms, and they are displaced. More recently, brick ticket offices were built, but they were demolished nine years ago. In 2010, the construction of the shopping complex was completed, where now there is a passage leading to the platform.

Vsevolozhskaya railway station is located at: Privokzalnaya square, 1. Information on the movement of trains in this direction can be clarified on the website of this line online. You can call the reference station by phone.

Electric trains in this direction go according to the summer and winter timetable. It is always necessary to clarify the timetable for electric trains, since there are planned or operational changes in the schedule of electric trains. When the time and dates of departure of trains going after twelve o'clock in the night change, the schedule refers to the upcoming days.

Vsevolozhskaya station is the main station of the city. From this station you can take a train to St. Petersburg. The train arrives at the Finland Station in the city. You can get to Dubrovka, Petrokrepost, Lake Ladoga and other settlements.

The city's railway station is located on Vsevolozhsky Avenue, 72 century.

Vsevolozhskaya railway station is part of the Russian Railways. Located on the site Piskarevka and to Lake Ladoga. Vsevolozhskaya station is located on the fourteenth km of the route line.

On Vsevolozhskaya Square are: cafe, shopping center, pharmacy, supermarket, taxi rank.

Railway ticket offices are now located behind the railway tracks. Near the station is the station square. There are many stops of city and municipal vehicles on the square.

About city and municipal transport

City buses of Vsevolozhsk follow different routes only within the city of Vsevolozhsk. So, bus number 4 goes to the South district.

Number 5 goes in a circle of the Vsevolozhsk area. And at number 6 you can get to the Melnichny Ruche microdistrict. On the way passes CRH. Bus number 7 goes to Priyutino, passing CRH. City bus number 8 leaves for the Brick Factory industrial zone. Bus number 9 goes to the Raksi Khutor microdistrict. Bus number 10 goes to the neighborhood of the Agricultural College. By bus No. 11 you can get from the Yuzhny microdistrict to the historical Berngardovka microdistrict, then to the Kotovo pole district, and the terminal stop of the Central District Hospital.

Vsevolozhsk municipal buses serve the population of nearby towns, villages and towns. Bus number 512 goes to the village named after Morozov - 38 km. Bus number 601 goes to the village of Uglovo - 11 km. At bus number 601a, the route to the village of Romanovka is about 8 km.

Bus number 602 - to the village of Kokkorevo - almost 35 km.

Bus number 602a - to the village of Rakhia - about 20 km. Buses also go - to the village of Krasnaya Zvezda - 32 km, and to the village of Nevskaya Dubrovka - about 38 km. By bus 607 you can reach the village of Lepsari - 19 km. By bus number 618 - to the shopping center "Mega-Dybenko". By bus No. 622 - to the village of Garbolovo - almost 73 km. Bus number 625 goes to the town of Sertolov - almost 63 km.

Sights of Vsevolozhsk

Near the Vsevolozhskaya Square are located the Holy Trinity Cathedral, a monument to Vsevolozhsky P.A. - to the founder of the town, a small chapel of St. George the Victorious.

Holy Trinity Church is a historical and cultural monument of wooden architecture, protected by the state. Built from a chapel in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The temple was closed, but at the end of the Second World War it was reopened. Divine services are being conducted.

There are many very beautiful churches in Vsevolozhsk worthy of the attention of travelers.

The temple in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands on the Road of Life is an architectural monument of the nineteenth century, has federal significance. The monument is located on the top of the mountain, located ten kilometers from Vsevolozhsk. The church is functioning.

At the top of the mountain there are the remaining ruins of the Red Castle, also supposedly built by the Swedes in distant historical times, as a defense construction. Historians believe that the Swedes from these places went to war on Russia.

In the depths of the summit, in the dungeon, there are many dug passages and caves. By whom and when they were made, for today it is not established. It is believed that the Swedes dug moves in time immemorial.

By city bus number 7 you can get to Priyutino - estate A.N. Olenin - President of the Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg. The great Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin came to the estate.

Near Priyutino is Ryabovo, which is a manor in the past owned by Count Menshikov, Duke Biron, Baron Friedrichs and other no less famous people. The last was Vsevolozhsky Pavel Alexandrovich. You can get on the bus number 10.

Now Priyutino and Ryabovo are included in the city limits of the city of Vsevolozhsk.

When Leningrad was under siege during the Great Patriotic War, the Life Road passed through Vsevolozhsk, along which drivers, risking their lives, carried food, medicines and other necessary and vital things for the people of the besieged city under terrible bombing.

Museums work. The documents exhibited during the war tell us about the besieged Leningrad and about the people on whose shoulders lay the exorbitant burden of wartime. Nearby there is another museum with an exposition of retro cars.

Monuments and memorials to fallen soldiers in wars of different periods were built on the mountain: from the Great Patriotic War to the very recent past, such as the Chechen war.

In the late sixties of the last century, a monumental monument of the “Green Belt of Glory” was erected near the Rumbolovskaya Mountain.

Leaves of oak, laurel, acorn are symbols of the glory of the Fatherland, life on earth and the never-dying life of people of the whole planet.

Next to the monument is a stele with poems by the poetess Olga Berrholtz, telling people about the Road of Life, which was both joyful and terrible. Joyful, because it brought bread to the starving people of Leningrad, terrible - many drivers died on this road.

About Vsevolozhsk

Vsevolozhsk is a city of regional subordination. Today, the population of a small town is about seventy thousand people.

The Lubya River, flowing from the east in a westerly direction, divides Vsevolozhsk into northern and southern parts. Industrial enterprises are located in areas remote from the sleeping areas of the city.

There are nine shopping centers in Vsevolozhsk : White Nights Shopping Center, Vsevolozhsky Shopping Center, Yubileiny Shopping Center, Kotovo Pole Shopping Center, Pyramid Shopping Center, Yuzhny Shopping Center, Vsevolozhsk Shopping Center, Shopping the complex of the Vsevolozhsk regional consumer union and the Trade and office center "Grif".

In the city there are: one branch of the Savings Bank of Russia, Ruskobank, St. Petersburg Industrial Joint-Stock Bank and other banking institutions.

The city has the following hotels: Karina Motel, Zhdanov Compound, Pilgrim, Tradition and Forest Air.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22074/

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