Wise quotes by Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse is a German-Swedish writer who adhered to such a literary trend as romanticism. In his works, the heroes try to figure out their inner world and talk about other things important to humans. In addition, the writer was very interested in psychoanalysis, which was also reflected in his work. Quotes and aphorisms by Hermann Hesse are known today by almost the whole world.

From the Steppe Wolf

The novel "Steppe Wolf" is based on deep psychoanalysis, so it can be somewhat difficult for the reader to perceive. The protagonist is experiencing an internal crisis when he reads A Treatise on the Steppe Wolf. This leads him to even deeper thoughts about his inner world, in which he shares the “animal” essence and the educated person with high moral principles. As a result, the novel was "spread" into quotes. From the "Steppe Wolf" Hermann Hesse most sunk into the soul:

Animals are more real than humans. They don’t want to flatter you, they don’t want to impress you. Nothing ostentatious. What they are, they are, like stones or flowers or like stars in the sky.

Those who do not like to communicate with people consider their friends animals. Precisely because they “feel” a person and do not seek to earn his love and respect. And they just remain as they are: with all their shortcomings and advantages.

The little boy is who you are. And just like you were too lazy to learn to dance, until you almost missed the time, you were too lazy to learn to love. Oh, to love perfectly, tragically - it’s you, my friend, who knows how, of course, as well as possible, I have no doubt that yes, then yes! Now you will learn to love more normally and humanly.

Some young people believe that true love should be accompanied by suffering - because they cause strong emotions and make love more sublime. But real feelings do not need suffering or a constantly strong expression of their feelings, such love is manifested in caring for one's half.

Hermann Hesse

From the novel Siddhartha

This is an allegorical parable of the young brahmana Siddhartha. In fact, the work reflects the writer’s journey through India, with the help of which he tried to explain to Europeans the essence of Buddhist teachings. Here are a few quotes from Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.

You seek too much; due to excessive search you do not have time to find.

Sometimes a person is so busy searching that he does not think about the purpose of his quest. But without a clear understanding of the goal, it is difficult to achieve a result. Therefore, you need to think more not about looking, but about how to achieve your goals.

How beautiful the world is when you look at it that way - so simple, so childish, without any searches!

This quote from Hermann Hesse can be explained as follows: one must be able to enjoy life just like that, not trying to constantly search for meaning and not getting into philosophical reasoning. Children enjoy every new day, they explore the world, which seems amazing to them. Adults need to learn the wisdom of children.

famous writer

Most people look like falling leaves; they rush in the air, spin, but eventually fall to the ground. Others — a little of them — are like stars; they move along a certain path, no wind will force them to turn off it.

A beautiful quote from Hermann Hesse about how people strive to achieve their goals. Some people are impetuous, too energetic, their work is admired by others, but they depend on the opinion of society and are not always firm in achieving goals. And others are like stars - they shine brightly and always reach the goal. People around admire their strength of mind and will. And not in vain: they are able to illuminate the path to other people and inspire by their example.

About a human

German Hesse was not only a talented writer, he was deeply interested in psychology. Therefore, many of his statements are related to the study of human nature. Here is one of Hermann Hesse’s quotes:

Hating someone, you hate in him something that is in you. That which is not in ourselves does not bother us.

Some psychologists believe that a person, understanding his own shortcomings, does not consider them to be such. But when he sees them in another person, he sees how they appear, and therefore hatred arises. That is why sometimes people are similar in nature, can not get along with each other, and the opposites can communicate well with each other.

All humor begins with the fact that a person ceases to take himself seriously.

A person with a sense of humor must be able to make fun of himself. And for this you do not need to take yourself too seriously. People who can be ironic over themselves have an advantage over others: they are more calm about criticism and do not react so violently to jokes about their person from other people. No wonder they say that the ability to laugh at oneself is a real art.

Nice picture

About creativity

Creativity can be not only talented people. Creativity is a person’s self-expression and one of the ways to deal with stress. It is not necessary to show everyone the results of their labors. The main thing is that the author be satisfied.

Composing bad poems makes a person much happier than reading the most beautiful poems.

A person enjoys the process of creativity itself. The understanding that he managed to create something special, unique makes him happy. People do not need to be afraid to express their imagination, any creativity will only be beneficial to a person.

beautiful landscape

About wisdom

One of man’s desires is to become wise without any particular effort. Some believe that when they meet an intelligent person, they will be able to convey their wisdom to them. But knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing. This is stated in the following quotation by Hermann Hesse:

Knowledge can be transmitted, but wisdom is never. You can find it, you can live with it, you can make it your own sail, you can work miracles with it, but you cannot put it into words, teach it to anyone.

butterfly on stones

Wisdom is understanding, and each person gains it in different ways. The knowledge that is accessible to all can be transferred to a person provided that he is ready to learn. But wisdom often comes with experience and it always causes admiration among others.

Hermann Hesse has always been more interested in the inner world of a person than any global changes in society. In his works reflected some events from his personal life, which made them even more fascinating. And Hermann Hesse's interest in psychoanalysis added depth to his creations and made the characters closer to the reader, and the author - one of the best writers of the twentieth century.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22078/

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