What breed of dogs do Koreans eat?

What breeds of dogs are eaten in Korea? This question is asked by many European residents. In principle, a negative attitude to eating dog meat is understandable. Indeed, for a Russian person, a dog is more than a friend. In our country, these animals are the main characters of our favorite films, serve as guide and rescuers, protect the house from uninvited guests. By the way, animal rights advocates around the world also consider the actions of Koreans unlawful.

However, if you look, all people (except vegetarians) eat meat dishes. Pork, beef, rabbit meat, chicken - all this also once enjoyed life, basked in the sun, cared for offspring. So why the only relevant question is which breeds of dogs are eaten, and not, for example, which chickens or geese? In this regard, the conclusion suggests itself that only vegetarians who absolutely do not eat meat can condemn the actions of Koreans. The rest is better to understand that the culture and traditions of other nations should also be respected, regardless of how acceptable it is for us.

what breeds of dogs eat

What breed of dogs do Koreans eat?

You should not think that in Korea all dogs are eaten indiscriminately, and each mutt can become a dinner or lunch of a hungry homo sapiens. Not at all, the Koreans are very fond of their pets and will never begin to eat. For this, there are special food dogs. In addition, you should be aware that officially selling dogs in Korea is prohibited. This meat is considered a delicacy and a medicine, so they won’t just sell it, and even more so they will not serve it in a restaurant instead of chicken or veal. Asians themselves cannot even afford to consume it daily, although they consider it very tasty.

what kind of dogs eat in china

How to keep food dogs

When asked what kind of dog breeds are eaten in Korea, many answer: Chow Chow. This is not entirely true, although this breed is also used for food, but much less frequently. Even in ancient times, dogs without wool, Sholoitzcuintle, were very popular. Now dogs for food are raised on farms, as well as pigs or cows. They are killed, as a rule, at the age of 6 months to a year. It is believed that animal meat in this period has the greatest value.

What kind of dogs are eaten in China? In principle, the same as in Korea. The most meat breed are nureongs. They are a bit like a chow chow. It should be noted that Koreans do not recommend using the meat of an improperly fed dog or cooked not using technology. They assure that such a product not only does not have nutritional value, but can also be harmful to health. Therefore, it is very important to understand exactly which dogs are eaten. Suddenly, and in Russia, gastronomic preferences will ever change.

what kind of dogs eat

Useful properties of dog meat

Having understood what breeds of dogs are eaten, you need to understand what is special about the dog, that it is so highly regarded by Asians. This meat is considered a product that can balance internal energy, improve digestion, and saturate the body with vitamins A and B. Dishes from dog meat are called longevity food. Dog fat is used to treat colds, lung diseases, skin diseases, as well as muscle pain.

What breed of dogs do Koreans eat?

Dog Meat Wedding Platter

To prepare a delicacy original for a Russian person you will need:

  • meat of a food dog - 3 kg;
  • vinegar - 300 ml;
  • garlic - 0.5 kg;
  • bow - 3 goals .;
  • tomato sauce - 500 ml;
  • green peppers - 300 g;
  • liver paste - 500 g;
  • pineapple - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • black pepper;
  • spicy pepper seasoning;
  • bay leaf, salt.

A medium-sized dog is killed, the coat is seared and the skin is skinned while it is still hot. Cut the meat from the carcass and chop it into pieces of about 2 cm. Next, make the marinade. To do this, mix vinegar, crushed garlic, black pepper and hot pepper seasoning. Ready meat is poured into the marinade and allowed to stand for 2-3 hours. After time, the meat is removed from the marinade, squeezed slightly and fried in a large amount of oil over a large open fire. When the meat begins to brown, add chopped onion rings and pineapple. Continue frying for a few minutes until the products are soft. After that add tomato sauce, hot water, green pepper and bay leaf. Cover with a lid. The boiler is buried in hot coals and left until the meat is soft. At the end, add the paste and stew for another 5-7 minutes. Dog meat in this dish is sometimes replaced with lamb, but this significantly changes the taste of the dish, and not for the better.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22087/

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