ISOGD - what is it? Features and their technologies

A set of documented information in the system that is necessary to provide local governments, legal entities and individuals with the most reliable information for carrying out investment, economic and urban development activities - this is the answer to the question: ISOGD - what is it. This information system is organized in accordance with the foundations of the Urban Planning Code of Russia and has all the information about land plots, development of territories and others. Interested parties can now apply for any help and find out how ISGD works, what it is, and always get what they want, since the materials here are both in the form of maps and in text form.

what is it


The information system was created in December 2004 on the basis of the GGK (State Urban Planning Cadastre). For this, the information of the State Civil Protection Committee in the necessary amount was transferred to the city districts and to local self-government bodies during the time until July 2006. It was then that it became known about ISOGD, what it is, and whether the innovation is more functional in comparison with the old GGK system.

The following normative acts were used to introduce the use of the GGC: chapter 11 of the Town Planning Code of 1998, a government decree of July 29, 1998, a set of rules of the joint venture of 1996, SNiP (decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 1996, an instruction on the approval procedure, development, approval and examination of urban planning documentation (Gosstroy order of 2002).

Legal approach

Today, there are still several interpretations of the understanding of ISHRD what it is. First of all, this is a system only for municipal districts and urban districts, conducted with a minimum set of functions to the extent prescribed by the Town Planning Code and taken into account by the information system. The semantic content - without a legal component - of this term is understood as an information system for any person involved in urban planning, providing all the information for its implementation.

ISOGD of the Moscow Region, for example, is a single base on the development and development of its entire territory, on land plots and engineering structures and communications located within their borders, on each capital construction object, as well as many other necessary information. It provides any public services in the form of information related to urban development. The purpose of registration and posting of information in ISOGD of the Moscow Region is to systematize and update information on the development of territories and their development.

isogd of the Moscow region


In 2006, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, according to which the Information System for Urban Planning Support took a user-friendly form. Sections of the ISCED should be as follows.

1. Documents relating to the municipality - territorial planning.

2. Documents for planning the territories of a subject of the Russian Federation in a municipality.

3. Documents and materials to substantiate them, regarding territorial planning in the municipality.

4. Rules for development and land use with amendments to them.

5. Territory planning documents.

6. Documents on the condition of natural and man-made conditions.

7. Documents on the withdrawal and reservation of plots for municipal or state needs.

8. Documents on built up and subject to development land plots.

9. Cartographic and geodetic materials.

In addition, in addition, according to the decision of local authorities, new sections are constantly being created and maintained so that any information from the ISHSD is available to those who need it.

sections isgd

Functions and Procedures

In 2007, an Order of the Ministry of Regional Development was issued to approve the documents for maintaining ISOGD, according to which books and documents were approved for the following procedures.

1. Accounting documentation that is received for posting in ISOGD, design documentation is also included here.

2. Registration of documentation that will be posted in the information fund.

3. Placement of documentation in the information fund.

4. Presentation of ISGD information to any interested parties.

Information about all urban planning documentation is available in special books that have their own classification, defined by sections and functions. ISOGD documents are books of accounting, registration of applications for the provision of information, one book for each section, drawn up according to the register. Land affairs and planning projects have a separate book for each case. The classifier has more than fifty types of documents.

help isogd


Registration of documents is carried out in the provision of the following public services in urban planning.

  • Building permit - issuance of a document.
  • Notice of the beginning of construction - submission of a document.
  • Permission to commission the facility - issuing a document.
  • Land plan - issuance of a document.
  • Territory planning documentation - approval and approval of the document.

Registration of documentation by the operator requires a mandatory thorough check of its completeness, but at the same time it does not increase the terms for the provision of public services for issuing permits and putting into operation a finished facility. In cases where the information from ISOGD upon receipt of the project documentation is in its entirety, the applicant will not need to provide the documentation again when receiving a building permit, and it is not necessary to notify of work that has begun on the construction site.


ISOGD is carried out both as manual processing of paper documents, and in the computer version of the automated AISOGD system. The volume of automation determines the degree of implementation and specific use of the software.

It can be either a minimal execution in the form of automation of accounting for information on a paper archive, or as storage and processing of electronic documents, data cards in a database and displaying them using GIS (geographic information systems) or in the most developed version as an automated process of all production and administrative functions in urban planning.

For example, such is the ISOGD of Moscow, where even interagency information interaction is automated, plus all services provided in the field of urban development are recorded - completely in electronic form.

isogd project documentation


Automated ISOGD consists of a variety of software modules, and the functionality of many of them is such that it can be standard software. To assist in working with already documented information, there are SEAD (electronic document archive) and EDMS (electronic document management).

Support the processes of the organization's BPMS or EAR (electronic administrative regulations) and programs for project management. For databases, there is a DBMS (database management) and MDM - Master Data Management (master data management), NSI (reference information) or CCM (information coding and classification system).


In addition to the above software, there are in the system, for example, ISOGD area electronic data storage. GIS (geographic information system) and CAD (with which automated design is done) work with spatial data.

Analytical data processing requires business intelligence tools. The user interface is provided by the corporate portal, geoportal, web portal on the Internet. Programs interact with each other automatically, for which service-oriented architecture (SOA) and SMEV - interdepartmental electronic interaction are provided.



Now the Town Planning Code of Russia has put in place information systems for supporting urban planning at two managerial levels. This is the federal level - FSIS TP (Federal State Infrastructure for Territorial Planning Information System) and the level of municipal districts and urban districts, which are also required to maintain their own ISHSD in accordance with the Town Planning Code and the Federal Law.

In information support, urban development activities are carried out in addition to the two above at the following levels: regional, at the level of rural and urban settlements, and at the level of individuals and legal entities. Each level has its own laws and regulations, below will be considered all of these options.

Levels federal and regional

In 2011, many changes were made to the Town Planning Code, including the introduction of Article 57.1, which defines the Federal State Property Inspection TP, that is, the Federal State Infographic for Territorial Planning. Since 2014, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has operated this system. Previously, this function was performed by the Ministry of Regional Development.

Today, regions do not conduct ISHSDs everywhere, which, however, does not limit a single constituent entity of the Russian Federation in independent decisions regarding the adoption of regulations that govern both the creation and maintenance of ISHSDs of their own region. The Ministry of Economic Development has already been instructed to consider and create a unified software and hardware solution for informatization in the regions.


According to the action plan of the Strategy for Social Development of the Central Administrative District until 2020, executive authorities of the Central Federal District need to report to the Ministry on a quarterly basis about the implementation of information systems for supporting urban planning activities.

Regions in which regional ISOGD are already underway: Volgograd Oblast, Kaluga Oblast, Kaliningrad Oblast, Moscow Oblast, Orenburg Oblast, Yaroslavl Oblast, Tyumen Oblast and some others. A bill is being prepared on new amendments to the Russian Town-Planning Code, which provides for clauses related to the creation of ISOGD.

Level of urban district and municipal district

All municipal districts and urban districts are required to maintain the ISOLAND according to the Federal Law and the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation. This is carried out by local authorities through the independent collection, processing, documentation, updating, systematization, subsequent accounting and then storage of the information that is necessary for urban development.

Urban settlements prepare and issue GPZU (urban development plan of the land plot) and perform various other functions in the urban development sphere. However, neither the Law, nor the Code directly indicate the necessity of maintaining the ISCAS. In January 2015, the Law underwent amendments, and the authority on the ISISD was transferred to the municipalities from rural settlements. A number of cases demonstrate the reverse transfer on the basis of direct agreements, therefore, corresponding information support is now required for rural settlements to maintain their own ISHSD. The rules of work are approximately the same everywhere, with regard to providing the population with information, certificates and documents relating to urban development activities.

provision of information

The level of legal entities and individuals

Scientific, commercial, design, public, survey, construction and other organizations, as well as individuals are also participants in urban planning. The current version of the Town Planning Code does not regulate in any way, but it does not limit the creation and maintenance by legal entities and individuals of the ISHSD, since this helps them to carry out the necessary and useful activities in the field of urban development.

Information systems that help conduct such a plan of activities for individuals and legal entities may be different. The most commonly used are modern Building Information Modeling or Building Information Model systems. ISOGD information remains publicly available and open, except for those classified by federal laws as restricted access. The body that is authorized to maintain the system complies with ISOGD regulations and must provide system information at any request of state authorities, local governments, as well as legal entities and individuals.


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