A hedonistic function is ... Definition, features and examples

Art in all its forms brings beauty to a person, decorates his life, brings deep aesthetic joys. The pleasure of contact with works of art forms creativity and improves the person himself. What is this hedonistic function? What does it consist of? This function of art, culture, family will be discussed in the article.

hedonistic function is

The concept of hedonistic function

The term comes from the Greek word "gedone," which means pleasure.

In fiction, the hedonistic function is a source of aesthetic pleasure, joy.

This function is a harmony of forms, colors, sounds, which causes a person joy, pleasure and aesthetic pleasure.

The hedonistic function of art

Art is designed to give pleasure to people. For example, the ancient Greeks noted the unique spiritual nature of aesthetic pleasure and distinguished it from carnal pleasures.

The following sources of enjoyment of works of art are distinguished:

  • freedom always causes admiration and pleasure, and if the artist freely owns vital material, then his works are filled with freedom and aesthetic wealth of the world around him;
  • the artist masterfully correlates all phenomena with humanity and is able to reveal the aesthetic side of any object or phenomenon;
  • the works harmoniously combine art forms and content;
  • artistic reality is built according to the laws of beauty and harmony, and it is ordered;
  • a person feels familiarity with a work of art, feels the joy of co-creation;
  • there is a game moment in the work.

hedonistic function of art

The mood of the game always forms inspiration. For example, the precise use of rhyme, the skillful construction of phrases, and the melodiousness of speech make the reader feel like a game or verbal fun. Paul Valerie called poetry a game in which they play with words, phrases, and speech.

Art gives a person pleasure and selfless joy. It forms the creative activity of a person, his socialization.

Artistic creation and art are valuable in that they reveal the truth about life to a person and at the same time bring him joy from the realization of harmony and beauty.

The hedonistic function of art determines its unique ability:

  • to form and develop aesthetic tastes;
  • arouse creativity.

When making household items, a table or a chair, a person takes care of their purpose and beauty. Art does not own a monopoly on harmony and beauty. A person needs a sense of beauty, and he creates it.

definition of the hedonistic function of culture

TV and internet

Television and internet provide quick and easy access to entertainment. Thanks to them, people enjoy, have fun, receive information in an entertaining and attractive style. An example of the hedonistic function of art is the raising of pleasure into a cult and its proclamation as the main goal of human life, which is precisely what television, newspapers, and the Internet pursue. The hedonistic approach to life is the achievement of pleasure, and in this case the end justifies all means. Arriving from work, we turn on the TV or start surfing the Internet, and we do it supposedly for no reason and no problem to relax, have fun.

Nowadays, the Internet and television are used by people for two reasons: to get information and to have fun. Moreover, they are already intertwined so much that it is difficult to separate them from each other, a person is looking for information, but expects it to be presented interestingly and funnyly. Having fun, many want to receive information about a particular event or phenomenon.

hedonistic function of culture


This concept complements the hedonistic function of art; in translation it means “information” and “entertainment”. This is a style of presenting information in the form of entertainment. This playful format for presenting serious information first appeared in the United States in the 80s of the 20th century. At this time, the rating of news fell sharply, and a decision was made to change the principles of selection and presentation of the material.

Infotainment is now seen as a new dramatic genre.

Reality shows and entertainment

Saturated with soap operas and crime scenes, the public made complaints about the forms of entertainment that the blue screen offers.

The greatest interest, a huge number of comments, rich emotions caused a "reality show" that exacerbate all emotions and increase adrenaline. The benefits of these programs in entertainment and entertainment, as well as in the chances that ordinary people are given to get a start in the profession or find themselves in life.

But these programs also bring harm - falsehood, cynicism, vulgarity of participants, form a destructive culture of youth. These programs encourage vulgarity; participants often create an illusion of popularity and significance in society.

Culture functions

hedonistic function examples

Culture performs a huge number of functions, here are some of them:

  • transforming - the transformation of the surrounding reality;
  • protective - the expansion of areas of human activity leads to the emergence of new types of danger, and this, in turn, requires culture to create measures to protect people (medicine, environmental protection);
  • communicative - a person is a social being, he needs communication, and culture forms his rules and methods;
  • cognitive function - any culture creates its own unique picture of the world, it explores the human soul, world, society;
  • information - the accumulation, storage and transmission of information - this is a form of historical progress;
  • normative - in any culture there are norms of behavior that allow you to maintain order and regulate people's behavior, many of these norms are closely related to the tradition, way of life and lifestyle of the people;
  • humanistic - the formation of human morality;
  • value - culture forms certain values, ideals, cultural norms in society;
  • the hedonistic function of culture is that it gives pleasure to a person, for example, enjoyment of literature, painting, music.

Each element of culture can perform several functions, for example, art performs a moral, spiritual, artistic, aesthetic and educational function. Hence the exact definition of the hedonistic function of culture is very vague, it is any kind of pleasure that it brought to a person. Pleasure can be both temporary and long, both strong and weak. The main thing here is the power of the influence of culture on society as a whole and on the individual in particular.

The hedonistic function of the family

hedonistic function of art examples

In theory, any family should fulfill a hedonistic function. This satisfaction in the physical and psychological comfort of each family member. Being at home, together with relatives and loved ones, a person reaches a joyful and calm state of mind. We all know well the enjoyment of delicious home-cooked food, a pleasant stay with family, joint dinners or festive feasts. Adults enjoy socializing with children. Joint walks, sports, visits to the cinema ... The list of entertainment can be endless. There is an expression: "In the family, laziness is sweet." Many families spend hours in the evening watching television, discussing what they’ve watched, arguing, and laughing. These are forms of pleasure.

Mental healthy personalities grow in such families, they can be relaxed, can take part in games, know how to have fun and show a sense of humor, they are not characterized by inner stiffness and isolation, gloom and bitterness.

The hedonistic function of the family is important for the formation of a healthy, full-fledged personality in which human society is interested.

Instead of a conclusion

Educational, informative, aesthetic is intertwined and closely merged into art. We enjoy works of art, and in this process we are educated and enlightened. And this is the hedonistic function of art, and this is precisely what it consists of.

hedonistic function of the family

For many centuries there has been a debate about the relationship between reality and beauty in art. Two main views have been put forward:

  • The beautiful in life is higher than the beautiful in art. That is, art is only a copy of objects and phenomena of reality. This opinion was held in Russia by Chernyshevsky N.G.
  • The beautiful in art is always higher than the beautiful in reality, since the artist sees deeper, more precisely, brighter. This opinion was held by Herzen A.I., Hegel G.V.

What is higher - art or reality, what is more beautiful - reality or artwork, everyone will decide for himself. But the truth is that art is beautiful, and it fulfills its main function - hedonistic.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22091/

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