Hydraulic accumulator: principle of operation. Accumulator: wiring diagram

Any modern closed water supply system must have a hydraulic accumulator, it is also an expansion tank. This drive solves several actual problems at once, therefore it is an element necessary for installation. But in order to choose and use this kind of device correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with its features. Let's talk in more detail about what a hydraulic accumulator is. The principle of operation, the device and the circuit of the unit are also affected.

accumulator operating principle

Some general information

As noted above, the accumulator performs three main tasks (as for closed systems). The main objective of the device is to accumulate a certain volume of liquid (accumulation). From this we can make a simple conclusion: by accumulating a certain amount of liquid, a battery of this type can reduce the pressure in the system, and if necessary, increase it. Well, the last task, solved with the help of a hydraulic battery, is to dampen hydraulic shocks (damping), which are able to completely or partially disable the system.

As you can see, this is a responsible and extremely important unit. It is worth noting that there is one undeniable advantage of such a solution. The fact is that the accumulator does not need electricity to operate. As an example, lifting mechanisms, where a hydraulic drive is often used , can be given. The essence of its functioning is very simple and is to prevent the load from falling with a sudden blackout. Sometimes the only solution is the accumulator. The principle of operation of the device, we now consider.

accumulator 100 l

How the storage tank is arranged and works

Hydraulic accumulators are sometimes called membrane tanks. The fact is that the existing capacity is divided into two parts by the membrane. In one half there is water, in the second - inert gas or just air. In addition, several holes are made in the housing. One is for supply, the other is for water discharge. It is mandatory to install a manometer, which allows you to constantly monitor the pressure in the system and, if necessary, take measures. To control the flow and bleed more accurate, set the spool. Since closed systems by no means always can boast of high quality media, they mount a filter that allows you to remove all kinds of contaminants. When water is pumped into the system, it enters one of the chambers of the expansion tank. As a result, the pressure in the second chamber, where the gas is located, increases. When the pressure gauge indicates the maximum limit, the pump turns off.

Principle of Operation: Part 2

Water is gradually consumed. Part of it descends, evaporates a little, etc. As a result of the fact that the amount of carrier gradually decreases, the pressure in the system drops. That is why the needle on the manometer lowers. When the maximum minimum is reached, the automatic control system is turned on and the system is filled with media. When the pressure reaches its maximum value, the automation turns off, and so on in a circle.

The membrane has two holes, one enters the coolant, and the other exits. The hydraulic accumulator, the principle of operation of which we have already considered, is often called simply an expansion tank. In fact, this is one and the same device (with only some differences) that performs one task.

Accumulator: connection diagram using a surface pump

We all know that modern heating and water supply systems can have surface and submersible pumps. First, let's look at the first case in stages. First of all, you need to check the pressure in the tank, which should fluctuate in the range from 0.2 to 1 bar. This value should be slightly less than that indicated on the relay. Next, you need to prepare all the equipment for connection. You should have a fitting for five connectors. Here, the accumulator, pressure gauge, relay and pump are connected. The fifth outlet is used to connect a water pipe. The next step is to connect the fitting to the tank, preferably through a rigid hose. At the final stage, in turn, the relays, pressure gauge, pump pipe are connected.

accumulator connection diagram

Important details

After you complete all the above steps, you need to check the system for leaks. It is recommended to pay the most attention to the joints, since it is there that water most often seeps. Do not forget that the pressure regulating switch has special labels. Under the cover you will find the contacts β€œpump” and β€œnetwork”, look carefully and do not mix the wires.

Once again, the importance of sealing joints is worth noting. Often there are threads where leaks are detected. Even if you find a gap in the system, then for a more snug fit you can use industrial sealant, technical flax. After this, check again, the presence of water plugs is unacceptable. If necessary, drain the water and do it all again. As you can see, the accumulator, the connection diagram of which has just been considered, is installed quite simply. Let's move on.

Connection with submersible pump

accumulator relay
The main difference between this type of system is that the pump is located in the well, in the well, that is, in the place where the water comes to the house. Most attention should be paid to installing a check valve. It is needed in order to prevent the outflow of water back into the well or well. Almost always, it is installed directly on the pump in front of the pipe. To realize this, it is necessary to cut the internal thread on the lid. With this design, the fitting will have an external thread on all sides.

The first thing is to put a check valve, and then connect the accumulator. After everything is done, you need to check the tightness of the system. Do not forget that for normal operation, the pump should be 20 centimeters from the bottom. Otherwise, there will be a large number of foreign inclusions, the filter will become clogged quickly.

accumulator circuit

Which accumulator to choose?

After we figured out a little with the wiring diagram, I would like to talk about the choice of specific equipment. The volume of models varies in the range of 20-1000 liters. This is enough to ensure the smooth operation of domestic and industrial facilities. Of course, it is necessary to be guided by the amount of water required for maintenance. For example, for a family of 4-5 people, a 100-liter accumulator is suitable. This is enough for a shower, toilet, kitchen and watering the earth.

Do not forget that a large expansion tank requires a lot of water in the system. But you do not need to buy a 100-liter accumulator for a family of 2 people. In order not to make an inappropriate purchase, you need to carefully think through everything. In any case, it is recommended to leave a small margin, for example, 5-10%. If a new person appears in the family, then there will be no need to immediately install a more capacious tank. Although you already know how to connect the accumulator, you can wait a bit with this. Let's look at some popular manufacturers.

"Dzhileks" - a domestic accumulator

gileks accumulator

These expansion tanks are made in Russia and are quite popular, due to the acceptable cost of units. If it is necessary to ensure a constant pressure in the system, then the accumulators of this manufacturer are best suited.

Their advantage is that the device allows you to protect the pump from too frequent starts, and this extends the life of the device by 15-20%. It is also worth mentioning that the "Dzhileks" is a hydraulic accumulator that significantly reduces the risk of water hammering. If the latter also have a place to be, then the expansion tank almost completely dampens the harmful effects. If the lights are suddenly turned off, the supply of water to the expansion tank will go into the system. The device is designed to operate in the temperature range from 10 to 99 degrees Celsius.

"Reflex" - German quality technology

We can say with confidence that in Germany special attention is paid to the accuracy and quality of products. These two parameters are very important. Maintaining accurate pressure in the system and a well-made hydraulic accumulator are the key to successful water and heat supply. The company mainly specializes in the production of vertical equipment of various sizes.

It is worth noting that the Reflex accumulator is made of stainless steel. The operating temperature range is slightly different. You can connect the system at a temperature of -10 Β° C, and stop working at +70. The advantage of Reflex products is that the relay for the accumulator has special designations with which even a novice can connect without any problems.


how to connect the accumulator

We talked about what a pressure accumulator is. We also examined the principle of operation and the purpose of the device, so there should not be any questions. As you probably noticed, connecting with any type of pump is not difficult, since there is nothing complicated. Do not purchase Chinese products. Besides the fact that such expansion tanks are not useful, they will not protect your system in a reliable way. Since the accumulator circuit has already been considered, you must understand that the correct role is played by the correct installation and tightness of the system. By the way, if the relay does not have the necessary marks, then do not connect the wires at random, it is better to call a specialist. Believe me, the master will cost much less than repairing an expansion tank.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22095/

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