The most interesting sights of Navahrudak

There are many interesting cities in Belarus. One of them is Novogrudok. At one time, it was the first capital of the Principality of Lithuania, therefore, historical monuments belonging to that era remained on its territory. But there are other sights of Navahrudak, the names and descriptions of which you will find in this article.

sights of novogrudok

Where to begin

To visit this city, you need to go to the Grodno region. It is best to start visiting the sights of Novogrudok from the Museum of History and Local Lore. It is in it that you can get acquainted with the history of the city. The museum opened in 1992. At 250 square meters there are 9 exhibition halls. In total, the museum has about 15 thousand exhibits. The collection is periodically replenished, because archaeological excavations in the city continue to this day. Moreover, the earliest finds date back to the 9th-8th centuries. BC e. The oldest exhibit is a petrified hedgehog. Scientists have found that he is about 80 million years old.

What was before

In the museum you can get an idea of ​​the life of people in this territory from the moment that a primitive man began to arrange his parking here, and to this day. His collection includes household items, tools, clothing, weapons and other interesting exhibits. Having decided on what sights of Navahrudak you would like to see in the first place, hit the road. You will find a lot of interesting things. The main attractions of Novogrudok, the photos of which are presented in this article, are the ruins of the Novogrudok castle, Nikolaev Cathedral, Mount Mindovga. We will tell you more about them.

Attractions Navahrudak photo

King of Lithuania

In the XIII century, Slavic cities could choose their ruler. Novogrudok elected Prince Mindovg to this post. He considered this proposal flattering and even converted to Christianity, however, some sources say that he did not do this and remained a pagan. In the middle of the XIII century, to conclude an agreement with Livonia, Mindovg adopted Catholicism, after which he was crowned Innocent IV and became the first king of Lithuania. But, apparently, paganism turned out to be sweeter than the prince, because later he renounced Christianity and returned to him again. Therefore, even after death, he was buried in a pagan rite. Over the grave of Mindovg in one night, as legend has it, they poured a large sand mound. Later, however, a Christian cemetery was built on this mound, from which only a few gravestones have remained in our time. Prince Mindovg in Novogrudok is still remembered, therefore, a memorial plate is installed on the mountain.

Attractions Navahrudak addresses

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Sights of Navahrudak are also churches. One of them originally belonged to the Franciscans. They were invited to Novogrudok by Prince Gediminas at the beginning of the 14th century. They donated the church of St. Anthony, which in its shape resembled a ship. A Franciscan monastery was erected nearby. When in the middle of the 19th century the Franciscans were forced to leave Russia, the former church turned into an Orthodox church. It was renamed in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker. The building acquired a more familiar appearance for Christians after it had to be rebuilt after the fire of 1852. The cathedral became a cathedral in 1992. Inside the temple are stored particles of holy relics.

main sights of novogrudok photo

Picturesque ruins

Attractions Novogrudok - this is including the remains of ancient structures. These include the ruins of the Novogrudok castle. It was built on Castle Hill as a defensive structure in the XIII century. The place was chosen on a hill. Previously, there was a wooden castle, it was surrounded by ramparts and a moat. In total, several towers were built in the castle. Initially erected Shield, then in the XIV century Kostelnaya, Malaya, Posadskaya, Brahma. In the XV-XVI centuries, in order to further strengthen the already impregnable castle, which was so thanks to the thick stone walls, the Watchtower and Meska Tower were added. However, already during the Russo-Polish war, it began to collapse. And after the Great Patriotic War, almost nothing remained of him.

Not only antiquity

It is interesting that the sights of Navahrudak, the photos of which are presented in this article, are not only of the old days. There are also arisen in the XX century. This, for example, the Barrow of Glory is a man-made creation dedicated to the famous poet Adam Mickiewicz. As you know, he himself dreamed that a monument was erected to him in Novogrudok. Therefore, when the chairman of the Mickiewicz Committee came up with the idea of ​​erecting a mound, thousands of people supported it. Those wishing to take part in the project should have poured earth or laid a stone in memory of the poet. Thus, a mound was formed. How strong is the people's love for Adam Mickiewicz can be judged by the height of the embankment. At the foot of the mound there is a park and a memorial stone. From the top of the hill you can admire a magnificent view of Navahrudak.

sights of novogrudok names and description

House museum

Adam Mickiewicz is one of the beloved poets of the Belarusian people. In 1920, a museum was founded, in which they began to collect exhibits related to his life and work. It opened to visitors in 1938. However, during the Patriotic War, the real house of the poet was destroyed. Therefore, what visitors are seeing now is its exact copy, built in 1955. In the early 90's, a complete reconstruction of the historical buildings related to the museum was made. Therefore, now everything that is there looks historically accurate.

You learned about the sights of Navahrudak. Their addresses are as follows:

  • Mindovga mountain - st. Minsk;
  • Mickiewicz Barrow - st. Castle;
  • Museum of Local Lore - ul. Grodno, d. 2;
  • castle ruins - st. Castle;
  • Mitskevich house-museum - st. Lenin, d.1;
  • Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - st. Castle, d. 4.

Have an interesting trip!


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