How to get into the stone bowels. Description of location and tactics

The game World of Warcraft has a huge number of dungeons in which players can have fun, while getting a bonus to the pleasure of passing excellent equipment, gold and many useful items. We will talk about one of these instances in this guide. We are talking about a location called Stone bowels. Read about how to get to this location and what awaits you inside.

stone bowels


Once upon a time, even before the Cataclysm, the bowels of the earth were a sacred place for the twilight hammer masters. It was here, according to legend, that the ruthless Deathwing regained its strength after being defeated by other aspects of the dragons of Azeroth. In this dungeon, the masters strengthened his tormented body with elemental plates, which made him even more powerful. And from here he flew out full of energy in order to destroy the legendary Pillar of the world, after which the delicate balance in the Underdark shook and the death of all of Azeroth approached.

According to legend, most novices of the Twilight's Hammer have long left Stone bowels, but many fans of this sect, led by their priestess Azil, still protect the secrets and treasures of these places. The answer to the question of whether this is true, players will receive during the study of this dungeon.

The bowels of the stone. How to get to the location

This dungeon is designed for a group of players consisting of five people. The minimum level for passing is 81st. If you decide to go through the location in heroic mode, then pump the character to level 85. Only after that you can search for the entrance to this location. The bowels of stone are located in the center of the Underdark, which can be accessed through a portal in Ogrimmar or Stormwind. But this can only be done after completing Hero's Appeals from message boards.

stone bowels how to get

Once in the Underdark, find the Temple of the Earth - this place will be the starting point. The entrance to the dungeon is located on the same pillar, but it will be difficult to find it. The thing is that the portal to the instance is located high above the ground, you can get to it only with the help of the mount. Fly to the two columns, near which lies the stone of the meetings. It is between them that the entrance to the dungeon is located.

What awaits inside?

The bowels of the stone are a rather complicated dungeon, in which four powerful bosses live - Corbor, Kamenshkur, Ozruk and High Priestess Azil. In addition, in each passage and cave you can meet quite strong opponents, such as Berserk, Zemererez, Flayer, Sentry, Kostolom Stone bowels and many others. All these high-level mobs can deliver no less trouble than location bosses.

Boss tactics

The first serious opponent that you will meet in the bowels of the stone is Corbor, the battle with him will consist of two phases. At the first stage of the battle, inflict damage on the boss, while trying not to fall under the crystal spit of the enemy. In the second phase of the battle, Carbor will burrow into the ground and there will be many small add-ons that need to be killed. At the same time, follow the boss's underground movements, they can be seen by the dusty trail. If he is near you, it will cause great damage or overturn your character.

bowels of stone

The next boss of the location, Kamenshkur, is able to pour fire on anyone who faces him. In the first phase of the battle, avoid attacking the enemy from the front, it is better to go from the sides. In addition, avoid tail strikes and run away from steaming earth, because after a few seconds a pillar of flame will begin to hit from there. After a certain moment, the dragon will rise into the air and begin to throw stone blocks at the group. Their landing places will be marked by shadow, so damage can be avoided by observing the battlefield.

Before the battle with the next boss, Ozruk, it is better to clear the area from opponents weaker. This character uses four skills in battle, so get ready for a difficult duel. Ideally, the duel looks like this: the tank takes on the boss and turns him with his back to the group. At that moment, when Ozruk begins to cast spikes, the tank runs back to the enemy, and then returns to its original place. All this time, the damageer deals damage, stopping beating at the moment when the boss hangs up the shields.

High Priestess Azil - the final opponent of the Stone bowels. Passing this final boss will not be easy, especially in heroic mode. In the first phase of the duel, the priestess escapes from her throne and attacks everyone in her path. At this point, any player except the tank, it is better to run away and engage in mobs, which will be plenty. At the second stage, there will be even more add-ons, in addition, the priestess will return to her pedestal and from there she will throw a group of boulders. At this point, avoid the marked areas so as not to be smeared on the floor. In general, passing a location called Stone Subsoil (VoB) will require maximum concentration from you, but the reward will be appropriate.


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