How is top dressing fruit trees in autumn?

Any normal gardener knows that the quality and quantity of the crop depends to a large extent on whether the soil contains enough nutrients. Given that garden crops have been growing in one place for decades, they are able to draw almost all the juices out of the soil. And therefore, top dressing of fruit trees in the fall becomes extremely important.

fertilizing fruit trees in autumn

Of course, there are two ways to carry out such activities: the use of organic or mineral fertilizers. Of course, all these works will give the optimum effect only if they are combined with agricultural and irrigation measures.

Optimal timing

In order for top dressing of fruit trees in autumn to be performed as efficiently as possible, you should know about the periods when it should be performed at all:

  • in the spring, before the start of shoot growth;
  • in the fall, before the end of their growth.

At other points in time, top dressing will not only not give the expected results, but it can also be harmful. For example, having “pumped” the soil with organic fertilizers at the time of pouring apples, it is quite possible to get fruits enriched not with vitamins, but with a bunch of nitrites.

autumn top dressing of fruit trees
By the way, today we will consider exactly the “organic option”, since any self-respecting fertilizer manufacturer applies detailed instructions to his products. Manure producers (for obvious reasons) do not particularly bother with this ...

Process features

In general, how is fertilizing fruit trees in the fall? The use of organic fertilizers is especially justified in that they contain a lot of nitrogen. He, in turn, in large quantities goes to the formation of foliage. Making manure in the fall is the most appropriate way to fertilize.

This is due to the fact that in it the nutrients are in the form of complex organic compounds, which become available to trees only after a couple of months. In addition, feeding fruit trees in the fall in no case should be carried out with fresh fertilizer, as this is fraught with burns of the root system.

Humus should be added regularly from the time the tree enters the active fruiting phase. The calculation of the amount of fertilizer required must be carried out based on the volume of the area: for example, with a diameter of a trunk circle of two meters, you must fertilize three square meters. If the circle is three squares, then seven is fertilized. In this case, autumn top dressing of fruit trees will give the maximum effect.

top dressing of fruit trees

But the best result is still obtained when manure is introduced into the zone of maximum concentration of the root system of the plant; To do this, draw a circle formed by the projection of the crown, then step back 50 cm from its outer edge and dig approximately 15 holes equally spaced from each other. Humus is poured into them, all this is spilled with water and filled up with soil.

What is the frequency of top dressing? It all depends on the soil: in their normal condition, it is enough to apply humus every three years. If the soil is poor, then you need to do this annually. Note that when using mineral fertilizers together with humus, their dose should be reduced by half.

Such top dressing of fruit trees will give an excellent effect!


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