Vacuum cutter: description, purpose. Equipment for the meat processing industry

The use of productive and functional units in meat processing enterprises allows us to produce quality products and at the same time minimize costs. Recent trends in the industrial equipment market in this segment are due to increased interest in functional and economical devices that more efficiently cope with their tasks, but require less maintenance costs. These include the vacuum cutter, available on the market in various versions.

equipment for the meat industry

What equipment does the meat industry provide ?

Before entering the processing line, meat can go through several stages of preparation, including a special vacuum massager. Further, depending on the final requirements for the preparation of the product, these or those units are involved. In particular, equipment for the meat industry in the form of meat mixers, which facilitate the mixing of ingredients, is widely used. Such equipment is obtained not only by specialized sausage shops and meat processing plants, but also by catering organizations with hypermarkets. The use of vacuum modifications makes it possible to improve the structure of the mixed mass, and also, if necessary, supplement its composition with coloring additives.

A vacuum syringe is also widespread in this industry, through which meat producers fill sausages. This is industrial equipment, which is also used in factories for the production of sausages and sausages as a result of the twisting of minced meat with a different consistency. As in the case of sausage meat mixers, when using sausage syringes , the meat is prepared for the further production of products by a vacuum cutter and adjacent technological equipment.

meat cutter

What is the meat cutting process for?

The function of the cutter should not be confused with the preparation of minced meat. This is the next step in the manufacture of the same sausages, sausages, dumplings, pastes and various semi-finished products. It involves chopping the finished meat to a state of uniformity. In addition to grinding, at this stage thorough mixing of the mass is carried out, to which various spices, additives and fillers can also be added. At the exit, the meat cutter should provide a thoroughly mixed base that will have optimal moisture retention and viscosity characteristics. However, the specific properties of minced meat processed in the cutter depend on the requirements for the final product. By the way, such equipment is used not only for grinding and processing meat products. It is also used by fish factories - but only for boneless meat.

meat cutter

Features of the vacuum cutter

In the classic version, the meat chopper for chopping is a bulky machine that is expensive and requires careful maintenance. And this is not to mention the difficulties of controlling the unit. Such machines were replaced by a vacuum cutter, which is a small elliptical-shaped structure. In many ways, such aggregates resemble closed-type mixers, in which knives perform the main processing function. The benefits of cutters include a simplified process of cutting under vacuum. Such a solution is beneficial both in terms of the convenience of the technological organization of processing and aesthetically, as the outwardly modern cutters with an oval shape look more attractive and neat.

cutter Price

How is the meat cutter arranged?

The main part of the construction of the unit is an oval bowl, which is fixed on a special frame. Technically, it is formed by two parts: the base and the cover. The latter opens for loading and unloading minced meat. The convex upper part and the base have rubberized gaskets at the edges for sealing during operation. At the bottom of the structure, along the axis of the bowl, is the cutting mechanism of the cutter, represented by sickle-shaped knives. They are powered by an electric motor. As a rule, several operating modes are provided, which differ in different speeds. The degree of grinding and mass homogenization in the volume of the bowl will depend on the selected program. Also, during processing, the operator can add pieces of flake ice or spices to the mass through the technological hole. However, the principles for supplying additional ingredients may be different depending on the particular modification of the cutter.

vacuum cutter

The principle of operation of the unit

As noted above, meat choppers are in many ways similar to mixers, not only in appearance but also in terms of operation. The process begins with loading the meat into the bowl. You can use chilled or frozen minced meat - it depends on the power of the machine. Then the lid closes, and the direct process of mechanical processing is activated, in which sickle-shaped knives come into play. It is important to consider that the meat cutter overheats during operation. The optimal temperature regime is on average 12-15 degrees. Exceeding this indicator is dangerous for the equipment. In order to prevent undesirable situations, the operator cools the installation using the aforementioned flake ice. It is also worth noting the division of cars into models with and without automatic control. In the first case, the unit will automatically turn off the engine when critical temperatures are reached. A model without automation must be controlled independently - navigate according to the built-in thermometer. When the process is completed, the cutter is turned off, and the finished mass is removed from the bowl.

Additional security

Optional devices are for the most part subject to the safety requirements of the unit. In addition to temperature sensors, the cutters can also be equipped with indicators of rotation of the knife shaft, water dosimeters, balancing systems, etc. The modern vacuum cutter is also provided with special devices that prevent the mass from lingering in corners. The fact is that, due to structural features, the oval bowl may have zones inaccessible to the cutting elements. To prevent the formation of stagnant places, manufacturers provide for the design of appropriate mechanical devices that also participate in the mixing process.

cutting mechanism

The main characteristics of the vacuum cutter

The main characteristic that determines the industrial value of cutters is productivity. It is expressed in the ratio of the mass of the product and the time for which it is prepared. The average figure is 250-300 kg / h. This applies to meat products, but universal cutters, which can also process fruits and vegetables, provide 200 kg / h. The volume of the bowl is about 60-80 l, but it is important to consider that a maximum of 90% of this volume will be involved in the work process. As for the frequency at which the knives chop meat, then in industrial versions it averages 3000-3600 rpm. Again, modern versions allow the use of several speed modes - respectively, and the number of revolutions can vary.

How much does the equipment cost?

Models differ in many technical and operational indicators, therefore, the cost differs depending on the class. For example, in the initial segment you can find a cutter, the price of which will be about 100-150 thousand rubles. As a rule, these are aggregates with small dimensions, which are suitable for use in catering establishments. They allow for a short period of time to prepare meat products in small volumes.

If a productive shredder is required to work on an industrial scale, then you should focus on a large-sized cutter, the price of which will be at least 300 thousand rubles. If you add another 50-70 thousand to the cost, the manufacturer will provide additional equipment in the form of modern control panels, display systems, etc.

meat chopping


Vacuum-type cutters undoubtedly provide a host of advantages over traditional minced meat grinders. But when buying such equipment, it is important to consider the disadvantages. Firstly, the meat cutter is a technically complex device, the repair of which should be done by a specialist. And it's not just about the electrical drive stuffing. A lot of problems in case of improper operation can also be caused by a design with cutting elements. Secondly, high demands are placed on this type of aggregate in terms of safety.


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