Planting garlic. Tips for gardeners

Garlic is a very popular vegetable with a piquant, pronounced taste. It is widely used in cooking, as a component for preparing a wide variety of dishes. And everyone has probably heard about the benefits of garlic . This is a unique natural volatile, capable of destroying viruses, fungi and bacteria. The use of garlic improves immunity and is especially useful during seasonal epidemics of SARS and influenza.

Today, gardeners grow two types of garlic - giving arrows (winter varieties) and non-shooting (maybe spring and winter). But still planting garlic in the winter has become more widespread, since in this case it is possible to get more serious crops, and the cloves of this variety are larger. Planting each variety of this useful vegetable has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account in order for the crop to be worthy.

Experienced gardeners know that any vegetable crop grows better in areas where certain types of plants were grown last year, and much worse if the predecessor was unsuitable. Planting garlic ideally should be carried out on the beds on which cabbage, pumpkin, beans, peas or forage grasses grew. Good results and planting on clean fumes. The worst results are obtained after planting potatoes or tomatoes.

For winter sowing of garlic, you need to select large, without any damage to the bulb. Separate planting material into individual cloves in advance should not be, it is better to do this immediately before planting. For disinfection, the teeth are recommended to be treated with a one percent solution of copper sulfate.

Planting garlic in the fall is carried out at a time when the temperature of the soil has reached 10-12 degrees. Typically, this happens in early or mid-October. The best sites are those where the soil is rich in nutrients and has a neutral reaction. However, the introduction of fresh manure immediately before planting vegetables is strictly prohibited.

The soil should be well loosened, the planting of garlic is carried out by deepening the cloves (sharp tips up) to 6-10 cm into the soil. The larger the planting material used, the greater should be the depth of planting. Also consider the quality of the soil. Light sandy soils allow greater deepening, on heavier loams, the teeth are planted to a shallower depth.

The distance between the rows should be about twenty centimeters, and between adjacent plants - 10-12 cm.

Winter planting of garlic should not be carried out on hills, as well as on blown places, since in winter time enough snow cannot accumulate on the garden, and planted cloves may simply die from the cold. But lowlands for planting this vegetable are not suitable, since in such places an excess of moisture is possible, which will adversely affect the crop.

Planting of garlic in the spring is carried out while the soil warms up a little and dries out, that is, as a rule, in the middle of April. The land must be dug before planting, and the first weeds must be removed. At the same time as digging, it is very useful to add humus to the soil.

Then the soil on the beds is loosened and rows are laid out along which cloves will be planted. When spring planting, less deepening is used than when planting in the winter. Depth of landing - up to five centimeters. The distance between the rows should be fifteen to seventeen centimeters, and between individual plants - about a decimeter.

During the growing season of both varieties of garlic, it can be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Mandatory operation is weeding and easy hilling. If there is little rain, then the beds need to be watered, but you need to remember that excess moisture is harmful to garlic.

Harvesting vegetables planted before winter is carried out in August. Harvest of spring garlic is harvested in mid-late September.


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