Sabbath - what is it? Classical interpretation of the word and the most unexpected facts

In our age of high technology, few people seriously believe in magic and evil spirits . However, interest in all kinds of mysticism does not fade away. About unrealistic creatures and entities often make films and publish books. In this genre of art you can meet your own specific terms. For example, the Sabbath. What it is?

Classic interpretation

Sabbat what is it
According to the most popular version, Satanism is the exact opposite of Christianity. Since the Orthodox faith appeared earlier, its dark reflection was forced to borrow and distort all church rites and events. At that time, while believers gather in churches for worship, subjects of Satan are sent to the Sabbath. What it is?

This event is held in remote places, most often on the tops of high hills and mountains, always blown by the winds. Witches, demons, and other unclean creatures honor Satan, dance all night, perform black rituals, and indulge in orgies. Briefly answer what the Sabbath means, as follows: the collection of witches, during which things are done that are most disgusting to God and traditional religion. This concept was formulated and voiced in the period of early Christianity.

Witch Sabbat: Mystical Facts and Stories

What does the Sabbath mean?
It is believed that Satan meets with his subjects at least four times a year, on special days. In Russian culture, these are Kolyada (December 21-22), Pancake week (spring solstice- March 21), Ivan Kupala day (July 21) and autumn solstice (ancient harvest festival - September 21). Europeans believe that the Sabbath is also held at Walpurgis Night - from April 30 to May 1. During this event, rites of initiation of new witches are held, human and animal sacrifices are made. The Sabbath participants can drink blood and wine and, in every possible way, praise their leader. It is unbelievable to believe it, but in historical documents there are detailed descriptions and testimonies of people who once lived who claim to have seen it all with their own eyes. Obtained for the most part they were the holy Inquisition during the witch hunt. Suspects of the devil, after terrible tortures and interrogations of many hours, began to talk about how they visited the Sabbath. What is this event, and what are its details, inquisitors often "helped" them by asking suggestive questions.

Bulgakov version

Witch Sabbat Mystical Facts
The Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov in his cult novel "The Master and Margarita" describes in detail the witch's coven. The main character, hoping to meet her missing lover again, makes a deal with the devil himself and agrees to be the queen at Satan's Ball. How does she, being an ordinary woman, get there? It's simple: Azazello gives her a special cream. At the command of the demon, Margarita completely undresses and uses the received remedy. Then instantly younger and becomes noticeably lighter. Further, having saddled the mop and shouted only one word β€œInvisible!”, It can go on a journey that is really invisible to people and completely free. Bulgakov describes in detail the Sabbath itself and the subsequent Ball of Satan, telling about the rites and ceremonies held, as well as about the audience gathered there. This work should be read by all lovers of mysticism and those who are interested in this topic. Although the novel is actually much deeper and touches on many philosophical topics.

Modern interpretations and meanings

Shabash meaning and interpretation of the word
If you turn to explanatory dictionaries, you can be very surprised. For example, among Jews, the time for rest is called shabash. The meaning and interpretation of the word is difficult to explain to a person who is far from Judaism. In this religion, the Sabbath is considered a special day in which you can’t work, you should only rest in soul and body, offer prayers to the Lord. Many Russified Jews strongly dislike that such a holy concept for them in our country is consonant with something bad and demonic. The Sabbath - what is it about the interpretation of modern dictionaries? Most often, this word is used to name the collection of witches and other devil followers. Use the definition of "coven" and figuratively - to describe some kind of bad pastime or bad company. This is a curse, uttering which, a person literally calls all participants in the meeting witches and sorcerers and casts serious doubt on the decency of their joint pastime.


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