How to register with the military enlistment office: methods and terms

How to register at the military registration and enlistment office? We will try to deal with this issue further. The thing is that military registration in the life of a citizen of the Russian Federation plays an important role. Only not everyone knows how to behave under certain circumstances. Especially given that the first visit to the military commissariat threatens a person even during adolescence. What is recommended to remember? How and where to register with the military enlistment office? What is required for this? Answers to these questions and not only greatly facilitate life. In particular, those who must register with the said authority.

Documents for registration at the military registration and enlistment office

Is obliged or entitled?

Almost every citizen of the Russian Federation should register with the military registration and enlistment office. The thing is that at the moment, military registration is a duty. Certain categories of citizens must be registered with the authorized body. We will talk about how to do this later.

First, remember that military duty is not a right. The defense of the motherland, as well as military service in the army and registration with the military commissariat are carried out without fail. There are exceptions, but there are very few.

Age of first visit

It is worth remembering that in Russia, boys will meet with the mentioned organ several times. Mandatory military registration is subject to the male part of the population of the Russian Federation. Girls are registered in authorized services only when serving in the army on a contract basis or when they receive "military" specialties. Therefore, further focus on boys and men.

Contact MFC for military accounting

The first time you need to go to the draft board for accounting is 16 years old. If a child at this age is in school or college, a special centralized commission is organized. The boys are sent to the commission, and then to the military registration and enlistment offices for registration.

On the basis of this, the child will be given an attributed certificate. This document is useful for urgent appeal in the future.

When to register with the military commissariat

How to register at the military registration and enlistment office? First you have to find out under what conditions the appropriate operation is required. And what is needed for her, too.

After a person first enters the military commissariat, he may have to face re-registration. For example, if:

  • the liable person moves;
  • a citizen changes personal data;
  • the marital status of a person changes;
  • a person liable for service receives disability.

Accordingly, sometimes you need to get on temporary registration at the military registration and enlistment office. Re-registration is necessary if a citizen stays in a new place of residence for more than 3 months. If you do not fulfill the accounting obligation, you will have to pay a fine. But about him later.

Registered at the military registration and enlistment office at 16

Registration Methods

Where to register with the draft board? It all depends on the personal preferences of a particular person. The main thing is to remember that you need to contact the institution at the place of registration. And temporary including.

At the moment, you can register with the military commissariat:

  • personally;
  • by contacting the MFC;
  • Through the services of "one window";
  • Organizations like My Documents
  • through "Government services".

Which method to choose, everyone decides for himself. Only in practice, among teenagers and young people, personal appeal to the authorized body is still popular. Next, we consider all possible scenarios in more detail.

Instruction: independent visit

Need to register with the military enlistment office? The term for contacting the authorized body is 3 months. That is how much is allotted to a person when changing his place of residence for registration in a new military commissar.

Suppose a military officer decided to personally contact the authorized body, not from a school or other educational institution. Then he is advised to act like this:

  1. Collect a specific package of documents. We will familiarize with its components below.
  2. Contact the authorized body at the place of registration or temporary stay.
  3. Submit an application for registration or adjustment of data at the military commissariat.
  4. Receive a receipt on acceptance of documents.
  5. To pick up the amended certificates on registration with a particular military commissariat at the agreed time.

Nothing difficult or incomprehensible. True, it is best to contact the draft board directly. Otherwise, you will have to wait a long time for the result of the service provided.

How to register with the military enlistment office in the Russian Federation

Terms for Government Services

But this is only one of several possible layouts. I wonder how you can register with the draft board? "Public services" - a portal that will help to cope with the task. Adult citizens of the Russian Federation can work with this service for electronic services. For example, when applying for benefits or some civil papers.

Only for a successful order of electronic services will have to prepare in advance. The thing is that at the moment, "State Services" require:

  • Registration for ESIA;
  • filling out a user profile;
  • confirmation of identity on the portal.

Only under such circumstances can a person gain access to all electronic services. Otherwise, neither registration at the military registration and enlistment office, nor ordering a passport will be available to a potential customer. He can only check taxes, pay utilities and make an appointment with the doctor.

Important: it takes about two weeks to activate an ESIA profile.

Instruction manual

How to register with the military registration and enlistment office through "State services"? To cope with this task will not be difficult if you follow some instructions. A distinctive feature of the service is the rapid provision of services. The commissariat must be notified within 30 minutes.

How to register with the military registration and enlistment office through "State services"

Instructions for working with "State services" in our case will look like this:

  1. Log in to ESIA by logging into your pre-prepared account.
  2. Find in the catalog of available options a service called "Military Registration".
  3. Click on the "Receive" label.
  4. Fill out the application that appears on the screen. This electronic form is a standard application. Part of the data in it will be automatically inserted from the "My Account". If necessary, the corresponding data can be changed manually.
  5. Indicate the authorized body (military registration and enlistment office) in which the citizen will have to appear on the agenda. In some cases, you can also choose a date with the time of the proposed visit.
  6. Agree to the terms of work on the e-government website.
  7. Send the application electronically for processing.

At this stage, you can finish. Now all that remains for a person is to wait for the agenda. He will be obliged to appear at the military commissariat precisely with the availability of the corresponding document. You need to have a certain package of certificates with you (it varies depending on the situation), as well as a summons and passport. There is nothing incomprehensible in the process. The main thing is to register in advance on the e-government website.

Documents for teens

How to register at the military registration and enlistment office? The answer to this question will no longer put citizens in an awkward position. You can contact the authorized body in different ways. The main thing is to consider your residence permit. Otherwise, registration will be refused. This is a legal phenomenon.

Military ID of the Russian Federation

Next, we will try to find out which documents are useful for military registration. Let's start with the initial registration in the military commissariat. For her, a child needs such papers:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • characteristics from the place of study or work;
  • medical record from the clinic;
  • certificates of medical commission;
  • personal photos (6 pieces);
  • documents on military training;
  • certificates about getting a rank or sports achievements.

All this is not so difficult to collect. Copies of these documents are not taken into account. On the basis of the relevant documentation, the citizen will be issued with a registration certificate. It will come in handy in the future. Namely, after 18 years.

Data adjustment

Documents to register with the military registration and enlistment office may be different. It all depends on for what specific reason a citizen applies to the authorized body.

The next scenario is the change in personal data. In this case, you need to prepare:

  • attributed certificate or "warrior";
  • statement;
  • passport;
  • base document for the correction of personal data (marriage certificate, divorce, certificate from the registry office or a court decision).

Nothing more is needed. The absence of the listed securities will not allow the citizen to register with the authorized bodies.

Family status

It’s not so difficult to register temporarily with the military enlistment office. And to carry out the correction of data on the military, including. The main thing is to follow the proposed guidelines, as well as to form a package of references suitable for the situation.

What is required for registration in the military registration and enlistment office of the Russian Federation

If a person’s marital status changes, he will have to inform the military registration and enlistment office about this. You need to have an identifier with you and a certificate of marriage / divorce / adoption or the birth of children. One should not forget about the “attributed" or military ticket, if any.

Place of residence

How to register at another military registration and enlistment office? To achieve the desired result, you must adhere to the above instructions.

If a person has a residence permit, he needs to inform the new draft board about this. The applicant will have to have:

  • identity id;
  • military ID (or "ascribed");
  • statement;
  • certificates from a new place of residence.


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