Top 10 most terrible animals of the planet: photo and description

The world of wildlife is amazing. It is inhabited by a wide variety of representatives, many of which pose a real danger to humans. Poison, sharp claws, deadly teeth, tremendous speed, amazing ability for coordinated actions - these are the weapons that mother nature has bestowed on its children. We invite you to get acquainted with the TOP 10 of the most terrible animals of the Earth.

10th place - sharks

This killer fish is terrifying to anyone who accidentally encounters it in the open waters of the southern seas. She does not feel pain, never sleeps, and about 200 teeth in several rows are located in the mouth of the predator. The jaws of the fish are so powerful that an adult white shark can bite even steel bars with them.

Great White Shark

Some species are capable of speeds up to 50 km / h and are characterized by a phenomenal ability to feel blood for many kilometers, even if only one drop of it has got into the water.

9th place - wild boar

This is not just a dangerous predator with powerful fangs, ready to tear apart a person who inadvertently fell into its territory, but also a smart animal. The average weight of an adult sometimes reaches 200 kg, the height at the withers - up to a meter. Their sense of smell is so well developed that they can smell an alien smell for 25 meters.

Wild boars predators

These predators are so dangerous that they even forced Texas rattlesnakes to behave quietly: cold-blooded creatures often became a treat for boars, attracted by the sounds made. The snakes understood this and stopped “rattling”.

8th place - brown bear

Good-natured laziness, the hero of folk tales, is one of the most terrible animals. Just one hit with a powerful paw can break the bone of an adult man. Despite the fact that the animal rarely attacks first, a meeting with him may be the last day of life:

  • A wounded bear will fearlessly attack the hunter and can tear it apart with its giant claws.
  • Bear, protecting cubs, is the embodiment of violent rage.
  • The connecting rod bear is a real demon in the skin of an animal.

Also recorded cases of the transformation of bears into cannibals.

Brown bear - a dangerous predator

7th place - cubomedusa

We continue our acquaintance with the rating of the most terrible animals in the world. Australian cubomedusa is a poisonous resident of warm seas, its toxin can kill a medium-sized fish or shellfish. For humans, the tentacles of a beautiful creature are also dangerous - they can cause heart failure, shock, which makes the victim unable to swim to the shore, and it drowns. For this terrifying danger, the animal was called the sea wasp.

The lucky ones who managed to escape will also not be envied - for about a month they will suffer from severe pain, and communication with a jellyfish will forever leave a memory of itself - a rough scar.

Deadly Tentacles of Cubomedusa

6th place - wolves

We continue to consider photos of the most terrible animals in the world. Wolves are predators, dangerous primarily because they live in a pack, sometimes reaching 40 individuals. They are much smarter than dogs, respect the strength of character, so the leader is not the largest or adult animal, but the most brave and confident.

These animals rarely attack humans, but can ruin houses and shepherds. The greatest danger is during the spring feed-free period, when starving animals are capable of much to get their own food.

A pack of wolves - a danger to humans

5th place - piranha

So, on the equator of the rating of the most terrible animals, there are toothy fish, piranhas, residents of the distant Amazon. These predators have powerful jaws, sharp teeth. Like sharks, they feel blood for hundreds of meters and ways to swallow a cow’s carcass in a matter of seconds to the bones. Like wolves, they are scary only in a pack, left alone, the piranha will become shy.

For all their danger, these fish are very useful because they help cleanse the body of bodies of dead or drowned animals, preventing their decomposition.

Piranha - Toothy Predator

4th place - tigers

These beautiful predators are rightfully considered deadly, since a meeting with them can turn into a tragedy. Most often, these noble animals prefer to stay away from people and begin to pose a danger only when they are injured during a safari. But there are also cannibalistic tigers who have tasted human flesh and no longer desire anything else. There is a known case when a tigress accidentally killed a man, protecting her cubs, and, having tasted his flesh, began to deliberately hunt people. The number of its victims exceeded 400.

Animals see well in the dark, have powerful claws and sharp teeth, are able to develop high speed. In addition, they love water and are great swimmers.

Beautiful but scary tiger

3rd place - black widow

The three leaders in the rating of the most terrible animals are opened by the black widow spider, or female karakurt. The length of her body does not exceed 2 cm, but the bite is toxic. This is the only species of spiders that can bite a person.

Spider venom is many times more dangerous than rattlesnakes, but many managed to survive only because very little came into the body through its bite.

Black widow spider

2nd place - scorpion

Silver in the ranking goes to the poisonous scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus, or the yellow (Israeli) scorpion, which prefers to settle in the warm climate of Turkey, Africa, Asia.

In any case, the poison is dangerous: a small amount will cause severe pain, and an increased dose will lead to death in terrible agony. An animal bite can kill a person in just a few seconds. Interestingly, the larger and stronger the claws of an animal, the more toxic its poison.

Poison yellow scorpion

1st place - black mamba

This is the scariest animal on the planet:

  • It can reach speeds of up to 20 km / h, which is very good for snakes.
  • Individual individuals reach a length of up to 3 meters.
  • About 9 thousand people in Africa die every year from their deadly poison.
Black mamba snake

It is interesting that mongooses are able to provide protection from these terrible snakes - they very cleverly destroy the mamb.

This is the top ten most terrible, dangerous, deadly animals that inhabit the planet. They are beautiful in their own way, but a meeting with any of them can turn into a tragedy.


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