The story "How a gramophone rooster saved from death" - a beautiful sketch of village life

The story "How a gramophone rooster saved from death" was written by a very talented Russian writer Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov. He was born in 1925, and his biography was not very different from the fate of his peers. After graduating from 8th grade, in 1943 Evgeny Nosov went to the front, where he fought in the army of K.K. Rokossovsky. He was an artilleryman, gunner, and reached Koenigsberg, where he was seriously wounded. I met victory in a hospital bed.

The beginning of creativity

how the gramophone of a rooster saved from death

The first printed works appeared in 1947 (poems, essays, reviews), and in 1957 he published his first story for children - “Rainbow”. A wonderful, very cute sketch about the glorious ten-year-old Euseik, such a “nekrasovskiy” peasant with a horse, about the “fetovskie” places (the action takes place in the poet’s estate) and how the boy wanted to catch up with the beautiful rainbow. The story is very good. Already in 1958, Yevgeny Ivanovich published the first collection for children “On the fishing trail”, in which the novel “How the gramophone saved a rooster from death” was published. The writer Nosov has a wonderful language, you read his prose with pleasure. This happens, perhaps because he writes about things he knows well - rural life and war.

Popular Soviet magazines

Village prose is generally a wonderful thing. At different times, rural life was described by I. Turgenev, N. Leskov, I. Bunin. F. Abramov, V. Astafyev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin and other classics - "countrymen". Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov perfectly fit into this company of talented writers. His works are very well known to the Soviet reader, because many of them were published in Roman-Gazeta. Almost all city dwellers signed on it, as well as on the New World, where E. Nosov was also published. These magazines plus "Foreign Literature" and "Youth" were readable, discussed, and they looked forward to their release.

Honored Award

Some of the writer's works were filmed, including the pinnacle of his work - the story "Usvyatsky helmet-bearers" (the film was called "Spring"). Evgeny Nosov is a laureate of the Solzhenitsyn Prize, which is given to Russian writers living in the country and who have made a significant contribution to the preservation of Russian literature.

the story of how a rooster gramophone saved

The story "How a Gramophone Rooster Saved from Death" is a sketch from a village life. The talent of the author lies in the fact that each word of the work adds the necessary touch to the description of two days from the life of a peasant family. The reader is completely impressed that he saw with his own eyes the whole story. In essence, the story “How a Gramophone Rooster Saved from Death” is a story about human kindness and empathy. It is very good that he is included in school books. Such works make children sensitive.

What a story?

how a gramophone of a rooster saved noses from death
The story tells how in the beginning of spring frosts suddenly hit, and such that they are rare in winter. Classes at school were canceled. The main character Vitka had a week of unexpected vacations. And everything would be fine, but his favorite, the beauty and pride of the whole village, the cock froze his head. His grandmother brought him into a warm hut, the "silk beard" and the "butter head" were completely white. The rooster frostbite and died. Father ordered to chop off his head and cook soup. Vitka got a cold back from these words and her eyes filled with tears. He ran into another room and listened with fear to his grandmother's steps, expecting that now she would go with the rooster to the street, and then she would cook dinner. In the story “How a gramophone rooster saved from death,” Nosov very well describes life. The boy imagines how the feathers of a handsome rooster will hang in a pouch in the attic. Before my eyes is the figure of a guest wrapped in winter clothes with a downy shawl, a friend of Kolka. You can easily imagine a grandmother in felt boots as she pats the hero on the head, tells him that the boy has a good heart - after all, Vitka asked not to kill the rooster. The hero’s memories of summer, of the habits of a proud bird, of its unusual color are also very colorful.

A happy ending

The boy was very sad to watch how the rooster did not eat or drink anything and how his frostbitten head swelled. Only the arrival of Kolka distracted him. The children played all possible games and decided to start a gramophone and listen to a new record with Krylov's fables. When televisions had not yet appeared, a lot of records were released for children with songs and various works performed by the most famous and talented actors. And on this disc with a fable about the mutual compliments of the cock and the cuckoo, the artist seemed to crow so much that Vitkin, who could not stand any competition at all, came to life and went to pacify the arrogant gramophone. To the delight of households and guests, after defeating the apparatus, the rooster ate and drank.

In 1981, S. Nikonenko, based on the lyric works of E. Nosov, directed the film “Gypsy Happiness”, which included the story “How the Roof Gramophone Saved” as a separate novel.

The writer died in 2002. In his homeland in the city of Kursk, a wonderful monument was erected to him.


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