Site planning is an important stage in its development

Planning of a land plot begins with its careful study, for which measurements are made of the boundaries and applying them to the plan with precise reference to the cardinal points. Next, the relief and soil structure are examined, the wettest and driest areas are determined, existing plantings are noted.

site layout

Features that have the planning of a summer cottage are related to the need for zoning or planning in accordance with the distribution of zones. The exact distribution depends on the size of the possessions, but the following ratio is proposed for small areas: 25% of the total area is allocated to the residential area, which includes the house, lawn and decorative plantings, flower beds, decorative pond. The remaining area is given to garden crops, with most, at least half, allocated for fruit trees, and the remainder is distributed approximately equally between the garden and the berry.

A playground is usually adjacent to the living area, the size and content of which depend on the age of the children. An obligatory attribute of this area is the sandbox, which it is desirable to make closed. You can also install a swing, artificial shallow pond.

Which place will be most successful for the location of a residential building depends on the general location of the site. If there is a carriageway on its front side, then the house should be moved away from the fence by at least 6-8 meters. In any case, such a location of the house - with a lawn and flower bed in front of it - is very practical. A hedge along the fence will protect the living area from street noise and dust.

Site planning involves the removal of farm buildings away from the residential area. They may not be clearly delineated. For example, an outdoor shower can be located closer to the living area, and a landfill for burning garbage - at the maximum distance from the house.

Planning the site as organically as possible carries out the linking of buildings to the general composition of the relief and green spaces. For summer cottages, open terraces and loggias, entwined with plants, wild grapes, ivy, roses, are characteristic. It is worth considering a small summerhouse, possibly forged, with climbing plants, standing near an artificial pond with a small bridge or waterfall. It is preferable to choose a place for a reservoir in advance when the general planning of the site is carried out, even if you postpone its construction at a later date, as well as laying decorative paved walkways in the garden.

First stage

The distribution of green spaces has its own characteristics for each type of plant, but in general terms you need to know that tall and strong fruit trees (walnut, pear, apple tree) should not be planted on the south side of the site, since they will block the access of sunlight to small berry bushes and vegetable beds. They are best planted on the north side to protect the garden from the cold winds. Shrubs are planted farther south, and a berry plant and a vegetable garden are planted in the sun itself.

As you can see, site planning is an important stage in its development.


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