How to deal with weeds in the country and defeat them

The war of man with weeds has never ended in the complete victory of a gardener. This is evidenced by the abundantly "flavored" comments on topics in gardening forums that advise on how to deal with weeds in the country. If the gardener has not yet lost heart and is determined to fight weeds to a victorious end, then he should take into account the rules of the war and correctly apply them.

First of all, having read all kinds of tips for recipes or having heard good-natured parting words from friends, acquaintances, neighbors, do not rush to immediately turn them into practical actions in your garden.

How to deal with weeds in the country
Weeds can tell about why weeds appeared on a summer cottage ... weeds themselves. Each type gives a specific reason. Perhaps the soil on the site has poor mechanical composition, or it is too acidic, or there is excess moisture in it. In each case, measures are taken against weeds that prevent their further rapid spread.

Weeds can enter your plot in three ways.

The first way is from the outside. Weeds grow freely in large areas of "uncultured" territories, and their seeds can be carried by the wind, animal hair and your clothes.

The second way is through manure. Even after passing through the gastrointestinal tract of livestock, weed seeds not only are not destroyed, but also retain viability. A kilogram of manure on average can contain up to 700 thousand weed seeds. Many ways have been devised to get rid of weeds in manure, and none have yet been recognized as effective enough.

How to get rid of weeds
The third way is your ill-conceived actions. For example, if after weeding you throw the weeds onto a garbage heap not far from your acres, then turn it into a hotbed of weeds. And then you will puzzle over how to deal with weeds in the country.

An agrotechnical method called the "weed map" can help you. To compile it, you will have to go around the entire site with its drawing plan and mark on it the places of growth of biological groups of weeds. There are three of them: juvenile, root-shoot and rhizome. Each group has developed its own guidelines on how to deal with weeds in the country, but they must be applied seasonally and in combination. Otherwise, pest plants will quickly regain lost ground.

In the spring, provocative tillage is carried out - surface loosening and compaction. After it, one- and two-year-old weeds, which are destroyed by weeding, quickly and simultaneously grow. Herbicides are treated against weeds such as wheat grass and sow thistles.

Against weeds
In the summer, weeds wage a real war of attrition: they constantly weed and cut. Forced to constantly spend energy and time on recovery, weeds are weakening so much that they are no longer able to actively develop and grow.

In the fall, before your site goes for wintering, a blow is applied to the root and root shoot weeds. Plowing the soil is carried out by a mill, while weeds are cut into many parts that remain in the soil as fertilizers. If the area is too clogged, the use of herbicides helps. Covering the soil with covering material stops access to the surviving weeds of light and air; after some time, weeds die.

Seasonal struggle with them must be waged for several years - if you really know how to deal with weeds in the country, and are not going to stop halfway. Then every year their ranks will thin out. Finally, when there are no pests at all on your site, you can be content with preventative measures.


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