What is better penoplex or technoplex: selection according to the main criteria

During the construction of housing on the territory of Russia, many owners are wondering about insulation. The modern market of building materials has a large assortment, which is represented by tiled thermal insulation. Among them, the most popular are penoplex and technoplex. If you can not choose: technoplex or penoplex - which is better, it is recommended to consider the photo and read the comparative description. Both materials are environmentally friendly, non-combustible and not soluble in soil or water. They are great for private construction, warming balconies and arranging warm floors.

Strength indicators

what is better penoplex or technoplex

If you cannot decide which is better - penoplex or technoplex, then you can pay attention to mechanical strength. The described materials have almost the same compressive strength under deformation of 10%, the figure is 250 kPa. If we talk about the tensile strength under the influence of static bending, then for a penoplex this figure, depending on the type, will vary from 0.4 to 0.7 MPa. This indicator in technoplex is less and is only 0.3. From this we can conclude that penoplex exhibits more impressive resistance to bending and is able to withstand a large load.

Working temperatures

technoplex or penoplex which is better reviews

If you are thinking about what is better - penoplex or technoplex, then it is important to pay attention to the temperature range, which for the first of the mentioned materials ranges from -50 to +75 degrees. The second material can be operated at a more impressive range, which has a limit of -70 to +75 degrees. This can be considered an advantage, however, -70 is not a temperature that occurs frequently.

Water absorption and thermal conductivity

technoplex or penoplex which is better photo

If you are faced with the question of which is better - penoplex or technoplex, then it is important to pay special attention to the ability to absorb water and conductivity. The first material is able to conduct heat depending on the variety and environmental conditions under which the operation takes place. This indicator varies from 0.028 to 0.031 W / mK.

The opponent has a thermal conductivity in the range of 0.031 W / mK. This indicates that both materials are effective insulation materials. Equally important is the water absorption of the technoplex, it does not exceed 0.2% in volume during the day. Whereas, if we consider the 35th type of foam, water absorption is 0.1%. If this material is immersed in water for 28 days, then it will increase by only 0.2% of the volume. Among other things, this heat insulator retains its original properties after an impressive number of freezing and thawing cycles. After 1000 cycles, the foam will change the thermal resistance by only 5%.

Comparison of insulation by cost

penoplex or technoplex what is the difference

If you still can’t decide which is better - penoplex or technoplex, then you should also pay attention to the price, because it is sometimes it is a decisive factor before purchasing thermal insulation, like any other material. Penoplex is slightly cheaper. However, the price difference does not exceed 10%. If you decide penoplex or technoplex what is the difference, then it is worth considering that, depending on the manufacturer and regions, the cost may change, but the trend in the difference will remain the same. Drawing a conclusion, it can be noted that both materials are similar and do not differ too much from each other. The main difference is only in the cost of materials.

General comparative characteristic

If you still cannot decide whether technoplex or penoplex is better, reviews of these materials should definitely be read before purchasing. However, it is equally important to get acquainted with the main technical characteristics. For example, experts advise paying attention to the area of ​​use.

Penoplex is intended for internal, external and roof insulation, this material is also excellent for road works. Technoplex, in turn, is used when working on internal insulation of residential premises. Graphite acts as additional additives in the first mentioned material, while flame retardant additives play their role in the second insulation, as regards all series used for thermal insulation of walls. The density of the material is approximately the same, for a foam, this figure varies from 25 to 47 kilograms per cubic meter, while the opponent from 26 to 35 kg per cubic meter.

If you have not decided whether technoplex or penoplex is better, it is recommended that you read the reviews in advance, they overlap with the characteristics presented in the article. Many consumers pay attention to how combustible the material. Both materials belong to class G4, which indicates a lack of perception of direct fire.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22157/

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