Correct strawberry farming and high yield secrets

The most common berry crop that is grown on personal plots is strawberries. Juicy and sweet, it is very rich in vitamins and essential amino acids, because in addition to the traditional use of strawberries for food, it is also widely used for cosmetic purposes. However, like any other cultivated plant, it has its own characteristics of cultivation and care, knowing which you can achieve the maximum yield from each bush. Proper agricultural technology of strawberries is guaranteed to give a high yield, because, fortunately for all gardeners, this berry is not very picky about the growing conditions.

So, first of all, we should talk about what types of strawberries exist today. First of all, it is a traditional strawberry (gives one crop in late spring - early summer) and remontanny (gives two crops per season). In addition to this, today this berry culture includes its completely new variety - determinant varieties, which include Brighton, Elizabeth and Selva. Its main feature is that the agricultural technology of strawberries of such varieties allows you to harvest for a long period of time. Some varieties, such as the Moscow delicacy, generally allow you to get a crop even on unrooted rosettes, which allows you to remove the maximum possible number of berries per season.

All strawberry varieties are very demanding on the presence of nutrients in the soil, therefore, to obtain a stable crop annually, potassium and phosphate fertilizers should be applied every fall. In addition, fertilizer with humus gives a very good result, as well as mulching with sawdust or straw. In the latter case, the plant receives additional protection against severe overheating, and also retains moisture well throughout the day. This is precisely the correct agricultural technique of strawberries, since the plant in this case is also reliably protected from sudden changes in temperature during the day and night.

When planting, you should carefully select the planting material, as this also lies the secret to the successful development of your plantation. The fact is that a strong seedling with several leaves, as well as a well-developed root system in the shortest possible time can not only take root well, but also successfully develop. In this case, the seedling will please its owners with the first harvest the very next year.

It is also important to consider that the agrotechnology of growing strawberries includes frequent watering, since the ability of the berry shrub to successfully bear fruit and also well resist possible diseases directly depends on this. The best result is given by drip irrigation, in which moisture enters directly into the root system of strawberries, thus significantly saving water resources. This is very important in the industrial cultivation of strawberries, where proper irrigation affects the final crop.

When preparing a future plantation, it is important to approach the place of strawberry planting correctly, since strawberry agricultural technology gives a very good result if it is illuminated by the sun during the whole daylight hours. The process of photosynthesis in this case is as intense as possible, resulting in the maximum number of ovaries on the bushes.

Summing up all of the above, it should be emphasized that properly planted strawberries, agricultural technology of which provides for timely watering and the addition of liquid fertilizers, allows you to grow a good crop. The main thing to remember is that, in addition to all the above, you should carefully consider the structure of the soil, as well as its type, since the amount of fertilizer that needs to be added to the soil also depends on it.


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