Tomatoes: planting and care

tomatoes planting and care
Everyone who has his own garden is engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes (tomatoes). They are harvested for the winter in salted or pickled form, make tomato paste and juice, consumed fresh and in salads. Tomatoes are rich in mineral salts, sugars and other useful substances, which favorably affects human health.

Before the tomatoes, planting and care for which are right, get to your table, a lot of time will pass. First, in the month of February, or in early March, you need to plant the seeds of plants in pots at home on the windowsill. When the seeds germinate, you need to take care of the sprouted plants before planting in the ground.

Someone is planting seedlings in greenhouses or hotbeds, someone - in the open ground. It all depends on the seeds of tomatoes, as well as on your desires and capabilities.

Like all other vegetables, tomatoes, planting and care for which are the same, require watering, loosening the earth, fertilizer. At the very beginning of growth and when tomatoes appear, abundant watering is needed. Water carefully, without touching the leaves, otherwise the bushes may become sick. During ripening, the fruit is watered once every seven days per liter of water per plant.

The earth around the bush should be loosened, while the stem is falling asleep, which makes it possible for new roots to appear. So the plant is better rooted in the ground. Loosen the soil no more than ten centimeters.

cherry tomatoes planting and care
If the bushes thoroughly take root, they should be tied up so that in the future, when the fruits ripen or in bad weather, they do not break.

When the seedlings are already planted in the ground, they begin to fertilize the bushes. They use cow or chicken manure, the next time they use mineral fertilizers, which are sold in any store for gardeners. After feeding, the plants are watered very abundantly. Tomatoes are fed with an interval of 10 days. Here are the basic requirements so that tomatoes, planting and care for which are not at all complicated, give a good harvest.

Tomatoes have many varieties, they differ both in color and in shape. There are large tomatoes, but there are, on the contrary, small ones. Small, tiny cherry tomatoes attract attention. They are convenient to use for salting, as well as for decorating various dishes.

Gardeners quite often choose cherry tomatoes, planting and care for which are almost the same as for ordinary tomatoes. Only this variety has a great advantage over others. It can be grown not only in the garden bed, but also at home on the windowsill, and most importantly - it bears fruit very early and very long. Like other tomatoes, cherry has several subspecies, they are different in shape, color and taste.

planting tomato preparation
This variety is currently very popular, especially in the restaurant business, due to its unpretentiousness, excellent appearance and long shelf life at room temperature. Cherry - these are tomatoes, planting and care for which will give you joy and pleasure.

Proper preparation of planting a tomato guarantees you a high and high-quality crop that will delight you with excellent tomatoes.


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