Fancy watches for women and men

Wristwatches not only serve as a mechanism for determining the time, but they are also an indicator of the status of owners. They can have a classic look or a completely amazing shape. Wrist watches of unusual design are now in demand.

First models

Only in 1571 did a mention of such a mechanism appear. So, Count Dudley presented an unusual gift to a watch on the hand of Queen Elizabeth I. This mechanism was attached to an expensive bracelet with diamonds and pearls. Such an unusual watch was appreciated by the owner.

Men in those days were extremely skeptical of wrist models. They were worn only by women. This trend continued until the beginning of the 20th century. During this period, wars were actively waged, and men realized that wearing a watch on his hand is much more convenient than in a pocket or on a chain on his belt. Thus, they freed up their hands for better battle.

It was the military who came up with cheap leather straps for attaching watches. Then the production launched the production of such mechanisms. Ears for fastening straps and protective grilles for arrows were invented. Over time, they were replaced by better and stronger glass.

Unusual watches: men's

The watch model “Knights of the round table” can only be owned by a wealthy man. This mechanism contains gold and precious stones. The cost of such a model is estimated at almost 218 thousand dollars.

unusual wrist watches for men

The clock is made in the form of a round table, at which the knights gathered. Figures are made of solid gold. Knights with their peaks indicate time. The inscriptions and numbers are made in ancient English with the preservation of the style of writing.

The waterproof Roger Dubuis Easy Diver is made of pink gold. Her design is truly masculine. The internal mechanism is not closed and is made in rough processing. The strap is made of crocodile leather. Such a model will cost the owner more than 130 thousand dollars.

Unusual watches “Alexander the Great” were able to break records in cost. On the dial are the figures of the commander and the enemy army. They are made of gold. All details are provided and executed, up to small items of clothing. When the clock moves forward, the figures also move.

The Solar System model shows the owner that the Universe is huge, and our vanity is only decay. The clock is made in the form of a model of the structure of the solar system. On the dial is marked not 12, but 24 hours.

Unusual watches: women

For girls, manufacturers also came up with several interesting models. OZO Watch have an original dial design. Inside the main circle are two smaller ones in the form of a figure eight.

In the upper small dial, hours are marked, and in the lower - minutes. The data is fixed in the middle of the hourglass. Such a model costs about $ 200 and will be a great gift for your girlfriend.

Handmade watches that display dreams on the dial have a philosophical meaning. The figures inside are made very high quality and carry the dreams of a sleeping person. A star’s flight indicates minutes, and a man’s steps along a ruler with markings indicate hours.

A model with a squid inside will appeal to young girls with a good sense of humor. The tentacles of a monster indicate time. The bright clam inside will become the mistress's favorite.

unusual wrist watches for women

For ladies in love, the original model is suitable, on the dial of which the numbers are mixed in an erratic combination. The inscription "Happy hours do not watch" each time will remind the owner of romance and love.

Cutting edge models

Eye of the Storm are among the simplest and at the same time original watches. They do not have a dial - inside a cut out circle. On the side there is a small button, when pressed, an indication of time appears in small print.

Pebble belong to smart watches, only with an unusual dial. It is made of paper, which is used for electronic books. Thus, the model works for a week without recharging.

unusual wristwatch

Bradley is a model that is designed for blind people. The numbers on them are made voluminous, and for a time is indicated by a small ball that rolls around. A blind person can determine hours and minutes by tactile sensations.

Unisex models

Unusual wristwatches that men and women can wear are designed:

  • “Second of happiness” - two pupils on the eyes indicate the time (the dials can be replaced);
  • "Broken dial" and inside time in electronic form;
  • handwork with the image of knocked out animals or fish;
  • fatalist model with the inscription: "Remember that you will die";
  • dial with the arrows turned upside down.

wrist watches of unusual design

The photo above shows unusual watches for half a million dollars made by hand. Every detail is drawn in them with a very thin pen. At the bottom of the dial are miniature birds that feed their chicks. This action is performed in a mechanical mode. Many details are made of gold. On the dial there are many elements decorated with precious stones.


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