Garden flowers: when to transplant? Hosta - proper reproduction

These amazing fluffy bushes belong to the family of liliaceae and are distributed almost everywhere. Another name for this perennial plant is function, it can be of almost any color, from pale yellow to saturated swamp. One of the main questions of beginner gardeners: "When to transplant?" Hosta, moved to a new location correctly, becomes more decorative.

when to transplant host
In horticulture, fungi are divided into several types according to their size: dwarf varieties (up to 10 cm), miniature (up to 25 cm), small (up to 40 cm), large (up to 90 cm) and giants (above 90 cm). Long and beautiful flowering is easily achieved by timely thinning of the bushes. When it is better to transplant the host in a particular locality, it is quite simple to decide: if the plant has reached the age of five, it can already be divided. By the way, the life span of fungi can exceed 10-20 years, which means that neglected beds can completely cover the territory of an abandoned flower garden or front garden.

This plant is not demanding for the temperature regime - it perfectly tolerates both summer heat and severe frosts. When deciding how and when you can transplant a host, you need to pay increased attention to choosing the right place. If we are talking about variegated varieties, then preference should be given to well-lit glades, but species with monophonic dark green leaves will actively grow in the shade and in various reservoirs. Watering fungi should be regular and plentiful enough: when dried, the plant quickly loses its decorative effect. It is worth remembering that the bushes do not need any “swamp”, the adult root system goes deep into the ground and itself can take care of normal moisture circulation.

when can I transfer to the host

The question arises: "When to transplant?" A host, if she is not yet five years old, can die with a frequent change of place. If you do not carry out this procedure several times a year and timely fertilize fungi with high-quality humus, you can not be afraid of the negative consequences.

You need to know exactly how and when to transplant. The host requires careful extraction from the ground - you can not damage the root system even a little.

Excessive land is removed from future planting material and divided into several separate bushes. Each must be with its own core of several leaves. The ideal time for this procedure is considered to be spring, so funky will have enough time to strengthen in a new place before the onset of frost. So that garden slugs do not eat young shoots, you need to carefully check the plant itself and its neighbors surrounding it for the presence of gluttonous pests.

when is it better to transplant the host

If the florist has sorted out the question of when to transplant, the host immediately poses a second riddle in front of him: is it necessary to do this without fail, or can one refrain from such garden work in general?

Mandatory rarefaction of bushes in only two cases: if the function loses its decorativeness and leaves are smaller, and also if the host was originally planted in an unsuitable place for it. Ideal flowerbed neighbors for these unpretentious plants are hellebore, autumn anemone, or attractive digitalis. Planted in shady places in well-fertilized soil, plants will delight with the splendor of shades of green for many years and with virtually no additional care.


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