Can I put a knife in the luggage on the plane?

Today, the aircraft can already be classified as public transport. Hundreds of thousands of people fly every day, both domestically and around the world. And, of course, traveling, everyone gets some souvenirs in the host country or, conversely, all sorts of goodies are brought. Among the items that most often fall into the category of souvenirs or gifts, there are knives of various formats. To avoid unnecessary trouble during flights, it is important to know the rules of baggage.

is it possible to knife in luggage on an airplane
In particular, not everyone knows whether it is possible to place a knife in luggage in an airplane . Information about such nuances and determine the level of comfort during the trip. After all, no one will be pleased to be detained for violating the conditions of baggage allowance, which may result in being late for your flight or a large fine.

General baggage requirements

The rules of air transportation stipulate that any passenger has the right to take baggage with him, which will be carried free of charge, provided that its weight does not exceed permissible norms. This figure may vary depending on the airline and aircraft type. The luggage of each passenger is checked out individually for him.

The generally accepted norm for carrying luggage at no extra charge is 1 seat, that is, each passenger has the right to check in no more than one suitcase. In this case, the norms of its weight may vary:

  • for people traveling in business class, the permissible weight limit is 32 kg;
  • for economy class - 23 kg.

If this norm is exceeded, an additional fee is charged from the passenger.

At the same time, it is provided that passengers can be small children. If a child who is under 2 years old is flying with you, he is also required to transport one piece of baggage, the weight of which should not exceed 10 kg. This applies to those babies for whom a separate seat has not been acquired, regardless of the class of flight.

In the same case, when the child has a separate ticket, the usual rules for passenger transportation apply to him. If the age of the child is from 2 to 12 years - his baggage allowance will not differ from an adult.

Items prohibited for carriage in an airplane

There are some restrictions on items that can be transported by aircraft. These primarily include:

  • explosives in any form and quantity;
  • flammable liquids ;
  • compressed and liquefied gases;
  • flammable solids;
  • toxic and radioactive materials;
  • poisonous, poisonous, as well as caustic and corrosive substances;
  • weapons of any kind and size.

As you can see, there is no concrete negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to carry a knife in the baggage of an airplane. However, it should be borne in mind that much depends on the type of knife itself, or rather, its blade.

is it possible to carry a knife in the baggage of an airplane

Classification of knives as items of luggage

Many people, for various reasons, take a knife with them on the plane. It can be a kitchen item purchased at the place of stay, or a souvenir that is purchased for friends. Having become its owner, you should definitely know in advance whether it is possible to carry a knife in the baggage of an airplane. After all, having handed over items prohibited for transportation, it is possible, with great likelihood, to cause serious problems.

And so, in order to avoid any trouble, you should know that although the law does not prohibit the carriage of a knife in baggage on an airplane, there are various nuances of this fact. For example, it is forbidden to have it with you among the things taken to the salon. No sharp objects are allowed in hand luggage. This applies to manicure scissors and even injection needles. At the same time, it is not forbidden to carry a knife in baggage on an airplane, provided that the sharpness and length of the blade do not allow this item to be classified as a weapon.

Exceptions to the Rules

You can bring a knife into the cabin of an aircraft in exceptional cases. This permission is entirely at the discretion of airport employees. These isolated cases can concern only folding and penknives, the blade length of which is less than 6 cm. But, in order to avoid possible troubles and delays during inspection, it is advisable to also put knives of this type in luggage. The specified blade length will not cause problems when deciding whether it is possible to transport a knife in the baggage of an airplane.

What is carried exclusively in baggage

It is allowed to take the following types of knives with you on a flight , provided that they are checked in:

  • household and folding, with a blade exceeding 6 cm;
  • hunting (only with permits);
  • imitators of weapons of any kind, including knives.

If they exceed a blade length of 10 cm, it is imperative to have an authorization document that explains the purpose of this item. In this case, the solution to the question of whether it is possible to hand over a knife in baggage on an airplane will depend on the papers that you provide to the airport employees.

Document data should be obtained at the place where you purchase the knife. If you received it as a gift, you will need to ask the donor to resolve the issue with the required papers. Otherwise, the souvenir will have to be left at home.

Is it possible to transport a knife in the baggage of an airplane

If there are suspicions that he does not belong to knives, an additional examination will be carried out, during which the knife will be placed in a special storage. This means a loss of time and effort in explaining with customs officers, so you should take care of this issue in advance.

If the knife is a part of the national clothing of the country or a souvenir, it can be carried on the plane. A prerequisite for this will be finding it with the crew throughout the flight.

If the knife was attributed to melee weapons

If you still decide to take a knife on the plane, which is likely to arouse the suspicions of airport workers, the following rules must be observed.

First of all, you need to take care of the documents for this subject. Without properly certified papers, the question of whether it is possible to carry a knife in the baggage of an airplane is not even worth asking yourself. Obtaining documents on this subject is a priority.

is it possible to carry a knife in the baggage of an airplane

So, if paper is available, the next step is to take care of the cover. Any knife, except for the kitchen, pen and folding, must be sheathed when checking in. In this case, the cover must be made of durable material, which excludes the passage of the blade through it. This will be an additional advantage in favor of the question, is it possible to knife in the luggage in an airplane to put.

But you should be aware that even if you have all the necessary papers for transporting the named item, with a blade exceeding 10 cm, it would be better to warn the airline employees about their intention to take it on a flight. It will be better if you do this a few days before departure.

It is advisable to check in a few hours before registration. Thus, you will save yourself from the hassle associated with worries about the time of departure. In addition, this behavior will convince customs officers of the absence of illegal intentions on your part, which will be your additional advantage.

Import and Export Restrictions

When wondering whether it is possible to hold a knife in the baggage of an airplane, you need to know about the restrictions that some countries impose on the export or import of various items. For example, under Russian law, it is forbidden to export knives from the country that have artistic or historical value. This can be done only with a package of permits certified at the state level.

is it possible to carry a knife in the baggage of an airplane

And the Cypriot authorities banned the import into the country of folding knives with locks, as well as any double-edged objects.

Therefore, when planning to travel to another country, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the prohibitions established by the state on this subject. Thus, you will save yourself from unnecessary and unpleasant troubles associated with the trip.


A folding knife in the baggage of the plane will not cause any questions from the airport employees. Another thing, if you have a desire to take it with you to the salon. True, for this there are some points that allow you to circumvent the general ban.

To date, folding knives come in a wide variety of designs and sizes. They can be disguised as lipstick or represent a blade, no more than a plastic card. Such items can be found only with a thorough personal search, therefore, deciding to take them to the salon, you are unlikely to get additional questions.

carrying a knife in baggage on an airplane

However, despite the existing opportunity to circumvent the law, the question arises, why should this be done? It is unlikely that during the flight there will be such an urgent need to cut something, because all the food is served taking into account the convenience of passengers.


Like a collapsible, a penknife in the baggage of an airplane is not subject to a ban. It can be safely put in a suitcase and handed over before boarding. If the blade does not exceed 6 cm, you can try to take it with you to the salon, but this will cause unnecessary questions and additional time during the inspection. Therefore, if you know whether it is possible to put a knife in the luggage on an airplane in your case, then it is much easier to place it there, thereby saving yourself from unnecessary trouble.


Based on the rules of passenger air transportation, it is not forbidden to take a knife with you. Therefore, if you decide to buy it as a souvenir in the host country or, on the contrary, take it to someone as a gift, there are no restrictions on transportation. Just consider what kind of knife, if necessary, draw up the necessary documents.

folding knife in airplane baggage

To some this inconvenience will seem unnecessary, and he decides to do without him at all. But there are people who are fond of knives, collecting whole collections from them. And if you are one of those, then of course, you will not be stopped by the need to prepare a package of documents and unnecessary search during landing. And if you bring the mentioned item as a gift to an enthusiastic person, his gratitude will be worth all your troubles.

Thus, the answer to the question is, is it possible to knife in luggage in an airplane putting is positive. Some problems may arise if you want to carry it into the cabin, but if you hand it in, it is stipulated by the rules and does not violate any laws of air transportation of passengers.


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