GTA immortality code: San Andreas

If you have ever played GTA, then you must understand that the element of chaos in the projects of this series is one of the key. The storyline was never the strong point of the series, but it was offset by the open world and the fact that you can do whatever you want. However, not always desires are commensurate with the possibilities, and if you want to make a complete mess on the street, then you will have to try hard to collect the right amount of weapons, armor, money and cars. In general, this is a very lengthy process that many want to avoid.

And in this article you will learn how exactly this can be achieved. The fact is that so many problems can be solved by simple immortality. In this article, you will learn how GTA codes for immortality, as well as other cheats that will allow you to achieve an impressive result, making your character partially immortal. All this will come in handy if you decide to do cheating. However, it is worth remembering that the codes for GTA for immortality and not only will not allow you to finish the game one hundred percent, so it is recommended that you save before using cheats in order to download the game and continue playing it.

How to enter cheats?

GTA codes for immortality

Before you learn everything about GTA codes for immortality, you need to get basic information about how codes are entered in this project. Indeed, in most computer games you need to call a special console, which then fit into specific commands that activate cheats.

In the case of games of the GTA series, this is not so; there is no console in principle here. How, then, can you enter the code? It turns out that everything is much simpler. You do not need to call any console, press any keys. You just have to start writing code right in the middle of the gameplay. Only in this case pay attention to the environment, since you can fall from a great height, get hit by a car or hit a passerby in front of a police officer, and then the GTA codes for immortality will definitely not be useful to you.


codes for GTA 4 for immortality

Well, now you know the basic principle of introducing cheats in this game, so it's time to consider the main topic of this article. It's time to find out what the code for immortality looks like in GTA: San Andreas and what exactly it can give you. All you have to do is enter the BAGUVIX combination during the game. Immediately after this, the cheat is activated and your character becomes invulnerable. Any damage you take will be nullified, so you cannot die. This will allow you to freely enter into conflicts with opponents of any power, thereby creating real chaos on the streets of the city, for which everyone loves this series so much.

As you can see, the cheat code for immortality in GTA is simple and affordable, but far from everyone wants to become an ordinary killing machine, because this partially eliminates the interest and excitement of the game. That is why this article does not end there, and you will learn a few cheats that will allow you to approach immortality, but at the same time retain the interest and excitement of the gameplay.

The Relativity of Immortality

immortality code in gta san andreas

As you have already seen, the cheat code for GTA: San Andreas for Immortality is very effective and sometimes extremely useful and necessary, but not all gamers want to achieve such an absolute result. Someone wants to maintain interest, give opponents a chance, check their nerves, constantly being in the balance of defeat. Therefore, such a code is not suitable for these gamers. Accordingly, you need to look for another way, and in this article you will find it. The codes for GTA: SanAndres for immortality do not have to be absolute. What alternative is there?

Health and Armor Recovery

cheat code for immortality in gta

If you do not want to become an absolutely immortal hero that cannot be killed, then you can just remember one very useful code. This is a combination of HESOYAM, which completely restores your character's health and gives him maximum armor immediately after activation. As you can see, this is a code that brings you close to immortality, but at the same time preserves an element of intrigue. On the one hand, you can always enter the cheat and fully recover, on the other hand, you may experience a sudden accident that will not allow you to have time to use the cheat. In general, this is a good alternative to immortality.


immortality code in GTA 5

We should also talk about hunger, which is a very important indicator in this game. The fact is that your character needs to eat in order to maintain the desired level of energy. If you do not eat too long, then your character will begin to lose health. So if you activate the AEDUWNV code, then you will also get a kind of invulnerability, but only highly specialized. This cheat disables the character’s need for food, so he never starves and does not begin to lose energy and health because of this.

Breath under water

cheats codes for gta san andreas immortality

As in the case of hunger, the game has a separate scale, which appears when your character is under water. He has a certain supply of air, which should not end. If this still happens and you do not have time to get to the surface, then your hero will quickly suffocate. To avoid this, you need the CVWKXAM code, which makes your character immune to death underwater. The team deactivates the scale of the need for air under water, which gives you another interesting form of immortality.

Police protection

If you play GTA: San Andreas, then you must understand that the greatest threat to you can be not only an enemy-gang, but also the police. As soon as you break the law, even for some little things, and a policeman will witness this, the chase will begin for you. And if they catch you, they will put you in prison, from which you will leave without weapons and money. If you have seriously violated the law, then they will shoot at you to kill, which can end even more badly (naturally, if you have not activated the cheat on immortality before).

In this case, you should write a couple of cheats that may be saving for you. For example, the ASNAEB code removes all the stalking stars, so even the policeman who shot you a second ago loses interest in you. You can also use the AEZAKMI combination, which will provide you with immunity from the police, that is, the pursuit stars will simply not appear. Agree, this makes a serious contribution to the security of your character.

Time dilation

codes for gta sanandres for immortality

Well, the last analogue of immortality is a time dilation. This function itself is not available in the game, but if you enter the LIYOAAY cheat, time will slow down and you will be able to quickly deal with all opponents, dodging all their bullets and blows. In general, this cannot be called full immortality, but it is definitely a good way to avoid certain death.

Immortality in other games of the series

Naturally, you may be interested in not only the third part of the series and additions to it, but also other episodes. Therefore, it is worthwhile to devote some time to reviewing immortality codes for GTA 4 and GTA 5. If we talk about the fourth part, then, unfortunately, such a cheat is not available at all. This means that your character simply cannot become immortal. Fortunately, you can use your mobile phone to enter numbers such as 482-555-0100 or 362-555-0100. The first code allows you to fully restore health, as well as get weapons and ammunition for it, while the second not only restores health, but also gives you full armor.

As for the fifth part, in this case you can use the immortality code. In GTA 5, this cheat has returned, but with a slight restriction. The fact is that invulnerability lasts only for five minutes. When this time is up, you will have to enter the cheat again. To activate it, you can either use the game console, which first appeared in the fifth episode, or use the smartphone that each of the game characters has.

In the first case, you will need to enter the PAINKILLER cheat in the console, and in the second case, you need to dial 1-999-724-654-5537 on the phone. Both options work identically, you just need to choose what is more convenient for you. The console cheat is convenient in that it is easy to remember. However, the telephone code, although difficult to remember, has its own advantage. The fact is that the cheats that you enter using your smartphone can be repeated using the * button. It displays the last number dialed on the screen, and you can simply restore your immortality with a couple of taps every five minutes. Just make sure that the end of the code doesn't take you by surprise.


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