Wheelchairs: overview, types, features and reviews

Whatever the beautiful, stylish and prestigious model of the stroller chosen, wheels that are not suitable for the needs of a particular family type can spoil all positive emotions. The chassis is the basis of the convenience of transport management, so it is precisely on it that special attention should be paid.

Our article will tell you about the features, advantages and disadvantages of different types of wheels. We will look at several modern solutions that can make life easier for young parents, as well as talk about what to do in an emergency when a favorite children's transport unexpectedly failed.

Several types of wheels

Each manufacturer seeks to surprise the customer with something special. Therefore, there is no need to talk about a single classification system, there are too many unusual design and technical solutions in the modern world. But the whole variety can be conditionally divided into several types.

  1. Strollers differ in the number of wheels: they can be 4 or 3. In this case, the wheels can be paired or single.
  2. Wheels vary in size.
  3. A wheel rotation system with the possibility of blocking may be present. On some models this is not provided. There is another type, not very common, but very convenient - a steering wheel that provides maneuverability due to the tilt to the right and left.
  4. Wheelchairs differ in material and structure. They can be made of plastic, rubber, synthetic multicomponent materials, as well as cast or have inside the chamber.
  5. Features such as wheels, knitting needles and caps can more likely be attributed to design, rather than technical.
swivel wheels

Assessing the diversity, we can conclude that there is no clear leader, otherwise there would not be so many alternatives. How to choose? Let's look at the features of certain types.

Small wheels and their advantages

Typically, small wheels are mounted on lightweight walking models. A clear advantage of this transport is a reduced weight. But often the manufacturer makes such a decision in order to save money, so the quality may not be up to par.

The second advantage of small wheels is maneuverability. Usually equipped vehicles are easy to drive.

The disadvantage is mediocre depreciation and permeability. In this regard, strollers with large wheels clearly win. It is worth paying attention to the tire cover: plastic usually rattles on rough roads and wears out faster.

mima zizi wheels

Impressive size

The stroller with large wheels is more stable, has better cross-country ability. Often, such models are equipped with reliable shock absorbers (however, this should not be considered an axiom, a large diameter is not a sure sign of the presence of powerful springs).

The disadvantages include dimensions and weight. The stroller with regular large wheels is unlikely to please its compactness when folded.


This option provides most of the "walks." When buying, pay attention to the lock: try lowering and raising it with a toe of shoes, evaluate how comfortable it is. It is convenient to drive on rough roads with wheels fixed in the “only straight” position.

There are also modular full-size wheelchairs with swivel wheels.

Opinions of consumers on this issue vary. Someone likes a floating move, and someone in the reviews assures that overcoming small curbs, tram rails and pits turns into a test.

Taxiing system

You can consider this unusual system using the Quinny Freestyle 3 XL model (Netherlands) as an example. The wheel bends, providing maneuverability. Judging by the reviews, the model is perfect for running, rollerblading, fast walking, not inferior in many respects even to highly specialized runner strollers. True, on the new version, the manufacturer changed the steering wheel with a regular rotating one.

Another popular model in this category is the American Safety 1st Ideal Freestyle 3XL stroller.

pram wheel

Among the shortcomings, users note too pronounced "independence". In urban environments, you need to get used to managing for a long time. But when traveling at speed (during sports), this is not a drawback. But some consider it a minus that there are not enough models on the market with this type of wheel, which seems very convenient to many.

Rubber or plastic?

There is an opinion that plastic wheels have less wear resistance and are not able to provide such comfort as their rubber counterparts. But a number of owners note that a stroller with inflatable wheels can be a real problem. If the pressure in the chambers varies, the child simply warps sideways. In addition, the risk of puncture is present everywhere, but even a small nail is not afraid of a cast wheel.

inflatable wheel

It all depends on the manufacturer. Wheels of any type can possess quality and reliability. Much depends on personal preferences. An excellent solution that many leading manufacturers offer may be to provide the buyer with the opportunity to independently choose the type of wheels. For example, the Swedish company Emmaljunga for each model offers 2-4 wheel options: compact, medium and large, with spokes and alloy wheels, with or without sports suspension.

Wheelchair folding mechanisms: pay attention to the wheels

This question is very relevant for those who choose a walking cane. Immediately pay attention to where the wheels fall when folding.

Consider an example. The iconic luxury walk Maclaren Techno XLR has a very impressive price tag and a number of great features. But often she gets negative reviews because of the wheels that go when folding right into the hood. The manufacturer tried to solve the problem by issuing branded covers on the wheels of the stroller, but this was not particularly promoted.

The system of the new release of this model is completely modernized, the axles are slightly deployed, so that the tire does not come into contact with textiles. But with other models of the brand, things are the same. There are a lot of transport options on the market in different price categories with the same drawback.

wheels do not stain the hood

An alternative could be a folding system in which all the wheels go down. Most options are also stable upright. This scheme is often used by many Italian brands, for example, Inglesina and CAM.

By the way, wheelchair wheel covers can come in handy not only for protecting textile elements. Often they seek to get them and those who often transport children's vehicles in cars or after walking leaves a stroller in the hallway. Covers eliminate the need to wash wheels or floors several times a day.

Interchangeable wheels - the modern solution for comfortable walks

The opportunity to purchase several sets of wheels is not provided to their customers by all manufacturers. If you are attracted by this prospect, we advise you to pay attention to the products of German brands Hartan, Teutonia, Gesslein.

interchangeable wheels

It is enough to make a few simple manipulations to equip your stroller with large wheels. This can be done, for example, before going to a sandy beach or on a picnic. Flotation and stability will increase. And after that it will be possible to easily change the kit to the more familiar and comfortable middle wheels for the city.

Micralite recently launched the replacement wheels. Britax launches winter options with a powerful tread for a number of its models. Bugaboo, tired of complaints about the too small diameter of the front wheels of the Cameleon 3 model, has created an interchangeable kit. Similar dopas are in the Joolz catalogs. The manufacturer Valco Baby went even further - the winter version differs not only in size, but also in the presence of more powerful springs. And with the Mountain Buggy runner, an additional pair of running rear wheels is delivered immediately, which saves the buyer from having to look for this accessory for sale.

Skid wheels

Separately, it is worth mentioning the legendary flagship Cybex. The Priam model is equipped with three sets at once. These are small wheels for flat surfaces, versatile and all-terrain. In addition, skids can also be purchased. For walks in the snow, parents can easily change their wheelchairs to branded skis.

On sale there are universal removable skids for different models. They are hardly suitable for a compact cane, but a stroller with large wheels can be turned into a comfortable transport for the winter with their help.

skids for wheels

Built-in generator - the reality of our days

Engineers at 4Moms (USA) decided to go even further. They created a device that converts the kinetic energy of rotation of the wheels of a stroller into electrical energy. This ensures the operation of the on-board computer with a display and a built-in flashlight, and also allows you to charge the parent smartphone during a walk. The Origami model (now discontinued) is also equipped with a robotic folding system, which is fully provided with energy received from the rotation of the wheels.

What to do in case of breakage

This problem may be encountered by the owner of a stroller of any price category. There are several solutions.

As we have already found out, it is easiest for brand transport owners to contact an authorized dealer directly. In most cases, a broken wheel is not a reason to replace the entire stroller, but the manufacturer can provide spare parts or make repairs (depending on the warranty conditions, possibly even for free).

Some children's stores offer universal wheels for strollers. If you could not find a suitable model, you can try to find an option to replace a pair or all wheels.

Not everyone can do the repair on their own. If your city does not have specialized service centers, try contacting bicycle repair shops. Owners of prams with inflatable wheels should get a repair kit in advance, which includes a patch and glue.

Remember: repair of spare parts by hand before the expiration of the warranty period may cause the manufacturer to refuse compensation for losses. Therefore, resorting to it is only in extreme cases, when there are no other alternatives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22200/

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