How did Yuri Osipovich Dombrovsky live and write? Biography and work of the writer and poet

Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich - a famous Russian writer and poet, who lived in the 20th century. His fate was not easy, like many artists’s words, whose work falls on the Soviet era. Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich left us works that make us think a lot. The article provides a brief overview of his life and work.

The origin, arrests and their reflection in the work

Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich biography

Yuri Osipovich was born in Moscow on April 29, 1909 in the family of a lawyer. He graduated from higher literary courses in 1932, was then arrested, and then sent to exile in Alma-Ata. Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich worked as an art critic, archaeologist, journalist, teacher. In 1936 he was again arrested, but released a few months later. This arrest served as the basis for the novel The Guardian of Antiquities, created in 1964, and the novel Faculty of Unnecessary Things, published in 1978. In these works, the writer retained the real names of the investigators in his case, Khripushin and Myachin.

Camp life and new works

In 1938, Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich published his new novel, Derzhavin. A year later, he was again arrested. The writer was sent to the Kolyma camps. He returned from there to Alma-Ata only in 1943, already a sick man. In the winter of 1943, Dombrowski, while in the hospital, set about writing a novel called "The Monkey Comes for His Skull." The work was published in 1959. In 1946, Yuri Osipovich began writing a series of short stories dedicated to Shakespeare. It was published in 1969 ("Dark Lady").

The authorities did not stop persecuting Dombrowski. The writer was again arrested in 1949. He had to spend in custody another 6 years. During these years, was in the Far North, as well as in Tashkent, Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich. His biography was marked by rehabilitation in 1956, when he was allowed to return to Moscow.

Occupation novel

The works of Yuri Osipovich are permeated with the ideals of humanism. "A monkey comes for his skull" - a novel whose action takes place in one Western European state that is occupied by the Nazis. In this work, Dombrowski created a collective image of the inhabitants of Europe who are struggling with totalitarianism. This gave rise to critics to believe that the novel depicts totalitarianism in our country, and not European fascism. Similar parallels are indeed obvious. However, the heroes of the novel are still intellectuals from Europe, who are brought up in humanistic traditions. Professor Mezonier is the main character of the work. He faces a choice between spiritual and physical suicide. Dying, this hero becomes a winner in his struggle. Professor Lane, a companion of Maisonette, is his antipode. He compromises for survival.

Dilby Dombrowski

Dombrowski Yuri Osipovich artworks

The main theme of the dilogy, the first part of which is “The Keeper of Antiquities”, and the second “The Faculty of Unnecessary Things”, is freedom of spirit. In the first work, the historicity of consciousness of the hero portrayed by Dombrowski is opposed to despotism. This is the nameless keeper of the museum of the city of Almaty, antiquities for which are part of human history, and not dead values. The author shows that inhuman ideology is powerless before the powerful, tangible diversity of the world, which Dombrowski described with his characteristic stylistic plasticity.

poet Dombrowski Yuri Osipovich biography

"The Faculty of Unnecessary Things" is a novel that is a continuation of the first part of the dilogy. The protagonist of the work is in prison, he has to survive the betrayal. However, freedom of spirit is ultimately stronger than tyranny.

"Notes of a petty bully"

"Notes of a petty bully" - a novel published in 1990 by Dombrowski. It is permeated with a keen sense of justice. Yuri Osipovich tells readers about how he was convicted on charges of petty hooliganism for standing up for a woman who was beaten. In court I saw the triumph of absurdity and meaninglessness Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich, whose works are not accidentally remain relevant in our time. The crown of the absurdity and meaninglessness depicted in the novel was the condemnation of the deaf-mute for "foul language."


Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich short biography

It should be noted that Dombrowski is not only a writer, but also a poet. During his lifetime, only one of his poems was published. This is the Stone Ax, published in 1939. However, the author of other interesting poems is the poet Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich. His biography was marked by the creation of the poem "Utility" in 1959. This work describes the meeting of Yuri Osipovich with his former investigator, which occurred on the market of the city of Alma-Ata. It makes the poet bitterly think about the lack of justice in our world, in which the fate of the executioners and their victims are closely related. The lyrics of Yuri Osipovich, it should be noted, are not rhymed journalism. Dombrowski sought to poetic transformation of real events that occurred in his life.

"Dark Lady"

"Dark Lady" is the name by which three short stories dedicated to Shakespeare are combined. The object of attention of Yuri Osipovich in these works is the psychology of the artist. Dombrowski traces how he changed over the years, how fast and ardent in his youth, he became wise, matured, and matured. His enthusiasm was gradually replaced by caution, disappointment, and degree. Toward the end, terrible fatigue supplanted everything.

Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich

A very difficult life path was Dombrowski Yuri Osipovich. His brief biography ends on May 29, 1978, when the writer died in Moscow.


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