Documents for an old passport: list and terms

Documents for an old-style passport should be prepared in advance. Then it will be possible to draw up the corresponding paper as soon as possible. It is not difficult to do this. But only with proper and timely preparation. What features of the order of the "foreigner" you need to pay attention to? What awaits a modern citizen? All this and not only will be indicated later!

Description of the document

What documents are needed for an old-style passport? First, get acquainted with the mentioned paper in more detail.

Sample old passport

Old passports are identity cards of citizens of the Russian Federation, which allow residents of Russia to travel. With the help of such a document, a person can not only leave the country, but also apply for a visa.

The old sample of the mentioned documentation is valid only 5 years. After that, the citizen will have to replace it with a new one. The travel ID does not contain any biometric information.

Who needs

Documents for issuing an old-style passport are prepared depending on who the applicant is. First you’ll have to understand for whom they can ask for an “identity”.

Today you can issue a separate passport of a foreign type:

  • per child;
  • for a newborn;
  • per adult.

The package of papers will change in one case or another. Having prepared it in advance, a person will be able to quickly order a "foreigner".

Features of a foreign passport

The documents for obtaining an old-style passport are diverse. And therefore, citizens must responsibly approach the solution of the task.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that you can enter information about minor children in old samples of “foreigners”. Then you do not need to draw up a separate document for the child.

Passport application

Important: in the old "foreign countries" write information about children under 14 years old. After reaching this age, the child must order a separate document for himself.

Where to draw up

A few words about where you can request a studied passport. Citizens solve this problem in different ways.

Today, the population has the right to submit a request for a “foreigner” to:

  • MFC;
  • UFMS;
  • migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

An online document can also be ordered. In this case, the public services portal will come to the rescue. The main thing is to register in advance on the service. Otherwise, the corresponding service will be blocked.

Main package

Now we find out what documents are needed for an old-style passport. Let's start with the main package, which is useful to adult citizens.

If a "foreigner" asks a person after 18 years old, he will be required to:

  • civil type identification card;
  • application (can be filled in advance, 2 copies);
  • photos (4 pieces);
  • receipt of state duty.

That's all. But from citizens, depending on the circumstances, additional documents are required for an old-style passport. Without them, the request will not go through the processing stage.

Documents on the "foreign" for children

Other papers for adults

What is it about? The thing is that applicants may encounter various packages of documentation for the implementation of the task. And if you prepare in advance, you can easily issue a passport.

An identity card for travel from adult citizens of the Russian Federation often requires the following certificates:

  • discharge from the place of residence;
  • military card (for those liable for military service);
  • track record (for pensioners or unemployed);
  • work book (for working citizens);
  • old "foreigner" (if available);
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • certificates indicating a change in name / surname / patronymic.

If the applicant is a military man, he needs to additionally attach the command’s permission to obtain a passport of a foreign type. There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult in this.

To enter data on children

What's next? Sometimes applicants prefer to immediately enter information about children under 14 years of age in their passport. This requires a number of additional references.

Documents for an old passport when entering information about children in it will include additionally:

  • written request (for each child);
  • baby photo;
  • a check indicating the state duty.

Nothing more is needed. When providing such a package of documents, a citizen will be able to write about the child in the old foreign passport. These certificates will need to be presented with the expectation of each baby.

Military ID of the Russian Federation

Package for babies

If the parent has a record of the child in the “abroad”, the minor will be able to travel with the legal representative. But often children need to leave Russia unaccompanied. Then you have to order a separate foreign passport.

Consider the documents for the old passport for persons under 14 years of age. Do you want to issue a separate travel certificate? Then the parents have to prepare:

  • passport of one of the parents;
  • application (filled in by legal representative);
  • certificate of registration of a minor;
  • 3 photos;
  • birth certificate;
  • citizenship insert (if any);
  • receipt of state duty.

The child is not native? It's not a problem! After all, then the legal representative of the minor applies certificates of adoption / guardianship / guardianship. The old passport will also have to be attached. But only when the document has already been drawn up.

After 14

We examined the documents for an old passport of up to 14 years of the applicant. In real life, babies are not made separate "foreign". This is a huge rarity. It’s much easier to enter the details of the children in the parent’s “abroad”.

"State services" and ordering a passport

There remains one more category of citizens that has not yet been considered. We are talking about people aged 14-18 years. They need other documents for an old-style passport.

The package of papers includes:

  • child's passport;
  • legal representative identification card;
  • foreign passport of a minor, if any;
  • profile (2 pieces);
  • personal photos (4 pieces);
  • birth / adoption certificate;
  • Citizenship insert (if applicable)
  • application completed on behalf of the legal representative;
  • fee payment receipt.

You can additionally attach an attributed certificate (to the boys). On this certificate to obtain the previously mentioned paper ends.


How long to wait for readiness? The answer depends on some circumstances. What should the population be guided by?

In 2018, travel identity cards are produced:

  • 1 month - when applying at the place of residence of the applicant;
  • 4 months - if the application is submitted without taking into account the registration of the person;
  • 3 months - for persons with information on state secrets;
  • up to 3 days - if there are good reasons.

That's all. The deadline for the production of the document does not depend on the method of submitting the request for the implementation of the idea.

Photo Requirements

Service cost

We studied the documents for the old passport at the MFC. The proposed lists of securities are relevant for any registration authority. If a person applies to the MFC, he can take photographs for a foreign passport on the spot. The rest will have to prepare the documentation listed above.

How much does the manufacturing cost? First, it’s important to determine who the help is ordered for.

In 2018, the state duty for the operation is:

  • 2,000 rubles - for adults and people after 18;
  • 1,000 rubles - for children;
  • 500 rubles - the cost of entering information about the child in the parent's passport.

So much to pay for the old sample document. No further payments for the procedure are provided.

If a person transfers funds for an operation through State Services, he is entitled to a discount. It is 30% of the payment amount.

Order instruction

A few words about how to properly request a passport. In the case of the old sample document, there should be no problems. A similar type of identity card is issued in all the agencies listed above.

The action algorithm looks like this:

  1. Generate a package of documents for the implementation of the task.
  2. Contribute to the state treasury for a service.
  3. Submit a request to the registration authority.
  4. At the appointed time, take an internal passport and pick up a foreign passport.

If we are talking about the paperwork of a child after 14 years old, it is important that the teenager is present when applying. Otherwise, the request will not be processed.

The passport of the Russian Federation for "foreign countries"


We found out what documents for an old-style passport a citizen of the Russian Federation should attach in a particular case. Only original references will be considered.

For urgent issuance of the mentioned certificate, you will need to attach any evidence of the need for an urgent move. For instance:

  • direction to the sanatorium;
  • a certificate from a doctor or hospital;
  • referral for emergency surgery.


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