David Herbert Lawrence. Biography

David Herbert Lawrence is one of the most famous English writers of the early twentieth century. In his novels, he promoted his own worldview. The writer urged to abandon the influence of a dehumanizing industrial society. In return, he proposed a return to spontaneous and natural life. Want to learn about the fate, worldview and work of this cult writer? Read this article!

David Herbert Lawrence

David Herbert Lawrence. Biography

Lawrence was born in 1885 in a large family (was the fourth child) of a former teacher and illiterate miner. Because of this contrast, intellectually the relationship between the spouses was strained. This pretty much influenced the young writer.

From childhood, David Herbert Lawrence showed an interest in learning, and in particular in literature. In 1898, the boy received a scholarship to the Higher Nottingham School. And already in 1906, the future writer graduated from the University of Nottingen at the Faculty of Education. After that, Lawrence got a job at Croydon Elementary School. It was there that he began to write his first stories and poems. Success was not long in coming. Already in 1907, David Herbert Lawrence won the short story contest, which was hosted by the popular English newspaper Nottingham Guardian. This victory brings the writer the first rays of fame.

Further activities

David continues his creative career. His poems and stories are actively published by other English newspapers. However, the writer decides to try himself in new genres. Thus, in 1911, Lawrence’s first novel , The White Peacock , was published . The work, although it did not resonate, nevertheless, thanks to him, Lawrence was able to get good money. This allowed him to leave teaching and to devote himself completely to creativity.

David Herbert Lawrence Books

The first serious work of David can be considered a novel called "Sons and Lovers", which was published in 1913. This work is semi-autobiographical. In it, Lawrence talks about his youth and ambiguous relationships with his own parents. According to the famous magazine "Newsquick", the novel "Sons and Lovers" deserves 71st place in the ranking of the hundred best books of all time.


In 1912, Lawrence met the wife of his former university professor, who was the mother of three children. An incredible passion immediately arises between David and Frida. And after a couple of months they go on a trip. After wandering around Germany and Italy, which lasted for two years, the lovers return to England and get married. The stormy marriage inspired Lawrence to write the first collection of poems, entitled “Look! We've done it!”.

While abroad, Lawrence began work on a rather voluminous work called The Sisters. Later, the novels “Women in Love” and “Rainbow” were included in the project, which were written by David Herbert Lawrence in a rather short time. The writer's books were banned for publication due to obscene content.

David Herbert Lawrence Biography


Disappointed in England and the English society, which rejected his work, the writer and his wife leave the country forever. Despite the crushing criticism of his compatriots, David Herbert Lawrence continues his creative activity. Thus, in 1920, a novel called "The Missing Girl" was released. This work brings the author the prestigious James Tight Black Prize. After that, Lawrence publishes a couple more works that made a stir in the world literary community (for example, Aaron's Flute, Kangaroo, Classical American Literature). Also, after long trips around the world, Lawrence publishes four descriptions of his wanderings.

In the last years of his life, while in Florence, David writes a work that can be safely called the magnum opus of Lawrence's work. We are talking about the novel "Lady Chatterley's Lover", which stirred up all world literature. It is interesting that this work was published in the UK only in 1960.

In 1930, the writer’s health was shaken. Lawrence was undergoing treatment in a sanatorium, however, in May of the same year he died of tuberculosis.

David Herbert Lawrence. Poems

Lawrence tried himself in lyrics from his youth. Initially, David created in the usual for that time Gregorian manner. Nevertheless, soon the poet developed his own unique and inimitable style, which had some shades of imagism.

David Herbert Lawrence Poem

Lawrence's poetry was very bright, subtle and sensual. She was strongly knocked out of the then conservative concepts of the poem. It is for this reason that Lawrence’s lyrics did not win wide acclaim from critics and readers. During the life of David's poetry, only a narrow circle of connoisseurs was read. Nevertheless, Lawrence’s lyric works are now considered not only in English, but also in world literature. The most popular poems that you definitely need to read include Self-Pity, Hummingbird, and Vice versa.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22215/

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