Poets of World War II

The Great Patriotic War ... This is perhaps the most terrible grief of the twentieth century. How many Soviet soldiers died in its bloody battles, defending their homeland with their breasts, how many remained disabled! .. But although the Nazis had the majority of the war, the Soviet Union still won. Have you ever wondered why? Indeed, in comparison with the Germans, the Soviet army did not have many military vehicles and thorough military training. The desire to defend themselves was caused by the works of Soviet poets and writers who inspired the soldiers to exploits. It is hard to believe, but even in those troubled times, there were many talented people among the Soviet people who were able to express their feelings on paper. Most of them went to the front, where their fate was different. A terrible statistic is impressive: on the eve of the war in the USSR, there were 2,186 writers and poets, 944 of them went to the battlefield, and 417 did not return from there. Those who were the youngest were not yet twenty, the oldest was around 50 years old. If it weren’t for the war, perhaps they would now be equated with the great classics - Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin and others. But, as the catchphrase from the work of Olga Berggolts says, "no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten." The post-war manuscripts of both the dead and the surviving writers and poets were placed in print media that were circulated throughout the USSR. So, what kind of people are the poets of World War II? Below is a list of the most famous ones.

Poets of World War II

1. Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)

poets of the great patriotic war

At the very beginning of World War II, she wrote several poster poems. It was further evacuated from Leningrad until the first siege winter. The next two years she has to live in Tashkent. During the war, she wrote many poems.

2. Olga Berggolz (1910-1975)

poetry of the great patriotic war

During the war, she lived in besieged Leningrad, working on the radio and every day supporting the courage of the inhabitants. Then her best works were written.

3. Andrey Malyshko (1912-1970)

poetry of the great patriotic war

Throughout the war, he worked as a special correspondent for such front-line newspapers as “For Soviet Ukraine!”, “Red Army” and “For Honor of the Motherland”. He outlined his impressions of this time on paper only in the postwar years.

4. Sergey Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

poets of the great patriotic war

During the war, he worked as a correspondent for newspapers such as The Stalin Falcon and For the Glory of the Homeland. Retreated to Stalingrad along with the troops.

5. Boris Pasternak (1890-1960)

poetry of the great patriotic war

For most of the war he lived in evacuation in Chistopol, financially supporting all those in need.

6. Alexander Twardowski (1910-1971)

poets of the great patriotic war

He spent the war at the front, working in a newspaper and publishing his essays and poems in it.

7. Pavlo Tychina (1891-1967)

poetry of the great patriotic war

During the war he lived in Ufa, engaged in active creative activities. The articles of Tychin issued during this period inspired Soviet soldiers to fight for their homeland.

These are all the most famous poets of the Great Patriotic War. Now let's talk about their work.

Poetry of the Great Patriotic War

Most poets devoted their time mainly to wartime. Then many works were written, later awarded various prizes in literature. The poetry of the Great Patriotic War has relevant themes - horror, misfortune and grief of war, grief for the dead Soviet soldiers, a tribute to the heroes who sacrifice themselves to save the homeland.


A huge number of poems were written in those troubled years. A prose works then created even more. This is despite the fact that some poets of World War II also served at the front. Nevertheless, the theme (both in poetry and prose) is the same - their authors earnestly hope for victory and eternal peace.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22216/

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