The peoples of Middle-earth: a brief description

There were several peoples in Middle-earth. Each race had its own distinctive features that distinguished them from others. But each of the peoples of Middle-earth took part in important events, including the Battle of the Five Armies.


One of the peoples of Middle-earth is people. They occupy a large part of the continent. It should be noted that Middle-earth is part of Arda - the world invented by J.R. R. Tolkien. People are divided into several peoples, which also differ among themselves.

  • Easterlings - live in the mysterious kingdom of Rune, which is located in the northern part of Mordor. These are warriors seasoned in numerous battles, armed with axes and swords. They are at war with the Gondorians and the Dwarves. Also famous for their archers. Lead a nomadic lifestyle.
  • Black Numenoreans - once they were true Numenoreans, in whom the "blood of kings" flowed. They were the military might of Arnor. But most of them went over to the side of the Sorcerer King. After their Sorcerer King was defeated, they began to lead a sedentary life. They live in small settlements and have almost become barbarians. Enmity with the Dunadans and Elves of Rivendell Maintain good relations with some orcs and goblins.
  • The Dunadans are descendants of the Numenor, and after Arnor fell apart, they were nicknamed the "rangers." Most of them wandered in the north and waged a secret war with the black Numenoreans and goblins. The Dunadans were close friends with the elves of Rivendel and knew their way of life better than anyone else.
Gondor stews
  • Rohirim - are allies and subjects of Gondor. These were tall people with blond hair. The Rohirim were famous for their horses and were considered the best riders, not inferior to the elves in the art of riding. All Rohans, even women, were born warriors and studied military craft.
  • Gondorians are the southern kingdom of the Dunadans, founded by Elendil. They differed from others in more dark skin and strong disposition. Brave and proud warriors maintained strong friendships with the Rohans. Minas Tirith was considered its main and unshakable fortress.
  • Haradrims - do not belong to the Numenoreans. They lived in deserts and were vassals of Mordor. Known for their skillful handling of spears, bows and sabers. Also did not wear heavy armor. The main military power of the Haradians was the Mumaki - huge mammoth-like creatures.

Not all of these races took part in important battles for Middle-earth. The most respected were the Gondorians and the Dunadans.


One of the most mysterious peoples of Middle-earth - the elves. These are immortal creatures with magical powers and extraordinary dexterity. The elves also had extensive knowledge and love art, respected all the subtleties of etiquette.

Elves of Middle-earth

Among their clans, the Noldors should be distinguished - these are some of the most skilled blacksmiths who were not inferior to the dwarves in this craft. It was they who forged the rings to Sauron and, possibly, a new sword for Aragorn. But the highest elven clan was the Eldar. They were very powerful.


Dwarves are one of the free peoples of Middle-earth. According to legend, they were made of stone. They were considered the most skilled craftsmen in stone-cutting and blacksmithing. They were short, strong and stocky. Dwarves were distinguished by endurance, industriousness and secrecy.

dwarf from middle-earth

Often they were at enmity with people, because they wanted to take possession of the wealth of the dwarves. Elves also did not like. But there were examples when the dwarves were on friendly terms with them (for example, the elf Legolas and the dwarf Gimli).


This is one of the ancient peoples of Middle-earth. Only about the hobbits little was known due to the fact that they led a very calm and measured lifestyle. They were half human height, with large feet and small abdomen, because they loved to eat deliciously.

The Fellowship of the Ring

The hobbits inhabited the Shire, they lived in holes that were very well landscaped. They loved to receive guests and go to visit themselves. The hobbits led a calm life and rarely left the Shire. But there were exceptions among them - these were Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, who took part in important events for Middle-earth.


Another people of Middle-earth are the orcs. They were created by Melkor through experiments with dark magic over elves. They were distinguished by cruelty and barbarism, constituted the main military power of Sauron.

There were other peoples in Middle-earth Tolkien who fought against the army of Sauron. All these races show how grandiose and vast the work of J.R. R. Tolkien turned out to be. He created a special world in which there was a place for people, and wise elves, and hardworking gnomes, and even nations like orcs and goblins. And, of course, the main characters were the hobbits, who showed by their example that one does not need to have high stature or extraordinary abilities in order to accomplish great things.


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