Targeted social payment. Targeted assistance

Targeted social payment is the stateโ€™s concern for its citizens. Financing is aimed at those categories of the population who are in a difficult situation. Such social payments and benefits are issued to those in need of material assistance. To take advantage of this opportunity, you need to collect a full package of documents, which will be presented to your attention below. For additional advice, everyone can contact the nearest social security service of the population of their city.

Who is eligible?

Who is eligible for targeted social benefits? Not everyone can receive additional support from the state. There are categories of people who can count on benefits. These include:

  • people of working age;
  • disabled people;
  • people with low social status;
  • low-income citizens.

targeted social payment

For different categories, there are separate types of targeted assistance. It could be:

  • Targeted social payment.
  • Free meals for families with very little income in specialized dining rooms.
  • Social benefit.

Assistance to a citizen of the country: social benefits

For certain categories of citizens in cases of unemployment, lack of health for employment or low income, state support is relied on. One-time social benefits or monthly material assistance is of great importance. People in a difficult situation can be sure that they will not have to die of starvation. After all, hopeless situations do not exist.

social benefits

Of course, targeted assistance is designed for people with disabilities who need technical means of rehabilitation. Devices that help a person to live fully, and are technical means. Devices that are used to compensate or eliminate certain life limitations of a person, give him the opportunity not only to exist, but also to live fully. The state provides social assistance to people with visual, hearing, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Children under two years old also rely on state assistance, namely the provision of free food.

The nuances of granting benefits for technical rehabilitation

Children who have not yet reached the age of eighteen, who have not received official confirmation of disability, but who need help according to the testimony of doctors, may have benefits for technical means of social rehabilitation. Persons with disabilities of the third group can also receive assistance from the state without any problems. It should be clarified that persons with disabilities who have been injured due to alcohol and drugs are not included in the group of people who have the right to receive state aid for rehabilitation.

The essence of one-time and monthly payments

A one-time social allowance is a one-time payment of material resources to people of a certain social category. In order to receive social benefits for families with low incomes, it is necessary to calculate the amount for living per person. A lump-sum payment will occur only if the average family income does not exceed 100 percent of the minimum wage in the country.

targeted assistance

In any difficult life situation, citizens can receive one-time state assistance. All that needs to be done is to submit documents confirming the absence of additional income.

Monthly state aid is given for a period of one to six months. The main reason for applying for a cash payment is a very small family budget, the level of which is lower than the cost of living for one person. Such targeted assistance makes it possible to purchase food, medicine and clothing.

A package of documents that are needed to receive social assistance

In addition to the main statement, a number of documents need to be submitted. What are these papers? It is necessary to present the passports of the spouses, the birth certificate of the child. If the children are of legal age, they will also have to present their passports. If an application for targeted payment is written by a single mother, she must also submit a document establishing paternity, if any. People who are married and need the help of the state are required to submit a marriage certificate with the application.

one-time social payment

Persons whose marriage has been dissolved, submit the relevant documentation. All family members who do not work, but are of working age, bring along with the application and work books. Those family members who work must be provided with a statement of income for the previous 6 months. A family with additional or main income from the sale of farm products must bring a certificate confirming legitimate trade. Persons with benefits for medicinal products are required to submit an appropriate card. People living in private homes also attach a copy of the house book to the application .

Documentation for receiving rehabilitation

The state targeted social payment for rehabilitation funds is given to the citizen after the submission of certain documents. Along with the application, a copy of the passport, a certificate of a disabled person (applies to group III disabled people) and a document confirming the birth of a child who is not fourteen years old are submitted. A medical certificate is considered a very important document for receiving benefits for all rehabilitation means. An individual patient rehabilitation plan, recommendations of a doctor of a state medical institution should be prescribed here. A compulsory pension insurance certificate is also required.

social payments to families

After the applicant submits all the necessary documentation to the bodies responsible for the social protection of the population, a data bank is created in need of state payments. Further, the documents are transferred to the body authorized by the head of the administration, which decides whether it is possible to charge social benefits to a specific family. Additionally, the amount of financial assistance is determined with a positive result.

State allowance for baby food up to two years of age

You can receive a food allowance for young children whose age is less than two years under a single condition. The monthly family income per person should not exceed 100 percent of the cost of living.

social payments and benefits

To get help, you must contact the nearest social security agency and submit the necessary package of documents. This includes the passports of parents, the birth certificate of the baby, documents confirming the amount of income.

Handbook for the purchase of diapers for children with disabilities

Children with disabilities, having the first and fourth groups of various physical deviations in health, are entitled to receive funds that reimburse the cost of diapers. Disabled people who can receive state assistance do not include people who have been injured due to illegal actions and various types of intoxication.

All social benefits are aimed at improving the living standards of needy citizens and should not become an opportunity to receive additional income. Any fraudulent activities are prosecuted.


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