On the flag of which state is a white cross present? What does the white cross on the flag mean?

The use of the cross for state symbols is a widespread phenomenon. Many countries of the world, and especially Europe, can boast of just such images on their flags or emblems. But in every country, this symbol has its own history and significance.

On the flag of which state is a white cross present?


This Scandinavian country uses a red flag with a white cross. The Danish banner is one of the oldest in Europe. The cross is uneven, with the middle part in the center of the canvas and a vertical strip shifted to the left. The scarlet color symbolizes strength and courage, as well as the valor that the inhabitants showed in the wars for their native land. For the first time, the Danish flag with a white cross was used in the thirteenth century, during the battle of Lindanis. According to legend, a flag fell from heaven during a battle. An unexpected gift from God was received in 1219 and named “Danneborg” precisely in honor of its sacred origin.


In Europe, more than one red flag with a white cross is used. In addition to Denmark, Switzerland uses such symbolism. However, its standard has a very special look. The square red flag in itself looks rather unusual, and a white cross with equal sides in the middle reinforces the impression. The cloth is used since 1889. According to some reports, the flag was borrowed from the canton of Schwyz, one of those that formed the Swiss Confederation in 1291 . However, then the crosses reached the edges and the cloth looked much more like modern Danish symbolism.


When figuring out which state a white cross is on the flag of, it is necessary to pay attention to the Greek standard. He has a very interesting and meaningful story. The flag with the white cross was first used in 1807; it was made at the Evangelistrias Monastery of Skiathos. The local hieromonk took the oath of the leaders of the Greek revolution on it. In 1978, the flag with a white cross was slightly changed: nine horizontal stripes of white-blue color, symbolizing naval forces, were added to it.

Blue flag with a white cross
There are other theories about the meaning of this image. So, nine is the number of syllables of the revolutionary slogan of the time of the national liberation struggle of 1821. According to another version, the blue flag with a white cross complements the word "freedom" - in Greek there are just so many letters in it. Finally, there is a third version: nine strips symbolize muses from ancient Hellenic mythology - Kalliopu, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polygynia, Terpsichore, Thalia and Urania.


Among the answers to the question of which flag of the state there is a white cross, there will be this distant mysterious place. Iceland is a Scandinavian country, so the similarity of motives in national symbols cannot be surprising. For the first time, the Icelandic flag - blue with a white cross, on top of which is red - began to be used in 1918, after gaining sovereignty.

Blue flag with a white cross
Each color has its own symbolic meaning. White denotes snow and ice, blue denotes the waters of the Atlantic, which surround the island state on all sides. Red color is a symbol of Icelandic volcanoes. Interestingly, the country has a special law for using the flag. Hanging it out is not civil law, but a special privilege.

When using, observe the rules. The cloth should not be wrinkled, worn or with distorted colors. The blue flag with a white cross, which is considered an unofficial symbol, should not be used either. For insulting the state standard, you can get punishment up to a year in prison.


Listing the answers to the question about which state has a white cross on the flag, one should not forget about this country. The symbol of the northern part of Great Britain is a blue background and a white St. Andrew's cross. The proportions of the width and length are not determined by strict regulation. The secret name "soltoir" comes from the French word, which denoted the type of stirrup.

Flag: blue background, white cross
The history of the flag is connected with St. Andrew, who was the brother of the Apostle Peter and one of the followers of Jesus Christ. He was crucified on two intersecting pillars, since he considered it unworthy to die as his teacher did. According to legend, the monk Regulus brought the remains of St. Andrew to Scotland. He had a dream telling them to take them as far as possible from Constantinople, and Scottish land was then the farthest direction possible. According to another version, the flag was first used after the battle of Edinburgh, when the clouds dispersed, forming the same St. Andrew’s cross in the sky.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

An English standard called Union Jack is world famous. But, wondering what flag the state has a white cross on, not everyone will remember that Great Britain is also suitable as an answer.

The famous banner combines the symbols of three countries. The basis is the English flag - a white background, a red cross, located in a straight line. The Irish flag with the same color scheme, but diagonal arrangement, complements the panel. The Scottish flag - blue background, white cross - completes the combination, giving the symbol of the united state its standard modern look.

Red flag with a white cross


Thinking about which state has a white cross on its flag, one should not exclude from the attention countries that no longer exist, although their symbolism has been preserved and is even used by some people. This is especially true of the Confederation banner. The battle flag, under which the southern states fought in the American Civil War, is still in use by those who regret the unification with the North, as well as among the bikers who made the symbol a part of their culture. The red cloth is decorated with a white St. Andrew’s cross with blue stripes on top, on which the stars are located according to the number of lands included in the Confederation. The union also used other symbols, but they all too strongly resembled the main star-striped flag of America, which was a rival of the southerners. Therefore, it is the military standard that is still not difficult to see in the former southern states on the machines or houses of conservatives: in South or North Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee or Alabama as well as Missouri or Kentucky - it is found everywhere.


Perhaps the most original answer to the question of which state has a white cross on the flag is this Balkan country. Slovakia’s standard does not use the classic four-sided version. The flag cross has two horizontal crossbars and is markedly different from all other species used in the symbols of other countries.

Flag with a white cross
Initially, the panel consisted of only two bands, the upper red and lower white. Soon, a double cross appeared in symbolism. It was also used in the seal of the city of Nitra in the thirteenth century. Further historical events forced the Slovaks to use different symbols, but after the "velvet" revolution with the separation from the Czech Republic in 1990, they again returned to the previous standard, which includes horizontal stripes and a white double cross on the scarlet field, depicted on the shield near the pole. It allows Slovakia to stand out from other banners in the same colors with a similar arrangement.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22257/

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