Attic ventilation in a private house: project, layout, execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step instructions and expert advice

Attic in country houses today in many cases make residential. In this case, when covering the slopes, airtight materials are used, for example, a plastic film. As a result, the attic of houses is often obtained almost completely airtight. Accordingly, in order to ensure normal air exchange in such rooms, a ventilation system is installed in them.

Attic ventilation

They also install such utilities in cold attics. If they are present on such attics on the eaves of the roof in the future does not form ice. In the summer, intensive attic ventilation in a private house helps to reduce the heating temperature of roofing materials. And this, in turn, can significantly extend their service life.

What types of systems can be used

Thus, the question of whether ventilation of the attic of a private house is needed should not be faced by its owners at all. It will be necessary to equip the ventilation system of this room in any case.

Mounted ventilation of attics in private homes is usually using the same technologies as in the main rooms. At the same time, attic networks of this variety can be equipped with:

  • with natural air circulation;

  • with forced.

In the first case, air vents are simply provided in the roof structure. At the same time, they are placed in such places so that air can freely circulate through the attic naturally.

Artificial ventilation in the attics is equipped using special equipment. Also in this case, air ducts extend through the attic.

How to provide natural ventilation

So usually equip ventilation in a house with a cold attic. Different methods can be used to ensure the ventilation of the attic in this case. But most often under the ridge of the cold roof during its assembly leave a series of holes. In this case, perforated spotlights are used for filing cornices. In this case, a small draft is created under the ramps and air begins to circulate freely inside the attic. He enters the attic, into the holes in the filing of the cornice and is removed through the ridge.

Very often, so-called aerator pipes are also used to provide natural ventilation in the attic in a private house. Such fungi pass through the slope in the area of ​​the ridge. In fact, they simply replace the upper vents. The advantage of their use is primarily that they are not clogged with snow in the winter.

Skate ventilation

Dormer windows

This method of ventilation is usually used for medium-sized attics. Mount the dormer windows on the attic so that they are located opposite each other. When installing such elements, among other things, follow the rules:

  • the minimum size of the windows should be 60 x 80 cm;

  • the step between the windows should be at least 1 m.

Ventilation of insulated ramps

In this case, approximately the same ventilation technology is used as on cold roofs. That is, holes are provided under the ridge and in the casing of the cornice. But the air in this case does not circulate inside the attic, but in the slope pie. In order for it to freely pass under the casing, an air gap of 3-5 cm thick is provided between it and the hydroinsulator. It is equipped using ordinary bars. Such lumber is simply used to fasten the waterproofing to the rafters. Instead of holes under the ridge, aerators can also be mounted in this case.


When equipping ventilation in a cold attic in a private house with natural air circulation, usually only take into account that:

  • outlets and aerators should be located as close as possible to the ridge;

  • the step between them should be no more than 60 cm;

  • the holes in the filing of the cornices for free access of air should be drilled in such a quantity that they account for at least 10 pieces per 1 m 2 (with a diameter of 2 cm).

A forced ventilation system, which in most cases is part of a communal network, is not worth designing on your own. Such work should still be entrusted to a specialist. Mistakes in developing a scheme for laying ducts in a private house can not be made in any case. Otherwise, for example, in living rooms, there will subsequently appear the smells of the kitchen and the restroom, the owners of the house will significantly increase heating costs in the winter and more.

Attic ventilation scheme

Materials and tools for the installation of a forced system

The forced ventilation project at home, including the attic, is usually trusted by specialists. But you can mount such a network according to the schemes developed by the engineer, of course, yourself. Materials for work in this case will need to be prepared as follows:

  • plastic or metal ducts;

  • clamps;

  • self-tapping screws;

  • consumables - angles, tees, nozzles.

Of the tools for installing such a network, you will need a drill, a building level, a square, a tape measure, a hammer and so on.

How to make ventilation in the attic of a private house: step-by-step technology for installing forced networks

Such systems are usually assembled only on heated attics. As already mentioned, the ventilation network of the attic in this case is part of the house building.

In order to get fresh air into the building, when installing forced systems, a hole is pre-drilled in the wall of the house. Then a pipe is inserted into it. From the street, this element is closed with a decorative grille. Inside the house, a supply duct is connected to the pipe. When using such a scheme, the discharge line is passed to the roof of a private house. The output of the ventilation pipe through the attic is carried out using passage units. They are mounted in the thickness of the floor and slope.

After that, both main lines are connected to the supply and exhaust unit. At the next stage, sleeves designed for intake and air supply are pulled into the premises of the house, including the attic. If the owners introduced ventilation in a private house to the attic, they will subsequently have to make sure that the room always has a plus temperature. If the building is heated irregularly, the ducts in such an engineering network must be insulated.

There are certain rules for laying a ventilation system in private homes. Through the attic, if it is residential, as well as through ordinary rooms, air ducts stretch most often behind the wall cladding. At the same time, the sleeve supplying fresh air is led out to the attic, making a hole in the lining below, next to the ceiling. Next, mask the exit with a decorative grill.

The outlet sleeve is brought out higher - under the ceiling or closer to the ridge. With this arrangement of ventilation holes, attic ventilation will subsequently be more effective. Indeed, warm, already polluted air in the attics, as in any other room, according to the laws of physics, always rises.

Roof Aerators

Forced-air and exhaust installations

Such equipment when assembling forced networks is usually mounted in the attic itself. It is best to purchase a unit of this type with a recuperator to equip the ventilation system of a country house. In such units, incoming air from outside is heated from the exhaust stream before being fed into the premises. As a result, building owners have to spend less on heating in winter.

Another way

Sometimes attic ventilation in private houses with a duct system is carried out in a slightly different way. In this case, dormers are equipped in the attic. The flow of air into the premises is subsequently ensured through them. For its removal in the lining of the attic, holes are made at the very top and the sleeve is removed from the main hood of the building.

DIY ventilation in the attic of a private house: how to mount aerators

Such elements, as already mentioned, are used to remove polluted and filled with water vapor air from the attic or from the thickness of slopes. Mount ventilation aerators on the roof of the house, including with their own hands, using a fairly simple technology. To install them:

  • cut a hole in the roofing material;

  • I mount the pipe itself;

  • fasten the casing.

When installing aerators without fail, among other things, use sealant.

Ventures next to the skate

Cornice technology

In large cottages, slope overhangs are usually closed using perforated spotlights. The builders do not have to perform any additional actions to ensure ventilation of the attic of the house or the slopes of its roof. But the spotlights are quite expensive. And therefore, in the construction of budget houses, of course, they are usually not used.

When constructing small country or residential suburban buildings, they usually do the work on creating ventilation in the attic of a private house with their own hands. In this case, in most cases, the cornices are hemmed with a trimmed board. In such a material, to ensure attic ventilation, holes are made with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, placing them in small increments.

Quite often, cornices in country houses are hemmed and clapboard. Holes in such material for ventilation of slopes do not. The lamellas of the lining, since they do not differ significantly in width, are simply placed at a small distance from each other when covering the cornice. The ventilation of slopes in this case is provided through the gaps between the boards.

When erecting small, cheap houses, cornices are sometimes hemmed with a professional sheet. In order for air to flow freely into the attic, this material is usually mounted in such a way that a narrow gap forms between it and the wall of the house along the entire length.

Ventilation through the eaves

Assembly technology for dormers

Such elements of the attic ventilation system of a private house can be mounted using different methods. The easiest way, of course, in this case is to insert a frame between the rafters and supplement it with a double-glazed window with a profile. But if desired, more aesthetic dormers can also be arranged on the roof.

In this case, builders make some changes to the very design of the rafter system of the house. That is, in fact, they assemble a separate frame under the window. For its installation, most often:

  • fasten vertical racks to the rafters and connect them at the top with a horizontal beam;

  • connect the resulting U-shaped structure with the rafters at the top with a board or bar;

  • they collect on the β€œbox” of the auditory opening made in this way a mini rafter system;

  • sheathed with insulation and roofing material the walls of the dormer window and its "roof".

At the final stage, a double-glazed window is inserted into the U-shaped opening.

Modern double-glazed windows, as you know, are leakproof. For attics, you should buy special designs of this type, supplemented by ventilation valves. Through the latter, later in the winter season, fresh air will also flow. In summer, the sash of such windows can simply be kept ajar.

Dormer window

Builder tips

Whatever attic ventilation scheme was chosen by the owner of the building, when arranging such a network, all the necessary technologies should be observed exactly. This will guarantee uninterrupted operation of the ventilation in the attic in the future. When installing such networks, among other things, you should adhere to such recommendations from experienced builders:

  • dormer windows in the attic should be placed at an equal distance from the ridge, the edges of the ramps and the cornice;

  • roof aerators can only be installed if the slope angle of the slopes is 15-45 degrees.

Also, experienced craftsmen advise beginners when arranging ventilation to place the supply and exhaust equipment no closer than 8 meters to the discharge pipe.


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