"Wild landowner" (summary)

Saltykov-Shchedrin's works are focused on a thinking, intelligent readership. Humor and subtle irony smoothly turn into cruel sarcasm, and a huge amount of literary art tools used by him can help broaden the horizons and lexical baggage of a modern teenager.

wild landowner summary

It is important that in Shchedrin's tales the original Russian traditions and customs are taken as a basis, which acquaint us with the life of our ancestors. Hot topics were raised by the author in his tales and stories. Sometimes, behind sarcasm, one could guess the writer's discontent with the public order and the government as a whole. He, as a true artist, was able to emphasize problems on a global scale.

"Wild Landowner": a summary of the satirical tale

This is one of the deepest works of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

If you are limited in time, then in order to find out the story to the end, we advise you to read "The Wild Landowner" - a brief summary. This instructive story is an excellent read for both an adult and a child. A thin thread of irony, turning into explicit sarcasm, can be traced throughout the tale. So, a summary of the "Wild landowner."

In the tale, the author talks about the landowner, who was sufficiently provided with everything except the mind. And, as often happens, a stupid person is drawn to "exploits."

He lived happily ever after, he didn’t bother, but he didn’t feel at ease from the Russian peasants and peasants, and he complained to the Lord about his intolerant share, they say, the peasant’s spirit was not like him. God knew that the landowner did not have a clear mind and left his pleas without fulfillment. Then the angry landowner decided to survive all the men from the estate, complicating their life by extreme measures. The life of the peasants was unbearable: it was impossible to breathe or to step without demand and knowledge, and for the slightest offense, the most severe punishment followed. And the men gave their prayers to the Lord, seeking help at a difficult time for them. God had mercy on the peasants and through the air carried the whole “chaff spirit” away from the possessions of the harsh landowner. And the man of grace and clean air rejoiced, and peace and loneliness.

wild landowner summary
To celebrate, the landowner decided to pamper himself with the theater. Yes, nothing good came of this - he was only called a "fool," because without the peasants there was no one to arrange the scenery and raise the curtain.

Then the hero decided to invite the guests to play cards with him. He sent an invitation to all eminent generals, who gladly responded, but having learned that, apart from gingerbread and candy, they would not be treated to anything, they left terribly evil, calling our mountain landowner a fool. Our landowner was thoughtful, because it was not in vain that he was still called that.

However, thoughts away ... and then the proud landowner lives, enjoys the fresh air, eats gingerbread cookies, does not wash, does not shave. He is full of dreams - thinking about buying cars that can replace human hands. As Saltykov-Shchedrin describes in the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner", this character dreamed of such a state that he saw his dedication to the ministers for persistent inflexibility and perseverance. However, the rainy day came - the police arrived to check his life, and he also called the stupid landowner a fool.

And the landowner understood that not only his stubbornness was damaged, but also the whole state. The landowner was scared and completely run wild: he was buried from the light, hunted, made friends with the bear.

wild landowner Saltykov Shchedrin

Meanwhile, the authorities are concerned about the state of things. And it was decided to return the peasants back and reproach the landowner for his utter stupidity and obstinacy. In the end, the situation was corrected, the affairs of the state were back to square one, and the landowner reconciled with the presence of a “chaffy spirit”.

Here are just a few facts from the history of the "Wild Landowner". The summary of the instructive tale, of course, also allows us to understand the deep meaning inherent in it, and the importance of peasants (and generally ordinary people) in the life of the country.

I hope you had a chance to read Shchedrin's "Wild Landowner" in the original? The summary will tell you only the main points and ideas of the work. And, perhaps, it will prompt you to read the original, if you have not done so already!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22262/

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